"……anyway! Why did the master bring Ling'er here?"Ram stared at Su Han's cheek, his words a little confused.

"She came back before, but she was a little injured. Then I helped her heal a little bit."

Su Han concluded in one sentence. After a pause, he continued,"I have signed a contract with her! Let his physical recovery ability and qualifications be greatly improved."

"Next, please teach her to practice so that she can become a truly strong person...at least, let her have the ability to protect herself!"

"……Is it like this?"

Ram stared into Su Han's eyes. After a brief silence, she nodded seriously, her eyes serious and solemn,"Don't worry! Ram will not disappoint your expectations."

Su Han breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Ram agree.

He smiled and rubbed Zhao Ling'er's hair with his hand, and said softly,"In the next ten days, you must train well with Ram!"

"……I see! Brother Su Han."

Zhao Ling'er agreed obediently, but she was also murmuring in her heart.

How far can she reach in ten days? It's not like Zhao Ling'er was just thinking. In addition to taking shortcuts in exchange for the bloodline ability of the Lord God, she thought If you have to practice hard to improve your strength, the time it takes... is an astronomical amount.

However, even if Zhao Ling'er had an idea, he did not refute it at this time.

After all, Su Han is so strong. Maybe there is a way. ? What did Su Han say? Just do what she did.

Su Han looked at Zhao Ling'er deeply, patted the Holy King Suzaku slightly, and with a final thought, the figure disappeared instantly.

The Holy King Suzaku flew into the air again and hovered After two laps, she chirped with a trace of reluctance.

Ram was also a little melancholy, but she quickly came to her senses and walked to Zhao Ling'er. Her eyes were clear.

"So... next! Let me teach you how to train."

After a brief silence, Zhao Ling'er nodded, looked directly at Ram, and said seriously,"No matter what kind of training it is! Come on though"

"I just like your will to never retreat!"Ram nodded approvingly.

"If you are not strong-willed! I am afraid that I have completely collapsed under the tasks of countless Lord Gods."Zhao Ling'er laughed at herself.

"Then our basic training is……"Ram paused and pointed to the huge mountain in the distance,"Pull that mountain purely with physical strength. You are at the level of a master. A mountain of 100 meters high should not be a problem for you."

Zhao Ling'er:"……"

Staring at the huge mountains in the distance, Zhao Ling'er suddenly fell into silence. Thinking of what she had said before, she suddenly wanted to beat herself to death for saying that.

Zhao Ling'er deeply doubted that Su Han brought her here really to let her increase her strength instead of letting her die of exhaustion in the real world?

It is not difficult for a being in the master realm to pull a mountain with physical strength!

Do you have any misunderstanding about the word"grandmaster"?

Zhao Ling'er swallowed and asked cautiously,"Um... can I go back? It suddenly occurred to me that there are still some things I haven't done at home. And the mission in the Lord God Space... may make me a little anxious about time!"

"What do you think?"

Lam's smile was still gentle, and she looked at Zhao Ling'er with interest, but a faint flame lingered on her fist. Her voice turned cold instantly.

"The master issued an order...ten days! Not a minute or a second can be lost."

Faced with people who want to skip class, Ram has summed up a set of appropriate solutions. At the end of the day, Zhao Ling'er devoted herself to practicing Guesen Ryu.

Zhao Ling'er shuddered, and her spiritual sense told her that if she blindly If you refuse, the final consequences will be very bad. In the end, you can only say uneasily,"Okay... I understand.""

"So, Miss Zhao, please!" Ram made an invitation gesture.

At the moment when Zhao Ling'er hesitated, Saint King Suzaku also let out a low roar.

Terrifying energy fluctuations spread to all directions in an instant, and blazing flames sprayed from the mouth of Saint King Suzaku, Sweeping towards Zhao Ling'er. However, the speed was not so fast that Zhao Ling'er could not escape.

Zhao Ling'er's pupils suddenly shrank, and he subconsciously rushed towards the giant mountain.

Looking at the giant mountain getting closer and closer, he felt that he was following closely behind him. The terrifying flames. Zhao Ling'er suddenly had the urge to cry. What evil had she done?

Didn't she agree that returning from the Lord God Space would be her leisure time in the real world? Why did she have to complete an impossible task? Go move the giant mountain...and if you don't move it, there will be a Holy King Beast behind you who will burn her to death with flames.


Su Han returned to his home with a calm expression.

He didn't need to think about it to know what kind of hardship Zhao Ling'er would go through. In ten days, the turtle immortal would flow into the door and give birth to a sense of venting? This is no simple matter.

But Su Han was not afraid, since he had already signed a contract with Zhao Linger.

Just practice to death! Even if you really die from training, can't you still be resurrected?

Su Han closed his eyes and entered the guild chat room. I found that there was a lot of discussion in the guild chat room at the moment.

Tony is not the richest man:"Familiar operation! Familiar taste!"

Fallen Angel Twelve Wings Black Cat:"Devil High School all-age version.jpg! Well, this is the first time for me to be such a scumbag like the protagonist of Devil High School See! The scum is so elegant and refined. It’s really outstanding."

Kasumi Shizi:"Yes! The scum is so beautiful and refined! It’s a miracle that such a person was not beaten to death while walking on the road."

Tony Not the Richest Man:"Everyone, stop it! I feel that the timeline of Devil High School has not yet reached the time for Issei Hyoudou to officially become the red-haired Slayer Princess? No... To be precise, it will still be a long time before the official start of the process. After all, Ophis has just left the dimensional gap and has not yet encountered the Disaster Group."

Su Han rubbed his chin, and after thinking about it, he felt that what Tony said made some sense."……Has the plot officially begun yet?"

Because Orpheus didn't appear at all in the first few parts, so in order to let everyone in the guild know about Orpheus, Su Han directly distributed all of Demon High School. He directly turned several parts into a memory copy and sent it out.

Monster Sage :"……"

After hearing the word"gap", Yakumo Purple felt that she could no longer sink into the water, at least she had to put a lot of ellipses to prove that she still existed.


Nakiri Erina:"Actually, what I'm more concerned about is that the great red that Ophis mentioned before should be the True Red Dragon God Emperor, right? The strength shown by Ophis is already so powerful? The True Red Dragon God Emperor The strength... I really can’t imagine it.……"

Nakiri Erina:"That's not the problem now, is it? Although Ophis is very strong... But I feel that according to Ophis's character, she is likely to suffer unexpectedly!"

Fallen Angel Twelve Wings Black Cat:"Let me do it! I will go to Ophis' world in a moment to take care of Ophis. With my help, there is no need to worry about Ophis being abducted by the evil gang or the strange uncle. Hahaha! I am a fallen angel! It is also the duty of a fallen angel to give the confused dragon a way forward."

Whitebeard Dad:"!!!"

Leader Luo Hao:"!!!"

Do fallen angels still have this responsibility? I wonder if Azazel, the governor who is nominally in charge of the fallen angels, will be so angry after hearing what Black Cat said! After all, giving guidance to an infinite dragon god like Ophis... Without knowing Ophis's character, the pressure is really great.

Su Xiaoxiao:"……Black Cat, I feel like you are not such an enthusiastic person, right?"

Su Han felt something was wrong. He thought that he knew the black cat quite well. The black cat was indeed very enthusiastic, but this kind of enthusiasm was only for his friends... for strangers he had just met, it should not be this kind of enthusiasm. You're heartbroken, right?!

Fallen Angel Twelve-Winged Black Cat:"There's no way... Ophis is so cute! It’s simply an infinitely cute dragon."

Fallen Angel Twelve-Winged Black Cat Clan:"Furthermore, there are real fallen angels in that world! So I'm very curious about that world. I feel like I’m going to take a tour of that world! Have a battle. My strength has reached another level."

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