Su Han glanced at the dishes in front of him and fell into deep thought.

Then, he reached out and took out one plate after another from the system warehouse. put it on the table

"Lala, among the delicacies you brought here! There is a lack of delicacies from the earth... let me make up for this last shortcoming! What do you think?"

All the dishes that Su Han carried with him were stuffed by Ram on him.

Every time Su Han left, Ram would stuff a lot of food on Su Han, for fear that Su Han would be hungry outside. Even if Su Han Han didn't eat much, but Ram did it every time.

Over time, the amount of food hidden in Su Han's system warehouse had reached an extremely terrifying level.

Lala thought about it and immediately He nodded and agreed readily,"No problem!"

Mengmeng glanced at everyone present, and finally fell into silence.

She thought of Sastin, who was beaten out by Tony before, and the complexity on her face became more and more complex.

Sastin is a member of the Royal Guard of Debi Luke. Captain, if he can hold this position, you can imagine how powerful he is. He can definitely be regarded as one of the top warriors in the galaxy.

And among the group of people in front of him, any one of them can defeat him. Sustain suppressed the fight. Not to mention, Su Han showed the power to suppress the golden shadow with every move he made before.

"Everyone, please all retreat!"

After Mengmeng thought for a while, she clapped her hands. The maids around her won. Then they looked at each other with a trace of hesitation in their eyes.

"My sister has already given you orders before! And now, as the third princess of Debi Luke, I order you to retreat! Even if they are really enemies... If you continue to stay here, it will only cause trouble without any help."Mengmeng's voice had a hint of seriousness.

The battle maids thought for a moment and found that what Mengmeng said made sense. They immediately put away their weapons, bowed slightly to Mengmeng, and then all left.

"……These guys! Obviously what I said was of no use. As soon as Mengmeng said it, everyone left!"

La La was a little angry, but her anger came and went quickly. She quickly put the matter behind her, with a bright smile on her face.

"really! The dish called Earth World is more in line with the appetite of this fallen angel like me."Wu Geng Liuli sat next to Su Han, covered her mouth and smiled softly.

Luo Cuilian also sat quietly next to Su Han. However, she remained silent, and her every move revealed a kind of grace. Beauty, elegance and calmness.

Kusuo Saiki also sat down, and beside him sat Clark

"Don't we have to wait for Tony?"Saiki Kusuo asked while looking at the coffee jelly Su Han took out and swallowed. He had already recognized that the coffee jelly Su Han took out was the coffee Ram made for him last time. jelly

"That guy, how could he not know that there will be a banquet as soon as we sit down?"

Su Han smiled hoarsely.

"All I can say is that he is happy to see Hunter! I want to see what's going on with the armor technology on Sustain's body... I don't think it's a big problem if I wait for him!"

After thinking about it, Whitebeard said in a low voice,"Debbie Luke is also the capital of the Galaxy Empire after all! The number of strong people here should not be small. Tony is still too impulsive. It may be dangerous to go out alone. I'll go see him."

Naginata in hand, Whitebeard straightened his waist and strode towards the direction where Tony and Sustin left.

"What the old man with white beard said seems to make some sense!"Clark thought for a while, with a trace of worry on his face.

"It doesn't matter! Tony and the others are within my range of perception. If something happens to them, I will rush over as soon as possible!"

Su Han remained calm. When Tony left, his domineering aura spread around and he knew a lot.

Su Han took a few photos and sent them to the guild chat room.

Su Xiaoxiao:"Alien food! It is indeed somewhat unexpected. but! Although most of them have a somewhat unsatisfactory appearance, there are a few that are more in line with the aesthetics of the earth. I feel...Lala is quite careful this time. (Picture) (Picture)"

Koro-sensei:"……The appearance of extraterrestrial delicacies makes people unable to complain. Koro-sensei:"

Wait a minute... Sir!" Why is the room you are in not very tidy?"

Koro-sensei originally just complained about the food, but as he looked through a series of photos sent by Su Han, he gradually realized something was wrong.

Damn it! Why is the door of this room cracked? Although the overall layout of the room is not wrong, but looking at Looking at it, I always felt that something was wrong.

Fallen Angel Twelve-Winged Black Cat Clan:"Because, as soon as we came over, we met the royal guards of Debilu's nemesis! They seemed to think we were enemies, so they attacked us."

The Fourth Hokage:"……So scary! Aren't you going to explain?"

Su Xiaoxiao:"We came here to cause trouble for King Debbie Luke! What else do you need to explain?"

Nangong Nayue:"……"

Haibara Ai:"……"

Monster Sage:"……"

Aizen Sosuke:"What the president said! There's nothing wrong with it."

Aizen was speechless and felt that Su Han was right. They are all prepared to cause trouble with King Debbie Luke. Whether there is a conflict or not is not a big problem, as long as there are no casualties in the end.

Nakiri Erina:"Originally, I was still thinking about whether I could figure out my new esophagus through these alien foods... But now, I have given up this idea."

Nakiri Erina's expression was very serious It's wonderful. I was originally looking forward to Su Han and the others' live broadcast so that she could see what alien food looks like. Can you draw any inspiration from this?

But after really looking at it twice, Nakiri Erina said she couldn't learn from it.

Tony is not the richest man:"This guy! He is very powerful. I originally saw that the fighting ability of this guy in Bao Wangnu was not very good. But when they actually fought! What I found was beyond my expectation."

Tony is not the richest man:"I don't use magic! I can't suppress him with just the Iron Man armor. (Photo)"

Tony's combat power is very strong. If all the backhands really break out, he will definitely be second only to the guild. the first echelon. He can barely fight against the old man with white beard.

After all, he has too many Iron Man armors, including high-end mechas like the Hulkbuster and the Anti-Reincarnation Eye. The strength of joining forces cannot be underestimated.

And even if he doesn't use all the mechas and only wears a set of nano-mechas, or even doesn't use his own magic, his strength cannot be underestimated. At least the one shown in the copy of the notebook is much stronger.

Therefore, Tony was in a stalemate with the other party at this moment, and he was very shocked inside.

My sister is so uncute:"……Don't be misled by the contents of the memory copy! Think about the identity of the other party, Captain of the Royal Guard of Debi Luke!"

My sister is super unlovable:"Do you think a weak person can become the captain of the royal guard?"

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