Nan Xiaoniao:"……You saved our lives before! And the one who disappeared directly in front of me? Is he the president of this special guild?"

Nan Xiaoniao:"No matter what! Thank you very much. If you hadn't saved our lives! The consequences are simply unimaginable."

While suddenly realizing it, Nan Qinli also sincerely apologized. She couldn't calm down at the moment. All kinds of thoughts ran through her brain, making her thoughts messy.

Su Xiaoxiao:"It doesn't have to be like this! I arrived in your world. This is to protect your world! The Abyssal Reincarnators, or members of the Abyss Breeding Team, are our enemies to begin with."

Su Xiaoxiao:"Rescuing you is just a matter of convenience."

Nan Xiaoniao:"……For you, it may not be worth mentioning! But for me, this is something I cannot be grateful enough for. Nan

Xiaotiao:"Well, Mr. President, do everyone in this guild that spans endless dimensions... know me?""

Nan Xiaoniao's attitude towards Su Han, who had saved her and her friends, was undoubtedly much closer.

White-bearded dad:"Gu la la la! Of course I do. But it’s not like what I said before, just relying on the live broadcast to get to know you. I know you through another thing!"

Whitebeard Dad:"You can go and take a look at the memory copy of"lovelive" in the guild chat room."

Nan Qinli fell into silence. She glanced at the memory copy of"Blessings for a Beautiful World" that Su Han had sent before. She bit her lower lip. After thinking for a moment, she did not go to lovelive. Instead, she clicked on"Blessings for a Beautiful World". Offering blessings.

The surrounding scene changed, and Nan Qinli seemed to have fallen into a real illusion.

She stared blankly at this extremely real scene for a while, and then she recovered. She watched Kazuma helplessly I was scared to death by the tractor. Then I wanted to meet the goddess Aqua

"wait a minute……"

The corner of Nan Qinli's mouth twitched, and she entered the guild chat room. She fell into silence when she looked at the previously banned mentally retarded goddess Aqua.

"This Aqua! Are you the same person as Aqua? ? Nan Qinli felt her teeth were a little sore,"If this is really the case!" Then this really amazing."

Taking a slight breath, Nan Qinli forced herself to calm down.

Although it seems incredible, joining this strange guild is an unimaginable thing. When the incredible and the incredible are combined, it is not like that. It's unacceptable

"Let’s go see lovelive first."

Giving up wishing for a better world, Nan Qinli opened the guild function list, fumbled around, and finally found the memory copy list.

She found lovelive and clicked to enter


Su Han opened his eyes, glanced at Makarov in front of him, and Erza, whose eyes were still closed, and spoke in a gentle voice.

"Now that the matter here has been resolved, I should go back"

"Thank you!"Makarov spoke very solemnly. He bowed deeply,"Although my power is not worth mentioning compared to yours, if you need me for anything in the future. Just ask! Even if I risk my life, I will never refuse."

"Do not worry! When I really need your help, I will ask." Without despising Makarov's strength, Su Han agreed very seriously. Finally, he thought of something and said,"I remember, there are many other people beside Erza, right? Where did those guys go?"

"I randomly found these people in a village! Settled down. There should be no problem!

Touching his nose, Makarov replied,"The inheritor of this dragon!" And Hades, the target is just me. It has nothing to do with those people! So it's impossible to attack them"

"I can rest assured that!"Su Han nodded, closed his eyes, and clicked to submit the task. A brilliant light surrounded Su Han's body.

Finally, Su Han disappeared. Only Makarov stood there for a long time, and then, He cast his gaze on the two corpses with a complicated look on his face.

"Although fell into the dark guild! But no matter what... I am also the second president of Fairy Tail."Makarov's eyes flickered and he made a decision,"Everyone is dead! It's better for me to take care of his affairs."


Among the cherry blossom trees.

Nan Qinri has been standing quietly under the cherry blossom tree for some time.

She closed her eyes and watched LoveLive through the immersion mode, watching Honoka Kosaka lead a group of campus idols to defeat opponents one after another, and finally successfully won the championship, increasing the school's reputation.

After a long silence, Nan Qinli said softly"……What a, great story."

"I think so!"Su Han's gentle voice sounded.

Nan Qinli's expression froze slightly, and then he realized something. He suddenly turned his head and looked at Su Han, with a touch of surprise and anxiety on his face,"Mr. President?!"

"Do you mind walking with me?"Su Han made an invitation gesture, and then added very considerately,"Of course, if you have something to do, you can refuse! I won't mind"

"It's my pleasure!"Nan Qinli nodded seriously.

The two of them walked casually on the street, relaxing.

"I finished watching lovelive, but I didn’t see any information about superpowers!"

Nan Qinli said with doubts and asked Su Han. She could tell that after she joined the guild, Su Han's attitude towards her was much better, gentle and caring, not as distant as a very frank inquiry

"Doesn't the memory copy involve people with super powers? This isn't right either……"

Nan Qinli was very confused. She really couldn't understand what was going on.

It would be understandable if she and her friends hadn't met the members of the Abyss Breeding Team... But they had, and if Su Han hadn't appeared at that time, I'm afraid they would be dead now.

Such important things are not recorded in the memory copy! It's not normal no matter how you think about it. The memory it really a record of the future of their world?

"Your world is a very normal, everyday world."Su Han didn't hide it. If you join the guild, you are an insider.

"Those guys who attacked you before! They're called the Abyssal Reincarnators... you can also call them the Abyss Breeding Team! Generally speaking, they are a group of bad guys who invade the world, cause destruction, and try to destroy the world."

"The mission of the union is to protect many worlds... and kill these guys."

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