Kasumi Shiko:"Thunder God! I always feel that the Thor who appears in Avengers 3 and controls the Storm Ax is the real God of Thunder!"

Nakiri Erina:"Yes! The previous Thor was actually a hammer. The God of God. But the combat power of Thor who controls the Storm Ax is truly top-notch in the universe."

Symbol of Peace:"After all, he is a ruthless man who almost sent Thanos to reincarnation with one axe!"

Fallen Angel Twelve Winged Black Cat Clan:"……Actually I feel it! The Demon King can also be called the God of Thunder, right?"

I am a Marquis:"That's right. The Thunder Fruit is paired with the Divine Power of Storm and Thunder... Although it is not a god, it is more like a god than a god."

The Fourth Hokage:"I am the only one paying attention. Did Odin appear in the first moment? Sure enough, a father’s love is as strong as a mountain!"

Accelerator:"Although I don't feel anything is wrong...but when I hear the word"father's love is like a mountain", I always feel something strange."

King:"Actually...if Odin doesn't appear, I suspect that the president will appear on the scene next moment."

Su Xiaoxiao:"……"

Su Xiaoxiao:"Although I have made preparations! But I still believe in Odin's feelings for Thor. Although Thor's IQ is a bit far behind Loki... but they are his biological children after all." The white-bearded old man Dad:"Gula la la! It's your biological child. Who said it's not your biological child just now? Come forward!"

Tony is not the richest man:"It's not me! I'm not! I don't have it."

Nakiri Erina:"What happened? Sigh...Why is the signal not good? Is the network going to be disconnected? This is the first time I have encountered this situation!"

Thor Odinson:"……You bastards! Enough!"

Su Xiaoxiao:"This is the first time I heard about the disconnection! Bad signal! It turns out that the union system can also be disconnected from the Internet... It's really a long time to see."

Tina:"……The eldest brother of the president should at least save some face for Sister Erina."

Let the world feel the pain:"Thor, how do you feel now?"

Thor Odinson:"I feel more powerful than ever! The surging thunder and lightning power flows through the body."

Thor Odinson:"Even if I face the president now... I still can't beat him."

I am a Marquis:" Thor chose to follow his heart. Koro

-sensei:"How can this be called following your heart?" This is clearly called recognizing reality!"

My sister is super unlovable:"Reality is very cruel! So when you should bow your head, you should bow your head obediently."

Thor Odinson:"I'm going to have a good chat with my father! Goodbye everyone."

Thor waved at the guild camera, and then turned off the guild video directly.

Atreus:"Thor from another world... he seems to be a very straightforward and good person! Sure enough, people with the same name in different worlds have different personalities?"

Arquette:"A god who controls thunder and lightning... He looks very strong.……"

Leader Luo Hao:"The gods in different worlds are different! The gods of some worlds are aliens, the gods of some worlds are aggregation of natural concepts, and the gods of other gods are the self-proclaimed names of powerful people!"

Loki:"……So how do I count?"

Bujima Yaozi:"……"

Let the world feel the pain:"……"

Tokisaki Kurumi:"……"

I'm not bald:"Is this a slap in the face?"

Leader Luo Hao:"……"

Altair:"……Everyone! Let me ask, in your world, do you have many memory copies in the guild?"

Kirishima Touka:"???"

Edogawa Conan:"???"

Sawada Tsunayoshi:"Is this it?……@Sakata Gintoki."

Sakata Gintoki:"Our world has... but it's not complete!

Su Xiaoxiao:"Most worlds probably don't have it!" Occasionally, there is still incomplete information in a few worlds, although I still don’t understand the principle of this.……"

Su Xiaoxiao:"Of course! Even the occasional information on those worlds is very incomplete, and there is no way to compare it with the information in the union."

Su Xiaoxiao:"……Wait a moment? Did comics or anime appear in your world? It should be impossible for things like One Piece and Naruto to exist in your world!"

Su Han realized belatedly. There is a memory copy animation in the guild in Altair's world? This is impossible no matter how you think about it? It has nothing to do with anything else, but because, if these things really exist in REC. Then. In the original work, when Altair summoned anime characters from various worlds, he would inevitably summon Whitebeard, or characters from the Naruto world.

After all, the excellence of Naruto One Piece is unquestionable, even if it is placed in REC, It will definitely become popular.

If it really becomes a national comic... then it is impossible for Altair in the original novel not to attack the characters in these anime.

Altair:"……but! In my world, the two migrant manga One Piece and Naruto really appeared! It was serialized not long ago."

Altaïr:"What's even more frightening is that the serialization speed is extremely fast. In just a few issues, One Piece has already reached the top war, and Naruto's main story is almost over... even before Shippuden, everything has been promulgated.!"

Kirishima Touka:"???"

Sakata Gintoki:"Impossible... Although Gin-san is useless now, he is not so easy to fool... Just a few issues have been released, and One Piece has reached the top war?! Is the main story of Naruto over? This It can't be described as explosive!"

Altair:"Because a single comic book was published directly!"

Altair:"What's more important! Just after the crazy explosion... the news from the young jump seems like this The author of two comics! Decided to suspend publication indefinitely."

Magical Girl Illya:"Hiss……"

Weber:"It's so scary!"

Su Xiaoxiao:"I saw the back of the old thief Fu Jian."

La La:"……Who is the old thief Togashi? Why do I seem to hear strong resentment from the president's words?"

Su Xiaoxiao:"Old thief Fu Jian! An old thief who should lose everything in mahjong."



Su Xiaoxiao:"@Altaier. Nine times out of ten, a writer-type time traveler has appeared in your world!"

Su Xiaoxiao:"Don't worry, we are professional for this type of time traveler.

" When Su Han was about to see if a new main quest had been released, Altair spoke again,

Altair:"……If it were just that various comics appeared in my world, I wouldn't be surprised! The key is... not long ago, I saw the news."

Altaïr:"Ace, the fire fist that can shoot out flames, appeared on the street! Lieutenant General Garp who is capable of punching! Uchiha Sasuke who can cast the Mangekyō Sharingan! Uzumaki Naruto who can make the Great Jade Rasengan! And the extremely old Sandaime Hokage."

A symbol of peace:"???"

My sister was so unlovable:"F*ck... what the hell is this?"

Not to mention anyone else, even Su Han almost spit out a mouthful of salt soda when he saw this scene. What the hell kind of operation is this?

L:"……There are two possibilities for this situation!"

L:"The first possibility is that a very good COS is created to create a fishing boat! Get ready to start filming a live-action movie."

Nakiri Erina:"……I was a little shocked at first, but when I thought about it carefully, the possibility of what L said was actually quite high.……"

L:"As for the second possibility, that’s much simpler! Maybe it's because the time traveler traveled to the REC world! Started to be a copywriter. But his system is not just a copywriting system. It also has abilities similar to Altair's, which can turn the imaginary into reality."

L:"Therefore, the time traveler embodied the character in his comics!"

Edogawa Conan:"What L said makes sense! I'm making an addition. This comic exchange! There are two possibilities."

Edogawa Conan:"One is that you can only redeem the characters in the comics you draw. In other words, the current Uzumaki Naruto and Uchiha Sasuke have not grown up yet."

Nakiri Erina:"……Is it like this? Think carefully! What Conan said makes sense."

Let the world feel the pain:" I'm more curious about Conan's second reasoning!"

Edogawa Conan:"But... there is another possibility. The redemption of this time traveler is based on popularity and is not limited to the length of the comic. And this possibility is also extremely high, because the other party has stopped publishing! Obviously, I have achieved my goal and there is no need to spend more on future content."

Edogawa Conan:"This also means that what we are facing may be the peak Sasuke who can display the Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan... and the peak who can display Sage Mode and Nine-Tails Mode.people!"

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