In a luxurious and magnificent palace.

Wearing a black dragon robe, the majestic-looking man stood straight and was handling many government affairs. Suddenly, the man with indescribable majesty stopped.

A look of astonishment appeared on his face, as if he had seen something beyond his understanding. This level of gaffe is extremely unbelievable to him.

"His Majesty! what's going on?"The attendants came forward, with worry on their faces. There was also a hint of uncertainty.

They who served Ying Zheng also had a deeper understanding of Ying Zheng's character. This is a person who is not afraid of anything. A great man. Even when Genie, the best swordsman in the world, rebelled not long ago, even though Ying Zheng was angry, he never lost his composure.

"A widower! Suddenly feel unwell."Ying Zheng regained his composure.

"So is it necessary to call in the royal doctor?"A chamberlain spoke in a low voice. Seeing that Ying Zheng didn't answer, he immediately understood something. He turned around and called the imperial doctor in a low voice.

"A special interface suddenly appeared in my mind! Could it be that... I'm too nervous? No! It may also be some small tricks done by various schools of thought.……"

Ying Zheng's eyes flickered, with a hint of coldness and murderous intent.

When talking about this weird fantasy, the first thing that comes to mind is the Yin and Yang family... But then, Ying Zheng shook his head and rejected his judgment.

"Yin Yang family? No! Right now, I am still in the cooperation stage with them. If they really dare to come up with such a thing... if I find out, I will be seeking death."

Ying Zheng has absolute confidence. Don't look at the mystery of the Yin Yang Family. If Ying Zheng is really determined to eradicate the Yin Yang Family, there is only one way to die. Donghuang Taiyi is not a fool, so he will not do such a thing

"Confucianism... No, according to Confucianism's grand approach, the possibility is low! But it's not impossible"

"……The most suspicious! It should be the Mo family, right? But the Mo family eliminated the mechanism technique! Do you also have such attainments in the spiritual aspect? very funny."

Ying Zheng placed the bamboo slips in his hand on the table with a deep gaze. He already had several judgments in his mind. However, if he wanted to really draw a conclusion, he still had to slowly deduce it through the information he got later.

Soon, Yu The doctor came to his door and conducted a comprehensive examination of his physical condition...

The final test result was that although he was a little tired, his health was not a problem. As for being tired... this was not a problem for Ying Zheng at all. Question.

Because Ying Zheng's body was in a state of fatigue most of the time, he asked the imperial doctor to leave. Then, Ying Zheng waved his hand and motioned to the servants beside him to call the Yin Yang family members living in the palace.

Afterwards, Ying Zheng continued to sit on his seat. This time he did not start handling government affairs. Instead, he stared coldly at the virtual interface in his mind and murmured."Let me take a look!" What an illusion after all! It’s something that comes from all the schools of thought! Or some other unexpected situation?……"

Ying Zheng entered the guild chat room. It didn't take long before he understood how to operate this chat room.

The First Emperor:"Can you please tell me who...are you?"

Whitebeard's father:"I'm the Four Emperors of the Sea, Whitebeard! Go, lala, lala."

The First Emperor:"The Four Emperors of the Sea? How dare you call him the emperor?"!Interesting...The emperor of the sea? Is it some kind of huge empire built on the sea? it a pirate?"

Ying Zheng narrowed his eyes slightly, and his eyes instantly became cold.

The name"Emperor" is not something that can be added easily. Even the Seven Heroes of the Warring States Period only dare to call themselves king, or great king.

Whitebeard dad:"In the early years, it was true, but not now. I don't dare to stick to the name pirate, otherwise I will be surrounded and suppressed by Dorag. Go ahead! Just call me adventurer."

Meng Chid Dorag:"……White-bearded old man, stop joking! This is just a face you gave me."

Dorag smiled bitterly,"Encirclement and suppression? It doesn't exist! Whitebeard can single-handedly challenge the entire world.

" Whitebeard's father:"No need to say more!" Apart from the title I declared to the outside world, I changed from a pirate to an adventurer. I didn’t do much else. For me, this was just a piece of cake."

First Emperor:"……"

Ying Zheng said he was a little confused. What's going on? Pirate turned adventurer?

Whether it's a pirate or an adventurer, according to the current situation, the scale should not be large, right? It's not like just a few thousand or a few hundred people dare to call themselves emperor...

If that's really the case, it would be really funny!

"Haven’t figured out the situation yet! Let’s not target these guys for now…we will talk about other things after we find out the situation!"

Ying Zheng made a decision. Facing things that were completely unfamiliar to him, he did not show the tyranny of the First Emperor, but showed caution that was completely opposite to the tyranny.

A person who only knows how to act recklessly cannot become a The one who came to dominate the land of China and complete the unification was the First Emperor.

Leader Luo Hao:"I am the God-killer! The leader of the martial arts alliance in China."

Tony is not the richest man:"I am the strongest inventor! Mr. Tony Stark."

The Twelve-Winged Black Cat of the Fallen Angel:"I am a fallen angel, and so is the black cat! By the way, Mr. Tony... Miss Lara probably has something to say when you say that you are the strongest inventor. Tony is not the richest man:"

Ha...what does she have to say?""

La La:"Mr. Tony...and Miss Wu Geng Liuli? You two called me, what's the matter?"

Fallen Angel Twelve-Winged Black Cat Clan:"Obviously! Tony wants to compare his technological research level with you. Miss Lala, what are you waiting for?


La La's eyes lit up for a moment. Staying at Yuki's house has been a bit boring recently. If I could compare technology with Iron Man... I'm afraid it would be interesting, right?

Tony is not the richest man:"No... I mean Yes, I am the strongest scientist among ordinary people! Lala's kind is an exception."

Tony is not the richest man:"So, there is nothing wrong with what I said!"

La La:"……Does that mean there is no comparison? Forget it."

After confirming that she had heard it wrong, Lala was immediately discouraged, and even her tail that was originally raised due to excitement was dragged down.

Shirai Kuroko:"Oh……"

Koro-sensei:"You're so good at showing off." My sister is super uncute:"You will get slapped in the face if you pretend! This is one of the famous laws of the union. Silence!"

Kasumi Shiko:"Pfft, haha, please forgive me for being unkind. Laughed."

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