Fallen Angel Twelve-Winged Black Cat Clan:"If you say that, Mr. Namikaze Minato is really working hard.……"

Fallen Angel Twelve-Winged Black Cat Clan:"But speaking of sudden death... wake up! Mr. Namikaze Minato, according to your strength, it is impossible for you to die suddenly. So you should work overtime honestly!" Kasumi

Shiko :"Yes! You should accept the reality honestly and work hard overtime."

The Fourth Hokage:"……"

Namikaze Minato was silent for a moment and changed the sad topic.

The Fourth Hokage:"What I hate the most is! That guy Uzumaki Nagato obviously has the right and the obligation to help me shoulder half of the government affairs of the Ninja Alliance!" The

Fourth Hokage:"But this guy spends most of the time together. Ame Hidden Village, threw all the government affairs to me."

The Fourth Hokage:"He is now looking at world peace! He has fulfilled his ideal. Then he lived a retired life early, and he was quite happy... But I am The edge was completely blown away."

I'm afraid of comparison in everything.

Namikaze Minato compared his life with that of Uzumaki Nagato... Damn it, Namikaze Minato said that he really wanted to resign.

Let the world feel the pain:"I am only good at violence! If you don't mind me using iron and blood to make things messy, I am willing to take action." The

Fourth Hokage:"……All right! I'm just complaining. You should continue to stay in your Yuyin Village and don't cause any more trouble."

Namikaze Minato let out a long sigh. Although he didn't want to admit it, he had to say that what Uzumaki Nagato said made sense. The

Fourth Hokage:"Stop talking! Go ahead and start a full day of work."

A symbol of peace:"……"

Weber:"……I saw Namikaze Minato! Only then did I realize that it was possible to achieve my goal! Not a good thing."

Horaiyama Kaguya:"Peace is truly ushered in!"

Horaiyama Kaguya:"It's a pity that fatigue has also arrived. If it were me! I definitely don't care about this, why do I have to tire myself out like this?

Su Xiaoxiao:"Everyone else in the guild is qualified to say this... Only you, the Princess of the Moon, who died suddenly while playing games and was forcibly resurrected with the elixir, are not qualified to say this, right?""

Horaiyama Kaguya:"It's just fun! Can it be mixed with work?"

Horaiyama Kaguya:"If I play, I will be willing to die suddenly! But if you ask me to work...emmm, I choose to be lazy!

Gabriel:"I think so!" Kaguya Horaizan is right."

Nakiri Erina:"Okay, okay... you are all right."

Esdeath:"I don't like playing games, I only like fighting! If in the future, I die in battle! That is probably an extremely happy thing."

Monkey D Dorag:"Unifying the entire world... there are indeed a lot of things to deal with!"

Monkey d Dorag:"@四代目火影. If you want to truly relax! There are two solutions."

The Fourth Hokage:"……Is there any way?"

Namikaze Minato's eyes flickered, and he resurrected on the spot.

He suddenly thought that Monkey D Dorag, who commands the World Government, is very similar to his current situation. Maybe, he really has a good idea!

Monkey D Dorag Lage:"The first method… can be considered to further improve the political structure of your own world. Don’t take everything upon yourself, a stable political structure! It is countless times better than trying to accomplish everything by yourself."

The Fourth Hokage:"……you're right! Been taught a lesson. What about the second method?"

Monkey D. Dorag:"Of course it is to cultivate an heir! I think your son is very good! There is plenty of potential. Although slightly inferior in terms of IQ! But Shikamaru, who is at the peak of his intelligence, can assist him."

The Fourth Hokage:"……All right! I will carefully consider your suggestion."

The corner of Namikaze Minato's mouth twitched, and he gave up the second method very readily. Wait until his son grows up? How long will it take?

Monkey D Drag:"……If you want to use the first method! Then I suggest you have a good chat with Lelouch. He has lots of insights on policy! It even made my eyes light up.

Lelouch:"Mr. Dorag, thank you!" During the days when I communicated with Mr. Dolag, Mr. Dolag also gave me a lot of inspiration."

The Fourth Hokage:" I understand."

Jackie Chan doesn't want to do archeology:"@苏小小. President! are you there now? Su Xiaoxiao:"

Yes!" If anything happens, just say it."

Jackie Chan doesn't want to do archeology:"I feel that there is a big problem on our side."

Su Xiaoxiao:"? ? ? what is the problem? The devil's energy has revived? Or is there a Ghostface Mask or a Ghostface Army? Jackie

Chan didn't want to do archeology:"No...it's a matter of time and history.""

As soon as the words"History of Time" came out, the guild fell into a brief silence, and then there was an uproar.

I am a Marquis:"History of Time? Are you talking about that terrifying book that can change the history of the world just by writing it?"

Tony is not the richest man:"……Jackie Chan, what the hell are you doing? Such a precious history book! It should be collected well. According to the standards of Jackie Chan's Adventures, that artifact should be the top artifact in your world."

Jackie Chan doesn't want to do archeology:"……I'm desperate too! After reading the memory copy, I started looking for traces of the history books! However, the information revealed in the memory copy is too little! So it was very difficult for me to find it."

Jackie Chan doesn't want to do archeology:"I'm still searching here, but when I woke up this morning, the whole world changed directly... I feel it! This is how the history books have tampered with the world!"

Fallen Angel Twelve Winged Black Cat Clan:"……"

Xia Shizi:"……"

Symbol of peace:"……"

Edogawa Conan:"……Time and history books have tampered with the world, but you are still safe and sound! Is this because you are protected by the union?"

Aizen Sosuke:"Nine times out of ten! That's it. The more you know, the more you learn! But I can feel the unfathomable depth of the union system.

Tokisaki Kurumi:"The history book of the years!" History can be modified simply by writing. Whatever you write down will come true... This book indeed has power beyond imagination!"

Su Xiaoxiao:"Jackie Chan! Please describe the situation in your world in detail. How has your world been modified?"

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