Come be my son:"I actually got the task this time? Blah blah blah! What a surprise beyond imagination!"

Whitebeard was really surprised.

As the number of people in the guild continues to increase, his chances of snatching the mission each time also continue to decrease. Coupled with his own strength, Whitebeard is no longer as persistent in his mission as before.

The reason why he snatched the task was more of a matter of convenience. If he couldn't get it, he wouldn't be disappointed. If he could get it, it would be an unexpected surprise.

I am a Marquis:"……"

Compared with Whitebeard's free and easy attitude, Marquis Vauban is much more entangled.

After all, I had seen the mission briefing sent by Su Han before and learned that this time the time traveler was called the Demon God. As a God Killer, he was quite itchy and wanted to have a battle with this god from another world.

But in the end, he sighed, shook his head, and put the matter behind him.

If you can't get it, you can't get it. Although he's a little disappointed, it doesn't mean that he will dwell on it. After all, the candidates have been decided, so what's the use of not being willing to do so? Might as well be more free and easy.

Tony is not the richest man:"……Altair? I'm more curious! If Miss Altair participates in this mission and goes to other worlds, will her abilities be affected?"

My sister is super unlovable:"I'm worried about this problem too! Many of Altair's abilities are very buggy. But if you are restricted in other worlds, it will really be the end of the world... By then, it will be difficult to protect yourself."

Altaïr:"Not long ago, I went to the world of Miss Nakiri Erina! An experiment was conducted, and the results of the final experiment showed that most of my abilities can be used in other worlds... Of course, the ability to travel through fantasy worlds cannot be used.……"

Su Xiaoxiao:"If only the ability to travel through fantasy cannot be used, then Altair's other abilities are not to mention invincible... but self-protection is definitely more than enough."

Fallen Angel Twelve-Winged Black Cat:"I think so too.. Just because Altair's one can transfer the damage she receives to her opponent is enough for her to protect herself without any worries."

Su Xiaoxiao:"……But I am more concerned about it! Still Zima."

Su Xiaoxiao:"Zi Ma usually doesn't bubble! But this time the mission is a success. I strongly doubt it! Zi Ma spends most of her time peeking at the screen! The evil screen-peeping party."

Monster Sage:"……"

Yakumo Purple almost couldn't come up in one breath.

She spends most of her time peeking at the screen instead of bubbling around in the guild. Why? Guild Master, don’t you have some ideas in your mind?

If you hadn't called her Purple Mom every day, and even made this title widely known and had a considerable audience base in the guild, wouldn't Yakumo Purple not be popular in the guild? She herself also misses Shui Qun! It’s just that conditions don’t allow it!!

Although Yakumo Murasaki wanted to complain, she took into account Su Han's cruel silence privilege. Finally, he shut his mouth obediently!

Although she rarely bubbles up in the guild, there are two different things between not making bubbles and being banned. If Su Han got angry and gave her a 29-day ban package, even she wouldn't be able to withstand it.

Su Xiaoxiao:"Okay! Since no one questions the candidates for the mission... Then everyone, see you in another world!"

Su Han opened his eyes, and instantly sensed red pupils and black pupils, and had passed through the living room. The door of time and space in the center went to Langshan for training, and there was no one at home at the moment.

After thinking about it, Su Han didn't say anything and directly chose to accept the task.

The next moment, a brilliant brilliance lingered on Su Han's body. After a breath, Su Han's figure disappeared into nothingness


The world of fox demons.

In a certain prison in Tushan.

Tushan Honghong was huddled in the corner at the moment. Beside her were Tushan Rongrong and Tushan Yaya.

"……what on earth is it?"Tushan Yaya is petite, even much smaller than Tushan Honghong and Tushan Rongrong at the moment. There is a slight fear and confusion on her face at the moment.

"Yaya! Don't worry too much, nothing will happen."Tushan Rongrong reached out and touched Tushan Yaya's head, with a smile on his face and comforted him,"We should be rescued soon!""

"Uh-huh! I believe Rongrong."Tushan Yaya nodded, and then breathed a sigh of relief.

On the surface, Tushan Rongrong was calm and calm, but in fact, her heart was very heavy. This is different from being captured by the slave team. If she was arrested If the slave team captures them, then with good luck, they may be found by Tushan's guards and rescued.

But now, the entire Tushan has been wiped out, and almost all the Tushan foxes have been captured. In the cage... In this situation, who can save them?!

But no matter how strong the bad feeling in her heart was, Tushan Rongrong would not show her worries in front of Tushan Yaya.

In other words, on the contrary, she had to show a look of ease, so that she could appease Tu Shan Yaya's heart.

Just when Tu Shan Rongrong frowned and thought about the way to break the situation in front of her, a warm little hand touched her head. Go up and rub her hair hard. A calm voice sounded.

"Don't worry! The problem will be solved quickly."

Tushan Rongrong was stunned for a moment, and then looked at Tushan Honghong beside him.

Immediately, Tushan Rongrong was surprised to find that Tushan Honghong, who was a little worried before, had completely calmed down now.

"……Sister Honghong, have you thought of any way to escape?"

"No!"Tushan Honghong shook her head very calmly. Tushan Rongrong's cheeks suddenly twitched. There is no way. Why do you put on such a calm expression? Before she could complain, Tushan Honghong added Last sentence,"But I know that someone will come to save us soon.""

"……Will someone come to rescue you soon? Are you dreaming?"A sarcastic voice suddenly sounded from outside the cage.

Tushan Honghong and the other three froze, and instantly turned their heads and looked into the cage.

As a result, they found a man with a scar on his cheek and wearing black trousers. A middle-aged Taoist priest in Taoist uniform with black eyes was standing outside the door.

He glanced inside the cage with a sneer on his face.

The middle-aged Taoist priest held a masked Tushan guard in his hand. He opened the door Open it and throw the guard directly into the cage

"Tushan is also good! A Qi Dao Alliance is also good! They are all vulnerable to the Empress's plan. When the Demon God returns, the mana and demonic power of all the practitioners in this world will become the greatest gift we can offer to the Demon God!"

When the middle-aged Taoist priest said this, there was a hint of fanaticism in his eyes, and he looked very excited.

"……You won't succeed!"Tushan Honghong said coldly. Tushan Rongrong's face changed slightly, and he stretched out his hand to pull the corners of Tushan Honghong's clothes.

Although he was still young, Tushan Rongrong's wisdom had already been initially revealed.

She understood that here Confronting the cage guard at this time may anger the other person, causing the situation to take a turn for the worse.

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