Kirishima Touka:"It's not bad! I have now become the king of Tokyo ghouls."

Monkey D Drag:"……Already the king of Tokyo ghouls? Time flies really fast."

Tony is not the richest man:"Yeah... Dorag, who has overthrown the world government and became the new leader of the world government, admires how quickly others become kings."

Monkey D Dorag:"……"

Monkey D Dorag:"It's just a little emotional."

Su Xiaoxiao:"Yeah! Can you not be emotional? Kirishima Touka's speed in becoming king is surprisingly slow... Touka! Hurry up, in one month Take down all the ghouls in the entire world within the time limit, and become the new king of the world without a doubt! Slap Dorag hard on the face."

Monkey D Dorag:"……tutor! Stop teasing me."

Kirishima Touka:"……Stop making things difficult for me! After I really embarked on this path and started to integrate and coordinate... I realized just how difficult it is! However, although I am not a qualified king, I will try my best to develop in that direction."

Su Xiaoxiao:"……Is it like this?"

Xiao Zhizhi:"Speaking of which... Dong Xiang, why didn't you ask me for medicine that would allow ghouls to use human food normally?"

Kirishima Touka:"……That, based on the recipe provided by Miss Shino Nobushi. I have successfully developed a semi-finished product here! Completed localization of drugs. Therefore, I did not ask for it from Miss Xiao Zhishu during this period."

Xiao Zhizhishu:"Have you already researched it... In that case, I'm relieved."

Fallen Angel Twelve Winged Black Cat Clan:"……This is good. After all, every time you need medicine, ask for it from Xiao Zhizhi! Once or twice is no problem, but if it happens too many times, everyone will feel embarrassed, right?"

Kurosaki Ichigo:"I'm so envious to see that each of you is on the right track, living a stable life, and having nothing to do.……"

Tony is not the richest man:"……What are you envious of? When something went wrong in your world, wasn't it solved by the president last time?"

Kurosaki Ichigo:"Yes! The president has indeed solved the problem. It's just that the big problem was solved, but the series of small problems that followed made me exhausted mentally and physically."

Su Xiaoxiao:"……What happened to Ichigo?"

Kurosaki Ichigo:"It's not because of the fleeing undead. I am now searching for those undead souls all over the world! Although it feels like it's almost over, the news tells me that there are still a few powerful undead escaping... But it's not the undead that bothers me... Of course, if the undead can be eliminated, then the matter will naturally be solved."

Kurosaki Ichigo:"Ah ah ah, I am chasing these undead, and I am almost suffering from depression."

Tokisaki Kurumi:"……"

Whitebeard dad:"……"

I am a Marquis:"……I thought it was something, but I didn't expect it to be such a small thing."

Kurosaki Ichigo:"Is this a trivial matter... I'm almost chasing him out of depression!"

Aizen Sosuke:"If you find it troublesome! Just leave it alone."

Aizen Sosuke:"Mother-in-law! If you work hard because you want to save others, you don't need to complain... about the decision you made! Just bear it silently."

Kurosaki Ichigo:"……"

Tony is not the richest man:"Aizen... can occasionally say very philosophical words."

Kaitou Kidd:"Most of what Aizen says makes sense... Although he is a villain! But Aizen is also a very charming person. villain"

L:"Actually... I think the real headache for Ichigo Kurosaki is not chasing the undead, right?"

Fallen Angel Twelve Winged Black Cat Clan:"???"

My sister is so uncute:"……What does it mean? What bothers him is not hunting down the undead, but what...wait, he seemed to have said it before...the undead are the root cause! But this is not the main problem."

My sister is so cute:"Is it possible that there is still no way to finish school? Damn it! Ichigo Kurosaki actually loves learning so much?! I didn't remember that he had the attribute of being a top student."

Xia Shizi:"Maybe it's because I'm afraid of failing the exam."

Xiao Tongtong:"It's real, it's really too real."

Tony is not the richest man:"When I think of the person who has saved the world, he has to go back to class... What is this feeling of wanting to laugh about? Pfft hahahaha."

Kokichi Sawada:"……"

Kuroko Shirai:"I burst into tears."

L:"You misunderstood...I'm not talking about learning."

The corner of L's mouth twitched. After thinking about it, he continued to explain with a headache.

L:"What I'm saying is, what Kurosaki Ichigo should really have a headache with is the state's pursuit, right?"

I am a Marquis:"Ha! are you joking? If that kind of thing can cause trouble to Kurosaki Ichigo, then Kurosaki Ichigo is too useless, right?"

A symbol of peace:"……State pursuit? How could he be hunted down for doing such a thing of saving the world?"

When All Might heard this, he was completely confused. Because the world was different, he couldn't understand what L meant for a while.

Symbol of Peace:"L, can you give a general overview?"

L:"……All Might! The world of Kurosaki Ichigo is different from yours. Although it has supernatural powers, at least it is still an ordinary world on the surface. Do you think a normal world would go crazy if there was such a large-scale invasion from another world?"

L:"If there were a life being that could deal with the undead at this time, what do you think the Japanese government's reaction would be?"

L:"I am afraid that these beings who control supernatural powers will be hunted all over the world. Finally, let’s see if we can reach cooperation! Or something else."

Kurosaki Ichigo:"……"

Edogawa Conan:"Kurosaki Ichigo didn't refute L's words... So, is it really the country that has caused trouble to Kurosaki Ichigo?!"

Kurosaki Ichigo:"……no way! The situation in Karakura Town was really too big at first. L was right. After the president and the others left, the Japanese government desperately searched for existences related to the undead."

Kurosaki Ichigo:"And I will inevitably run into them in the process of hunting down the undead. Sometimes, I really want to hit them with a crescent moon."

I am a Marquis:"Then you can just use it."

I am a Marquis:"You have shown great strength, then no one will continue to trouble you!""

The old Marquis is very strange. Even if you don't use the Crescent Sky Chong to attack people like the police, you can use the Crescent Moon Chong to directly destroy a mountain.

After showing enough power, it will be enough to deter those with bad intentions. And you are not the only one with strength, your father is also very strong. As for having a headache over this kind of thing?

Kurosaki Ichigo:"But my father always tells me to keep a low profile! Keep a low profile... Let me not have a direct conflict with state agencies. So I'm very annoyed now!"

Kurosaki Ichigo:"The undead can't be solved for a while! I still have to avoid people from these state agencies! Do you think you can avoid giving me a headache?"

I am a Marquis:"……"

Fallen Angel Twelve Winged Black Cat Clan:"……"

Standing on the tall building, Kurosaki Ichigo sighed, with tears in his eyes. This is not the life he wants. This is completely different from the life he imagined as a god of death who travels the world with a sword and kills the undead with ease!

Su Xiaoxiao:"No wonder Ichigo Kurosaki has lived for so many years. In his early years, he thought his father was an ordinary person. It's really not an accident.……"

Su Xiaoxiao:"Kurosaki Isshin said, when it comes to keeping a low profile! Son, you are still the same."

Whitebeard dad:"Gla la la la! It may be that Ichigo Kurosaki is worried that his identity will be exposed. Might it bring trouble to Kurosaki Ichigo's two younger sisters?"

Kasumi Shiko:"That way... it seems to make sense!"

Tony is not the richest man:"Shocked! A strong person at the level of Death Captain, Corpse Soul A child of a wealthy family! Is it because of this incident that you have lived in seclusion in the mortal world for so long?"

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