Su Han returned to his room and fell into thinking.

Because he had driven the Reality Stone just now, he had a very deep understanding of the power of the Reality Stone.

The Reality Stone possesses the power to rewrite the real world. In other words, Su Han can use this to create attacks similar to the King's Treasure, and he can also create ferocious beast servants with extremely powerful combat capabilities... He can even use this to change the world.

For example, if Su Han wanted to, he could move Jianghai City a hundred miles away in an instant...or make the moon disappear and the sun extinguish.

However, it is just like the power gem. The use of real gems also has great restrictions.

The Reality Stone is strong, but it also requires Su Han's physical strength to keep up in order to be truly invincible.

"Reality gems have roughly two usage modes! One is a temporary change, and the other is a permanent change."

Su Han's eyes flickered, and the temporary change was just like what he had done to the moon before, which was to temporarily make the moon in this world disappear.For a period of time, Su Han's physical strength will continue to be depleted because he maintains the phenomenon of the moon dissipating.

But once Su Han stops using the Infinity Stones, the moon will reappear, and another permanent disappearance will require an unimaginable amount of physical strength to be spent in an instant, so that the moon will fundamentally disappear from this world. Disappeared.

Even though permanent changes are terrifyingly powerful, the energy consumption is far beyond imagination... more than ten thousand times that of temporary changes.

Even with Su Han's physical strength, it would be difficult to maintain the Reality Stone to make permanent changes.

"This is also understandable!"

Su Han sighed faintly and shook his head. If the change is permanent and consumes less physical energy, then he will be invincible this time... If he encounters any enemy in the future, if he makes the opponent disappear immediately with a thought, will he be invincible? Really?

After returning to his room, Su Han found that Ram was waiting quietly in the room.

"Owner! You should be aware of the moon dissipation incident not long ago, right?"Ram looked very solemn.

"Oh, I know! That thing was caused by me."Su Han wrote lightly.


Su Han's words immediately stuck everything Ram wanted to say in his throat, and he couldn't spit it out for a long time.

However, the solemn expression on Ram's face relaxed for a moment. She looked at Su Han with a wry smile, with melancholy and understanding on her face."……Owner! I should have guessed a long time ago that this matter is related to you.

Ram paused slightly and shook his head,"But that's okay!" If nothing happens, then I will retreat!"

Before Ram could perform the maid ceremony, Su Han stepped forward and held Ram's hand, pushing her directly onto the couch.

"Now that you’re here, there’s no need to think about leaving!"

Ram realized something, a blush appeared on his face, and he asked in a low voice,"……Do you need me to call Rem over too?"

"No need! I'll be alone with you tonight."Su Han's voice was gentle.

The night passed.

Su Han lay lazily on the bed. Ram beside him had left, and the bed was neatly arranged. He could hear that there was no sound at home. It was obviously time to train. Everyone has gone to training.

Taking out his mobile phone, Su Han checked the information for a while and found that the information from last night was fully fermented.

【Astronomy experts come out to refute the rumors? It’s actually a strange astronomical phenomenon similar to Tengu’s eclipse of the moon】

【Citistate! Russian Federation! European Union! Has entered a state of full combat readiness】

【Bill Gates, the top guru of Citigroup, gave a speech overnight, claiming that the situation in Citigroup last night was normal! Please don't worry】

【China! A breath of fresh air among many powerful countries in the world! After a brief period of vigilance, China actually revoked the emergency combat readiness order?】

【In-depth analysis! The reasons for the actions of the world's powerful countries and China's actions]

Su Han's expression gradually became more exciting as he read the information. Although the title is shocking, the content is quite satisfactory, but the comments under each news are very interesting.

"expert? I should say Zhuanjia, right?"

"I woke up early this morning! Only then did I realize that the moon actually disappeared for a while last night? If the news on the whole network were not so popular, I would definitely think that you are playing tricks on me!"

"I think so too! Another question, is this really not an April Fool’s joke?"

"Can your April Fools' Day joke take the world by storm?"

"MMP, I'm so panicked now! Don't read the news on the Internet, everything is fine and safe! Experts came out to refute the rumors... However, when I saw that foreign countries were preparing emergency armaments and the Grand Master returned to defend his own country, I knew that things were not that simple!"

"……What does China say? What a calm group in China!"

"Didn't you see that Huaxia was nervous for a while last night? But I relaxed later! I feel like there might be some secret information from above"

"So scary! No need to mention this topic again! I feel like if I talk too much, I might be invited to tea by the National Security Bureau."

"Yes, this is not an illusion! China's clear attitude is completely different from that of the world's major powers. I guess it has attracted the attention of many countries! Those countries are thinking about how to spy on the news that China knows."

"To be honest, I know the world may be facing a crisis! But living in Jianghai City, I not only didn’t panic, but also felt happy. After all, I am a man who owns real estate in Jianghai City!"

"Hiss, it’s the real estate speculator’s paradise! House prices have increased 20 times in a very short period of time, catching up with the country's first-class cities... Jianghai City? Shenhao, you actually own a fucking property in Jianghai City!"

"Don't look at me and look envious on the surface, but in fact...I have shed all my tears of envy! Wow, I cried in frustration"

"There is a living great master living in seclusion! Just so willful."

Looking at it, Su Han's expression became extremely exciting. He thought about the entire villa area he owned in the center of Jianghai City. He fell into silence. So the housing prices in Jianghai City have reached this point?

Su Han Throwing the phone aside, he couldn't help but think of what Iron Man said, even if I wasn't Iron Man, I would still be the richest man in the world.

After a brief silence, Su Han shook his head, shook the messy thoughts out of his head, closed his eyes and entered We arrived at the guild chat room.

Xiaolin:"……Are you really not kidding? Is this really a super guild that spans endless dimensions?

Koro-sensei:"Young girl!" How many times have we said this! It is impossible to deceive you, and the normal guild is directly projected in the mind? It's impossible no matter how you think about it, right? Such incredible things have happened, no matter how incredible things happen, it is still acceptable, right?"

White-bearded daddy:" Gu la la la! You should believe the photo I sent you. (Picture)"

This photo was taken by Whitebeard standing on an aircraft carrier. Because of the great shooting angle, the entire aircraft carrier fell into the photo.

But the most eye-catching thing is that Baibeard at this moment The beard has become very young, and the hair that has been bald for a long time has actually grown out, showing golden color. The body is tall, the muscles are bulging, and there is a smile on the face.

Fallen Angel Twelve Wings Black Cat Family:"No matter how many times I watch all over! The younger version of Dad always makes people... get stuck in their throats. I do not know what to say!"

I am a Marquis:"……I also have the urge to complain!"

Nakiri Erina:"Maybe it's because we are already familiar with that old white beard. So seeing such a young white beard! Will be shocked."

Tony is not the richest man:"Actually, I really want to know now! What are the thoughts of Whitebeard's sons now? After all, his old father has rejuvenated and rejuvenated... It's so exciting just thinking about it."

Xia Shizi:"Don't dare to think, don't dare to think……"

Xiao Lin:"!!!"

Xiao Lin:"It's not that I question you! It's because this matter is so fantastic."


Su Han fell into deep thought. Who is Xiaolin? Did another guy in the guild change his name? emmm...

After thinking for a short time, Su Han suddenly woke up. Could it be that...did the guild add new members to the guild while he was sleeping last night?

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