Xia Shizi:"……I don’t know why, but I always feel like there’s something wrong with the atmosphere between Hyakuya Yuichiro and Hyakuya Michael."

Xiao Tongtong:"Miss Xia Shizi! You discovered your blind spots."

Nakiri Erina:"It's very wrong to begin with, okay? If among the two, Michael is a woman! There was no sense of disobedience throughout the process. A very good emotional film! At the same time, he has the attributes of a childhood sweetheart and a descendant from heaven, making him absolutely invincible! But if it’s a male…emmm."

Kayaba Akihiko:"I always feel like I see the shadows of Uzumaki Naruto and Uchiha Sasuke. Is it my imagination?"

The Fourth Hokage:"……"

Namikaze Minato's MMP was stuck in his throat at this moment. His expression was wonderful to the extreme. Why did you specifically mention Uzumaki Naruto and Uchiha Sasuke?

However, after grinding his teeth, Namikaze Minato was now on guard. He must pay attention to his son in the future, and he must not let Naruto and Sasuke go astray, or let the relationship between the two go astray.

Krulru:"Interesting! Or very interesting... The Seraph Plan of the End! It seems that two good finished products have been cultivated……"

Sakata Gintoki:"Then what are you going to do, Her Majesty the Queen? Continue the layout as in the original work?"

Krulru:"I might have had this idea originally, but now I don't. Join the guild! You can optimize yourself with points. With your own bloodline, you can also practice various techniques in the public skill column to strengthen yourself."

Krulru:"After training your own strength to be strong enough, what do you want! Get it back with absolute force. that is……"

At this moment, Kruru reached out to hold his chin, his eyes flickered slightly, and he turned his head, seeming to see the headquarters of the Imperial Ghost Army.

"Ashera...no! Should I call you Arjuramaru now? He actually arrived at the Emperor's Ghost Army. And become a nigger katana? Father! What on earth are you doing?"

The words suddenly stopped, Krulru clenched her fists, and there was a trace of weakness in her eyes. But then all this powerlessness turned into coldness.

She has indeed lost most of her interest in Michael now. Originally She is interested in Michael because Michael is related to the Seraph Plan of the End and is one of the finished products of the Seraph Plan. The reason why she is interested in this plan is largely for the power. And she wants to find her brother.

But now, she can use the guild to gain extremely powerful power beyond the Seraph plan. She also knows the whereabouts of her brother, and her interest in the plan of the Seraph of the End suddenly plummets.

Of course. , it’s just plummeting. Krulru doesn’t mind taking a good look at Yuichiro Hyakuya and Michael Hyakuya. But it’s impossible to end up for them personally like in the original work.

Esdeath:"@ Sakata Gintoki. Why is it that when you call Kruluru, it means Her Majesty the Queen, and if you call me, it means Esdeath? Is this discriminating against me?"

Sakata Gintoki:"……No! How dare you! Your Lady Queen. But didn’t I think it was kinder to call you Esdeath before? Hahaha. Yin Sang is a mature man and will not deliberately despise women."

Daddy White Beard:"……"

My sister is so uncute:"……Even if I have never been in love! I also know, Sakata Gintoki, your words are more of a mockery than a compliment.

Esdeath:"Want to have a taste of ice?" Sakata Gintoki! If you want to try it! Virtual battlefield. I will take you to experience the world of ice and snow!"

Sakata Gintoki:"No... Hahaha, I was just joking. Your Lady Queen, someone suddenly entrusted me with a task in my master house! Left first."

Fallen Angel Twelve Winged Black Cat Clan:"……"

Tony is not the richest man:"Sakata Gintoki said that his master house has a mission, do you believe it?"

My sister is super uncute:"I believe him! This bastard Yaksha is evil."

Jūshirō Hijikata:"……I lose my integrity every time I see Gin Sakata! And remembering that this guy is from the same world as me... I have an urge to die."

Kaitou Kidd:"Accept the reality, Mr. Hijikata. Mr. Sakata Gintoki is such a person."

Xiao Lin:"……"

Xiao Lin:"@苏小小."

Su Xiaoxiao:"???"

Su Xiaoxiao:"Xiao Lin, what happened?"

Xiao Lin:"……That's what I want to ask...if something unusual happens out of the plot! So it's most likely a mutation, right?"

One way:"???"

Kayaba Akihiko:"!!!"

I'm not bald:"……"

Xiaozhi:"Yes! If something unusual happens in the plot, it will most likely be a mutation."

Xiaozhi:"Generally speaking, even if we know the plot, unless we deliberately change it, otherwise the plot will change. The magnitude is not big."

Kuroko Shirai:"It was the first time I participated in the Quartz Conference, and I successfully won the championship and became the regional champion. Ash said that he didn't change much in the plot."


Xiaozhi:"I have already said it, unless you deliberately change it."

Xiaozhi:"Please listen clearly to what others mean and don't deliberately misinterpret it."

Clark Kent:"……I always feel that Xiaozhi seems to have matured a lot compared to before? Will becoming a champion change you so much?"

I am a Marquis:"Yes! Xiaozhi's body has undergone extremely huge changes, and even the old man is a little curious and shocked. Can becoming a champion also increase IQ?"

Xiao Zhi:"……"

What's the meaning? His IQ has always been like this, okay? Needless to say, he became a champion and was a completely different person than before. It's easy for people to misunderstand like this, okay?

Su Xiaoxiao:"Xiao Lin, calm down for now! Let me tell you first, what happened? Then everyone in the guild will analyze it for you and see how to solve it."

Xiao Lin:"Thor said goodbye to me not long ago."

Tony is not the richest man:"???"

Tony's palm shook, causing a wire he was connecting to become crooked. A series of electric sparks burst out, and Tony directly used Armament Haki to isolate the voltage.

Tony Stark didn't care that he had picked up the wrong one. He was so confused at the moment that he almost thought he had made a mistake.

Tony is not the richest man:"Wait a minute! Xiaolin, are you kidding? Thor is saying goodbye to you? Thor and you have such a deep relationship, how can we say goodbye?"

Tony is not the richest man:"Even if you say that Kangna ran away from home, I believe it all."

Fallen Angel Twelve-Winged Black Cat Clan:"Incredible! Incredible."

Shirai Kuroko:"What? How could Thor leave? How could this be possible? How could she be so unstable!"

Shirai Kuroko at this moment , even more excited than Xiao Lin himself.

Shirai Kuroko:"As my senior who is also walking on the path of true love...how could she just shrink back like this? This is so unreasonable! How can true love be so fragile? This is simply a shame!"

Taoist! Real person Zhang Sanfeng:"……What was originally a very serious topic... had a subtle reaction after adding Kuroko Shirai." king:"Yes!" Everyone was very nervous at first. But as soon as Shirai Kuroko interrupted...the tension instantly dissipated.……"

Kirishima Touka:"This may be a special talent of Miss Shirai Kuroko."

Su Xiaoxiao:"……"

Su Xiaoxiao:"So, why did Thor leave?"

Xiao Lin:"Because of my safety."

Xiao Lin:"President, do you know... Garuda?"

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