The terrifying attraction suddenly erupted from Su Han's palm. Keynes was unable to stop it. His whole body flew up and rushed towards Su Han's direction.


At this moment, Keynes' pupils suddenly shrank, sensing a fatal threat. At this moment, he didn't even care about hurting Erza like he did the first time. He took a breath, and a terrifying black brilliance emerged in his mouth, go all out

"Dragon's Roar……"

Keynes's words stopped suddenly, and his neck was pinched by Su Han.

Su Han stared at Keynes expressionlessly, his wrist gradually tightening like an iron vice. Keynes struggled hard, grabbing Su Han's fingers with both hands, but he couldn't shake them at all. His face gradually turned livid, and the veins on his forehead throbbed. I felt like my neck was about to be strangled by Su Han.

"……How is it possible... to be so strong?"

Hades remained calm, but some cold sweat broke out on his forehead, and at the same time there was a trace of horror in the depths of his pupils.

Although in the first confrontation before, he had already noticed that Su Han was not as simple as he seemed, but He really didn't expect that Su Han's combat power was so strong. Keynes, who was in the same class as him, was captured by Su Han in just one encounter without any resistance.

This even reminded Hades of The legendary black dragon... No! Even that black dragon doesn't have this level of power, right?

"No, we can't continue!"Hades suddenly clenched his palms, and the magical brilliance suddenly burst out and swept forward,"Amaterasu Hundred Shiki."

Hades realized it. If Su Han really killed Keynes, then he would be the next one. He could not let Su Han continue, either emotionally or rationally.

Su Han tightened his other hand, and then, Huo Ran blasted forward.

The void rippled, and then dense cracks appeared like glass. Amaterasu Hyakashi also fragmented along with the space, covering Hades' body at an extremely terrifying speed.

"……What?"Hades didn't even have time to resist, and his body was shattered along with the space.

Blood spattered and screams sounded. The vitality was quickly eliminated.

Su Han's punch looked ordinary, but in fact it not only possessed It has a crushing effect similar to that of the Shock Fruit, and it also contains Su Han's will, and has strong lethality. Even if there is an immortal body, as long as the immortal body does not reach the conceptual level and has the power of laws. Then it will definitely block it. Can't live

"……one move! Just kill the second-generation guild leader of Fairy Tail."Makarov stared at this scene blankly, not knowing whether he should cry or laugh, and murmured,"Even if you already know that the president is very strong! This is too strong"

"Solved one... then next!"Su Han's reincarnation eyes stared at Cairns, causing Cairns to whimper, and there was fear in his eyes.

Cairns wanted to beg Su Han for mercy. Even if he didn't say it out loud, Su Han heard what he saw and heard. However, Su Han didn't The slightest emotion fluctuated. He spat out three words coldly."The way of the world!""

In between breaths, Keynes's soul was extracted and devoured by Su Han.

Su Han closed his eyes and quietly savored Keynes's memory. Finally he opened his eyes and shook his head slightly.

"Is it the most common kind of time traveler? There is nothing valuable in the memory...although it is a bit disappointing! But it's normal."

In Su Han's eyes, there are levels of trouble for time travellers.

Those who have traveled through several worlds and have powerful system assistance are undoubtedly more troublesome. But after joining the time traveler organization, you can travel independently. Those who conquer the world are as difficult to deal with as those who travel through multiple worlds, but even worse.

As for the ones in Su Han's hands that have no system and are ordinary time travellers, they are the best enemies to deal with. As soon as the palm of the hand is loosened, Keynes's body fell to the ground

"Makarov, learn the many skills in the guild chat room. Or, save more points and strengthen or optimize several of your skills in the future."

Su Han glanced at Makarov,"I've finished reading the memory copy! You should just think that your strength is not strong enough now, right?"

"……I see."Makarov didn't argue much and nodded silently. Even if we don't mention Su Han's kindness in saving him, what Su Han said at this moment is indeed extremely correct and there is no way to refute it.

Su Han slowly came to the horse Beside Karov, he knelt down and stared at Erza, who was grabbing the hem of Makarov's clothes and looking a little uneasy.

Su Han smiled and reached out to touch her head. Erza's body tensed. , dare not resist

"do not be afraid!"Su Han's voice was gentle. Although he did not deliberately use his spiritual power, the perfect appearance that came with the sublimation of his infinite way was too charming. He just smiled and eased Erza's nervousness.

"……you are!"Elsa's lips twitched twice.

"My name is Su Han! You can also call me President."Su Han reached out and tapped Erza's forehead,"There should be a special guild interface in your mind, right?"

"How do you know? Erza was taken aback, hesitated, and said uneasily,"That...isn't it a dream?""

"That's not a dream," Su Han stared at Erza, his voice as gentle as ever,"I, Makarov, have this interface in my mind!"

"That so-called interface is a special guild that spans the world of endless dimensions, allowing many union members in endless dimensions to communicate with each other."

Seeing Erza who seemed to understand, Su Han paused for a moment and shook his head,"You have been in the guild for a long time, you will understand in the future."

"Okay," Su Han stood up and whispered to Makarov,"Let me take a look at the rewards for this mission!"

"……mission rewards?"Makarov, who had just joined the guild not long ago, was confused.

He didn't know yet that killing the time traveler was considered a guild mission. There would be rewards from the guild. He closed his eyes and entered the guild mission interface. Su Sure enough, Han saw a mission... Although the appearance of the mission was not beyond Su Han's expectation. But the mission reward this time made Su Han's face become strange.

Mission name: Kill the time traveler.

Mission introduction: Kill appeared in A special traveler in the Fairy Tail world.

Mission restrictions: Only 1~2 guild members are allowed to participate.

Mission settlement: Guild leader Su Xiaoxiao kills the enemy and gets three unlimited lottery chances! Makarov gets one unlimited chance Limited lottery chances. Erza gets one unlimited lottery chance.

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