After a short silence, Li Baoen's body relaxed. He forcibly suppressed the disbelief in his heart, his eyes flashed with an inexplicable light, and he nodded with a childish voice.

"The giant octopus is indeed incredibly fast... Can you tell me how fast it is?"

"All said! You can call me sensei or Koro-sensei, but if you call me Big Octopus, I will get angry."After Koro-sensei complained, he did not keep it secret and discussed it with his colleagues from another world with great interest.

"As for my speed... if it explodes! Probably Mach 20? But now... the speed should be improved, but I don't pay too much attention to this aspect."

Koro-sensei is a little unsure. He has recently begun to use the system to improve himself, but it has not been completely completed yet. So he cannot confirm

"indeed! With such speed, it would be easy to become the world's number one killer."Li Baoen nodded in agreement.

"Hey hey! This sentenceIsn't that too rude? What does it mean to be the world's number one killer with such speed?"

Koro-sensei's tentacles flew again, and he was a little excited. He said that he wanted to defend his glory as a god of death in front of the world's number one killer in another world.

"Before becoming like this, I was still an ordinary human being, at that time! I am already a super killer named Death...after being transformed into this! I retired and became a people's teacher"

"After turning into a human weapon and greatly increasing his strength, he became a people's teacher? Are you making some international joke?"Li Baoen couldn't help complaining, looking at Koro-sensei up and down, doubts revealed in his eyes.

"Are you qualified to say that? Koro-sensei hummed,"Aren't you also the world's number one killer?" Aren't you still working as a tutor now?"

"Others may have the qualification to criticize me, but you are the only one who cannot question me like this."


Li Baoen suddenly realized that what Koro-sensei said made sense, but he couldn't refute it.

Krulru was petite and looked at the exchange between Koro-sensei and Reborn with great interest, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Both guys are the number one killers among humans.……"

After a slight pause, Krulru shook his head slightly."No! No matter how you look at it, Koro-sensei can no longer be called a human being...a giant octopus with a speed of Mach 20. It's terrifying to think about it."

Along with the banging crispness A loud, urgent sound came.

The door was opened instantly, and then the heavily armed Gokudera Hayato and Bi Yangqi all rushed in.

Beyonce holds a knife and weapon. Gokudera Hayato held explosives one after another in his hands. His face was solemn and his eyes showed murderous intent,"Judaime, I'm here to save you...huh?!"

"Wait a minute, what on earth is going on with this big octopus!"

Jokudera Hayabusa let out a shrill scream. He was so frightened by Koro-sensei in front of him that he shivered, and the lit bombs in his hands also fell down.

And this scene made Bi Yang beside him Qi's face changed greatly. If you want to die, can you go to a deserted place to die? There are so many people in this room.

"Young people today are really careless! Koro-sensei said helplessly, and then appeared in front of Hayato Gokudera with a swish sound. With a wave of his hand, all the explosives that fell on the ground were caught in his hand.

Koro-sensei showed his face to Hayato Gokudera. With a very funny smile, a tentacle patted Gokudera Hayato's shoulder, making Gokudera Hayato shudder again,"Don't be afraid! If you want to ask why? Because I'm here!"

Su Han:"……"

Did you, All Might, come from nowhere?

Then, Koro-sensei's figure disappeared with a swipe. At the same time, the window of Sawada House opened

"……what's going on?"Gokudera Hayato swallowed, and Korosensei's teacher calmed him down a little. He looked around and found that the situation was completely beyond his expectation.

Sawada Tsunayoshi sighed, feeling helpless. He rubbed his eyebrows and said,"Nothing! Koro-sensei should have moved your bomb."

With a swish sound, Koro-sensei appeared in the room again, holding a few ice creams in his palms.

Even Riboun, who was well-informed, was looking at Koro-sensei with some uncertainty at this moment.

"……What's wrong? Just the best ice cream in the Osaka area! I spent money. Don't look at me like that! Korosensei muttered and stretched out his tentacles to protect the ice cream,"Even if you want to eat it, I can't give it to you!""

Jokudera Hayato realized what happened and shuddered.

"You big octopus not only moved my explosives away at that moment, but also went to the Osaka area to buy ice cream? Your speed... is so terrifying! Are you a giant octopus?"

"Don't say such rude things to me! If you call me octopus again, I'll kill you."Koro-sensei stared at Hayato Jokudera with his tentacles flying in threats.

Su Han looked helplessly at the scene in front of him.

"President, I am concerned about the situation in this world! very interested. I don’t know. Can you give me a holiday?"Aran smiled and said to Su Han.

"I have no right to imprison your freedom! If you want to leave, leave. But... try not to make a big deal out of it!"Su Han took a deep look at Lan Ran.

"I try my best!"Aizen smiled as always.

L adjusted his suit, glanced at Aizen, and said,"I'll follow Aizen too! If this happens, it means he wants to cause something. There is no other way, right?"

Su Han's brows jumped and finally nodded. Aizen was not surprised by this either. He used Shunpo and disappeared with a swish.

"L, do you need me to tell you the direction Aizen left?"

Su Han's voice was calm. Although L has begun to practice the way of death, his attainments in spiritual pressure and shunpo are...compared to can no longer be described in words. Even if it is said that it is a world. , no exaggeration

"No need!"L came to the window, stared in a certain direction, and said in a deep voice,"I probably know where he will go and who he will find?!"

After the words fell, L's figure had disappeared.

Krululu took an apple and took a bite. She walked to Su Han's side and said,"President! Do you know where they went?"

Not just Krululu, Luo Cuilian also turned to look at Su Han at this moment, with a trace of doubt in her eyes.

Sighing softly, Su Han said,"That guy... most likely went to find Bai Lan. ?"

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