L:"Everyone...if I had watched Death Note before, I might indeed have been tricked to death by Death Note! But now, I already know the truth about the Death Note. No one can kill me if I am prepared."

L:"Even the God of Death can't."

Aizen Sosuke:"……I also want to add... Although compared to ordinary people, the God of Death is quite unreasonable! But few people in the guild are reasonable, right?"

Aizen was speechless. A group of unreasonable people gathered together and were actually discussing whether the existence of another world was unreasonable! Isn't this too dark?

Nakiri Erina:"……"

Kasumi Shiko:"That makes sense!"

Fallen Angel Twelve-Winged Black Cat Clan:"Many people in the guild... were just ordinary people before joining the guild. Even though they are now stronger, in terms of concepts, It will be more or less affected by the past, I think this is normal."

My sister is super cute:"I also think it is normal to discuss... After all, there is a Shinigami in our guild."

Aizen Right introduction:"……Kyousuke Kosaka, please don’t confuse me with the Shinigami from Death Note! The gods of death are different in each world."

Let the world feel the pain:" Aizen is right! There are also Shinigami in our Naruto world, but the nature of the Shinigami in the Naruto world is really far different from Aizen and the Shinigami in Death Note. It is not an exaggeration to say that there is a huge difference between heaven and earth!

Su Xiaoxiao:"Then, L, what are you going to do next?""

L:"Book your flight first! Then head to Tokyo. Once you get there, take some necessary measures."

Nakiri Erina:"Poor Yagami Yue."

Tony is not the richest man:"I always feel that Ya Shenyue is going to be cheated."

Fallen Angel Twelve Winged Black Cat Clan:"……I'm thinking, L won't take action against Yagami Yue in advance, right?"

L:"……I'm just a detective! Don't think of me as a killer"

L:"Although he knows that Yagami Yue will take such a path in the future, he has not started committing crimes yet!"

Jackie Chan doesn't want to do archeology:"……So are you going to act like nothing happened? Or are you quietly waiting for Yagami Yue to commit a crime before taking action?"

L:"……No matter how you think about it, this is impossible!"

The corner of L's mouth twitched. He knew so much information in advance, but he still had to wait until the other party committed a crime before taking action. This would be a lot of LOW.

L:"There is also a kind part in Yagami Yue's heart, he just has an extreme personality... If he is handled well, maybe he can become my real assistant."

One way:"……A real assistant? snort! L, if you fall into the hole you dug yourself, I will laugh at you!"

L:"……Your words should not be malicious, right?"

L:"Really, if you don’t think about it seriously...this sentence is really easy to misunderstand. If you care about people, I think it’s better to be more honest!"

One way:"……"

Su Xiaoxiao:"If Accelerator is frank, then he is not Accelerator!"

Su Xiaoxiao:"Even if he cares about people, if they come out of his mouth, if he encounters a bad-tempered person, he might explode directly. Yeah."

Su Han was very emotional about this. Men are arrogant and really not cute at all.

Ainz Ooal Gown:"Then I will go all out to improve the strength of my guild now."

Momonga has made up his mind to exchange all the things around him that can be exchanged for money. The house is mortgaged into wealth, and then all is kryptonized into the World Tree game.

The game Yggdrasil has confirmed that it will be shutting down soon.

At this time, the prices of various world-level powerful props will undoubtedly drop significantly.

If he spends a huge amount of money to buy them, it is not difficult to collect a large number of world-class props.

Momonga feels happy when he thinks that soon he will travel to another world and these world-class props will become real.

What? You ask, what would you do if you don’t time travel again? How could he not travel through time? Of course, if you really don’t want to travel through time, you can only meet on the rooftop! Anyway, Momonga doesn't have much nostalgia for the world he lives in.


Su Xiaoxiao:"How is the situation over there with Koro-sensei?"

Koro-sensei:"I have become the head teacher of Class E of the third grade! And I have already met and greeted my lovely students."

Koro-sensei:"Go up Once, I participated in a Zerg mission and got quite a lot of points. I feel that before the outstanding scientists in the guild come up with a solution... I may have already accumulated enough points."

Do it for me. My son:"Glala lala! Isn't this a better thing? Compared with the solutions created by the scientists in the guild, I think it is more effective to use the optimization methods of the guild. It can also improve one's own shortcomings.

" Be my son:"Even using the guild to strengthen and optimize can further make your abilities more powerful. Why not?"

Xiao Zhizhizhu:"That's right! If you have If you have enough points, then why should you ask that guy Tony to solve this problem! Although this guy usually doesn't cause trouble, once it does, it will be a big deal. For example, the Ultron Crisis or something."

Tony is not the richest man:"……"

The corner of Tony's mouth twitched, but after thinking about it carefully, he found that he could not refute, and in the end he could only pretend that he had not seen Xiao Zhizhi.

Tony is not the richest man:"No matter what, research still needs to be done! In the end, whether Koro-sensei adopts my method or not, that is Koro-sensei's business."

Tony seemed very free and easy about this. Research is his business, whether to adopt it or not is up to Koro-sensei.

Korosensei:"……I'm really sorry to trouble you!"

Koro-sensei felt a little embarrassed. He originally asked Tony to help him with his research, but he already felt that it was a bit troublesome for Tony. Now, he is more likely to use the guild chat room method. Koro-sensei feels that he has made Tony's work in vain So.

Tony is not the richest man:"No need to say that! The antimatter effect on Korosensei inspired me a lot……"

Tony is not the richest man:"Although I can't use this to research any highly destructive weapons because I promised Koro-sensei before. However, I can use this to further research new energy sources."

Tony didn't think it was a big deal. Although he did study this aspect to save Koro-sensei, he could also get some new ideas from it to further his research.

Korosensei:"If you are studying energy instead of weapons... no problem, just go ahead."

Su Han rubbed his chin, stared at the contents of the guild, and nodded thoughtfully. Koro-sensei’s words revealed his great trust in Tony.

"It seems that Koro-sensei has roughly completed the Avengers... maybe he has also completed the IS? But looking at it like this, Tony should have been given his own body tissue in the end?"

Su Han was thoughtful, not surprised at all. No matter who it is, after watching the Avengers seriesEveryone will have a very detailed understanding of Tony's character.

To be honest, Tony is indeed one of the best in the guild.

Although sometimes Tony would cause troublesome things. But this is normal. People are not saints, and no one can make mistakes.

Lala:"Wow! My father just forced me to get married again! What a bad old man!"

Nakiri Erina:"!!!"

Fallen Angel Twelve Winged Black Cat Clan:"……Forced into marriage again so soon?

Lala:" Yeah!""

La La:"@苏小小. @I am not bald. @Qimu Kusuo. President... and everyone, are you here now?"

【PS: There is a small bug. Ainz Ooal Gown is the guild name, Momonga is the online name, and the real name is Suzuki Satoru. The previous content has been modified. 】

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