There was a smile on Luo Cuilian's lips. It wasn't until Su Han left completely that the smile on her face slowly dissipated.

She sat quietly in the room for a long time, sighed quietly, and her face returned to a cold and expressionless state.

"It's a's not my turn for this mission! Even if you don't mention being able to perform a mission with your sworn brother...the rewards of this mission are also very exciting. It is possible that the magic power is unlimited."

Luo Cuilian shook her head, with a hint of regret in her voice.

"If my spell power can be made infinite, it can at least increase my combat effectiveness by 50%...and this is just an increase in pure combat effectiveness...the ability to continue fighting can be improved to an unimaginable level."

When there is no need to worry about the power of the spell, fighting a protracted war requires willpower.

Luo Cuilian has never doubted her willpower. So she knows very well how terrible this is for improving her combat effectiveness... Simply The combat effectiveness can be increased by 50%. If it is the comprehensive combat effectiveness, it is not an exaggeration to say that it is doubled.

Although it is very regrettable, Luo Cuilian said no more, closed her eyes and entered the time room to conduct daily routine training..

She is honing and controlling her many divine powers while cultivating the Qi in her body. In terms of the hard work of training, Luo Cuilian is even superior to Su Han. And the Marquis of Woban, who is of the same level as Luo Cuilian, is far inferior to Luo Cuilian in terms of hard work. Luo Cuilian's.

Luo Cuilian's philosophy is that the divine power only assists herself. Of course, when she has points, she will also strengthen the divine power appropriately, train the divine power, and control the divine power. But she is more of a warrior at heart. The God Killer.

She believed that only her own strength was the real strength.

This was not shown much when the power of the God Killer surpassed the martial arts power she possessed.

But after Luo Cuilian cultivated the Qi of the Dragon Ball World, After making her martial arts combat effectiveness improve by leaps and bounds, she once again embarked on the path of focusing on martial arts and supplementing divine power.

This was in contrast to Marquis Vauban's blind search for gods to kill... and even later, the points were used to strengthen divine authority and focus on divine authority. , is a completely opposite path


The Millennium City has been completely torn apart.

On a deserted plain, the figure of Erquit appeared.

She was dressed in white clothes, had short blond hair, and had a trace of anger and grievance on her face. The purity of the little lamb was mixed with her awe-inspiring murderous intent, making Arquette's own temperament very peculiar.

Tohnoda Hiroshi stood opposite Arquitect, staring at Arquitect with a cold face, his eyes showing a deep blue luster.

He opened the evil eye of direct death.

Tohnoda Hiroshi could detect that the dead spots on Arquette were so rare that they were almost non-existent. What this proves, Tohnoda Hiroshi knows clearly.

"She is indeed the princess of the immortal True Ancestor!"

There was a hint of admiration in Tohnoda Hiroshi's words. He was not only praising Arquitet's immortality, but also admiring the other party's elegance.

Arquitet did not speak. She remembered the guild live broadcast that Su Han had done before. , a sudden thought occurred, and the fantasy materialized instantly.

The mysterious power condensed one gorgeous treasure after another behind her.

Such as the spear that pierced the death thorn, the sword axe, the victory sword, etc., All of them came out from the golden ripples in the air and pointed at Tohnoda Hiroshi.

Tohnoda Hiroshi:"???"

WTF? The king's treasure?

Tohnoda Hiroshi stayed where he was, and even rubbed his eyes subconsciously, wondering if he had seen it wrong. When he confirmed that everything was true, his words were stuck in his throat.

What the hell kind of operation is this? Does Elquitt still have the king's treasure? Isn’t this thing exclusive to Jin Shining? No matter how you think about it, it has nothing to do with Arquette. Are you really Arquette and not the effeminate version of Niang Shining?

Hiroshi Tohno was a rare mess in the wind.

Arquette waved his hand, and countless weapons shot out with a bang, all overwhelmingly piercing the direction of Tohnoda Hiroshi.

Even though Tohnoda Hiroshi was shocked, at this time, he calmed down, stretched out a finger, and flicked it gently. Terrifying magic fluctuations instantly burst out from his fingers and swept in all directions.

This is not a killing move, but purely a release of magic power.

However, his magic power surged to a terrifying level. Therefore, the magic power is released, almost like a storm.

The magic storm rushed forward, deflecting all the incoming weapons away.

"Bounce those Noble Phantasms away... not as difficult as imagined!"

Tohnoda Hiroshi, whose body was tense, frowned. He was already ready to summon the Akasha Snake to block his sword. He didn't expect... that the effect of the magic storm would be so outstanding? But at the next moment, Tohnoda Hiroshi Just woke up

"No, it’s not a real Noble Phantasm? Just looks good! So that's it... looks like a fake? The results created by fantasy materialization"

"……However, now that I have seen through it! So, that's it for now."

As the words fell, terrifying magic power erupted from Tohnoda Hiroshi's body, forming a layer of magic armor on him.

At the same time, a half-empty and half-real figure gradually condensed into shape in the void, impressively It was the figure of Roja. Roja's body was also coated with a layer of magic armor.

At this time, Roja, who was half-empty and half-real, had no expression on his face and raised his head to stare at Erquet.

"Roya!"Arquette's eyes turned red in an instant, with a stern and undisguised murderous intent. This murderous intent was even greater than when facing Tohnoda Hiroshi.

"Go for it!"There was an inexplicable smile on the corner of Tohnoda Hiroshi's mouth. The terrifying magic power created by the materialization of the soul continued to flow into Roja's body, causing Roja's body to rush forward with a swishing sound.

Intensity The terrifying magic armor even resisted the terrifying Noble Phantasms coming towards them.

Roja and Elquitt faced off head-on. The first collision between the two. The power reached an almost terrifying level. The void was filled with fear. It was torn apart.

Without the slightest pause, Roja was blasted away.

Even with the blessing of magic power, Roja's physical strength was still far inferior to that of Erquet. Even the physical body under the magic armor collapsed. Come on.

But with the blessing of Tohnoda Hiroshi's continuous magic power, Roja returned to his peak at an unimaginable speed.


Roja let out a low roar. He still had no expression at all, his eyes were calm and cold. He used the inherent enchantment, the Counting Method·Square, in an instant.

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