Garuda's head was hit by Su Han's fist. It cracked open at the first moment, and blood flowed and splashed in all directions.

"ah!"Garuda whined, feeling the extreme pain. At the same time, his whole body was like a cannonball, falling towards the Atlantic Ocean at a high speed.

"This is not okay!"Su Han's voice was calm.

If Garuda falls into the Atlantic Ocean, then the terrifying kinetic energy will follow his body and hit the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean, causing changes in the seabed.

And the spread of kinetic energy will cause several continents near the Atlantic Ocean to , all suffered from the tsunami that destroyed the world. The chain reaction may even cause the human species to become extinct.

In the final analysis, Su Han came to this world to save the world, not to destroy it.

"It seems that we can only use old methods!"Su Han sighed softly, clenched his fists, and pushed the space gem.

The void where Garuda fell was instantly distorted.

Then, Garuda's huge mountain-like body disappeared into it.

But this was just the beginning.

The twisted void quickly spread around, including Accelerator, Marquis Woban and others who were fighting, and even Kobayashi Thor and Eluma.

"How is this going? Why did the surrounding area suddenly change so drastically?"

Xiao Lin's expression changed slightly. She looked around. She was very keen on space, so she could detect that although this space was very similar to before, it was only similar and completely different from before.

Eluma At this moment, a human form appeared and appeared next to Xiaolin Thor in an instant. She undoubtedly noticed more things than Thor, and her face was heavy."According to my feeling... this is not the earth world."

"……Transferred to another world?"Xiao Lin Thor fell into silence. She was not surprised. After all, there had been speculation before.

"you are wrong! To the surprise of Xiaolin Thor, Eluma shook his head solemnly,"If he just came to another world, I would only praise him for his strong control over space abilities."……"

"But according to my inference...that man, he created a world."Eluma herself was a little unsure when she said this. She couldn't believe her own judgment.

Her body froze, and a strong disbelief appeared on Xiaolin Thor's face. Creating a world? This is not the same as transferring into other worlds. Completely different! Being able to do this kind of thing... Is that young-looking man a real god?

His expression changed several times, and Xiaolin Thor finally made a decision after gritting his teeth, and quickly moved his body in Xiaolin's direction. Galloping away.

She was full of doubts and wanted to ask Xiao Lin Su Han what was going on with this group of people...

Xiao Lin Thor had a guess in his mind, feeling that Su Han and others might be similar to Garuda and come from another world. Gods... However, if the origins of Su Han and others are really like this, then why does Xiao Lin know Su Han and others?

Su Han stands high in the sky, and he has expanded the mirror space, so naturally he will no longer prevent Garuda from falling. Down.

The huge body, as huge as a mountain range, smashed into Wang Yang with terrifying kinetic energy, and suddenly caused a huge wave thousands of meters high. It spread rapidly towards the surrounding areas.

"It's over, it's over! Dying, dying."Xiao Lin looked at the terrifying huge wave that shot straight into the sky and swept toward him. His body was frozen in place due to great fear, and he couldn't even move.

"What fragile ordinary people!"Accelerator had no expression on his face. He just stretched out his palm and used vector control. The terrifying huge wave sweeping towards him changed direction in an instant, and flew in the opposite direction towards the distance. It was everywhere. The huge waves soaring into the sky tilted away, and only one side could pass the huge waves in this direction, walking in the opposite direction. The sea was calm.

"……Vector manipulation?"

Xiao Lin finally reacted, remembering the power that Accelerator had, and breathed a sigh of relief.

"……So you know that I have such power, why did you look like it was the end of the world just now? Where are you a theater actor from? If it is to act as a joke! You did an excellent job."Accelerator sneered.

"……Sorry, I'm just an ordinary person. Facing that kind of world-destroying giant wave, my whole mind went blank just now, and I didn't think of the power you possessed for a while."Xiao Lin smiled bitterly and apologized sincerely, but hugged Kangna a little tighter.

"Xiaolin! Even if there is no such white-haired guy, there is no need to worry. I'll protect you!"

Kanna stretched out her fist and pushed hard in the air several times, her words were very firm.

Xiaolin was stunned for a moment, and responded with a pleased smile."Okay! Then I will wait for you to protect me."

Kobayashi Thor and Eluma quickly appeared next to Kobayashi.

Kobayashi Thor glanced at Accelerator with some vigilance, and then rushed up directly, staring at Kobayashi closely, with a rare harshness in his words,"I'm not Did I tell you not to come here?"

"If I don't come, you will die! Do you want me to wait quietly for the news of your death?"

Xiao Lin looked at Xiao Lin Thor without any sign of weakness, and said in a firm voice,"If that's what you think, then forgive me, I can't do it."

Xiao Lin Thor opened her mouth. In the end, she gave a bitter smile and swallowed all the words. She was so embarrassed in front of Xiao Lin that she was even almost killed by Garuda. Now even if Xiao Lin Thor wants to stop and reprimand Xiao Lin , there is no such position and reason.

Accelerator looked into the distance, and he suddenly said,"Thor, and Eluma? Is it okay if I call you that?"

"of course not!"Kobayashi Thor turned his head to look at Accelerator and nodded. Although his attitude was respectful, he was also a little wary. After all

, Kobayashi Thor has not confirmed the true identity of the group of people in front of him, although the group in front of him is very similar to Kobayashi. Get close... But when you don't understand the real situation, it's better to be vigilant. Xiaolin Thor said in a serious voice,"Excuse me, what did you call me for?""

Accelerator didn't care, and pointed into the distance with a strange expression."……That guy! It should be your companion, right?"

Kobayashi Thor and Eluma were stunned for a moment, and followed Accelerator's gaze and looked into the distance. Then they saw that they were being swept by huge waves, screaming Fafnir miserably.

"Ahhhh! Someone come and save me, I'm still seriously injured... I'm a wounded person. There is no way to resist a wave of this magnitude! Help……"

Kobayashi Thor:"???"


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