Zhang Sanfeng looked confused. What does this have to do with him?

He is just an ordinary melon-eating spectator, but now he has been saddled with such a big pot for no reason.

What if the president is angered by these words and he is also included? He doesn't want to enjoy the ban package.

Thinking of this, Zhang Sanfeng's eyes flickered slightly. He made up his mind.

Taoist real person Zhang Sanfeng:"……Do I know you? Mr. Tony, you are making a friend out of nothing."

Tony is not the richest man:"……I always feel that Mr. Zhang Sanfeng’s painting style has been reversed"

L:"Making friends out of nothing...but that's okay."

The Twelve-Winged Black Cat of the Fallen Angel:"A friend came out of nowhere... Hahaha, forgive me for being too funny! I couldn't hold it back and laughed."

Xiao Zhizhi:"Does laughter make a pig bray?"

Fallen Angel Twelve Winged Black Cat Clan:"???"

Fallen Angel Twelve-Winged Black Cat Clan:"Xiao! Zhi! Zhi! Shu! I'm going to fight you."

Asuna:"……I saw that the guild was still as lively as ever! I can rest assured that."

Su Xiaoxiao:"@Elusa.Sukaletto."

Su Xiaoxiao:"!!! Not there yet?"

Makarov:"……I've basically finished watching Fairy Tail! At this time, we should still be in Erza's young stage. She is supposed to be in a time where she is enslaved by the Dark Order."

Su Xiaoxiao:"……Is it so early?"

Although he had already guessed before, Su Han still had a heavy look on his face after it was confirmed.

Makarov:"I'm up now! Although she hasn't joined yet...she will be the Fairy Queen of my Fairy Tail in the future!"

Makarov:"Everyone in the Fairy Tail guild is a family. I will never allow my future family to experience such humiliation and danger."

Makarov:"President, please rest assured. There will be no problems on her side."

Su Xiaoxiao:"……If you say this! Then I can rest assured."

Tony is not the richest man:"……So, what happened to the other new member who hasn’t bubbled up yet? Who can explain it to me?"

Watching the exchange between Su Han and Makarov, Tony was a little confused.

I am a Marquis:"If you are curious! Don’t you know if you go to make up for it?"

I am a Marquis:" Ask questions freely in the guild, just in case someone gives you an answer. Wouldn’t that be considered a spoiler?"

Whitebeard Dad:" That's right! What I hate most is spoiler dogs."

Whitebeard Dad:"If you let me see the spoiler...then I am willing to give him a Zhenzhen Fruit Set."

Tony is not the richest man:"!!!"

Symbol of peace:"……"

Weber:"Zhenzhen fruit package... what is that?" Xiao Meiyan:"I guess what dad means is... big air shock! Vibration wave! Dragon-shaped vibration wave and other killing blows... let's take turns, right?" Xiao Meiyan

: wisdom:"……"

Xiao Lin:"!!!"

After thinking about Whitebeard's combat prowess in the past, Xiao Lin couldn't help but grin.

Kobayashi:"Who can withstand this?"

Esdeath:"Aizen, who controls the mirror, the moon, the president! Mr. Kusuo Saiki! Mr. Saitama! They can all withstand it."

Esdeath:" If you consider that they are evenly matched! You can also count the old Marquis, Accelerator and others."

Kobayashi:"……It's just a joke. Are you serious about discussing this issue with me?"

Su Xiaoxiao:"……So, except for Mr. Makarov, has no one watched Fairy Tail?"

After a moment of silence, Su Han looked at the content of the guild chat, and his expression became very exciting. Why are these guys so different from the previous fanaticism in the supplementary episode? Did they take the wrong medicine, or was it because the monster's tail did not fit their needs? Appetite?!

Aizen Sosuke:"……President! Don't forget... not long after you posted the monster tail, something like this happened in Mr. Momonga's world."

Aizen Sosuke:"In this case, it's normal that you haven't seen it, right?"

Whitebeard Dad:"I'm going to make up for the memory copy! Long story. It is estimated that it will make the old man happy."

I am a Marquis:"……Don't say the word"pleasure"."

I am a Marquis:"When I hear these two words, I can't help but think of Father Mapo next door.

Accardo:"Is your brain trembling?""

Daddy White Beard:"……shut up. Isn’t that the mantra of the lazy archbishop of the world from scratch? What does it have to do with Father Mapo?"


Accardo was lost in thought. That seems to be the case?

Su Xiaoxiao:"……"

Liu Subaru:"@薙ikiriErina. I have successfully made a luminous dish!"

Liu Subaru:"Wait a minute, I will send you the luminous dish."

Nakiri Erina:"Just right! I'm here Bian also prepared the aphrodisiac... ahem! Top-notch dishes engraved with my will. You should also taste it a little bit!"

Liu Pleiades:"Thank you, big sister."

Su Xiaoxiao:"……Erina, are you planning to learn the amazing martial arts cooking skills from the Chinese Little Master?"

Kurosaki Ichigo:"I just imagined Nakiri Erina performing top martial arts... My scalp is numb! I feel like the style of painting has collapsed.……"

Su Xiaoxiao:"……I don’t think the style of painting has collapsed! Don’t forget, Erina also ate the gourmet cells. You can strengthen your body by eating delicious food!"

Su Xiaoxiao:"How to match the already powerful body with the special martial arts in the Chinese Little Master... This is very suitable, right?"

Su Xiaoxiao:"Kurosaki Ichigo, Nakiri Erina's potential combat power in the future may not be inferior to yours."

Kurosaki Ichigo:"……"

This sentence is really heartbreaking. Kurosaki Ichigo's cheek twitched several times.

Nakiri Erina:"……Liu Pleiades hasn’t embarked on the path of cooking and martial arts yet, so I haven’t started learning yet!"

Nakiri Erina:"Now I'm just trying to figure out how to learn luminous cooking. With the help of the red envelope sent by Liu Pleiades, I have learned most of it!"

Su Xiaoxiao:"!!!"

Su Xiaoxiao:"@李洴星. Ahem! Regarding the red envelope for the glowing cuisine...can you give me one too? I also want to upgrade my cook!"

Su Xiaoxiao:"Also...do you want to Tell me what you want! I can make an exchange with you."

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