Nakiri Erina:"It would really be reassuring if Saitama-sensei joins us this time."

Fallen Angel Twelve-Winged Black Cat Clan:"However, thinking of Saitama-sensei, I suddenly want Aite alone. @鑫木昋."

Fallen Angel Twelve-Winged Black Cat Clan:"If Saiki Kusuo also goes together, then there really is no need to worry."

Saiki Kusuo:"……"

Saiki Kusuo:"Although I really want to go, but after thinking about it, let's forget it."

Saiki Kusuo:"I am not very good at fighting. Even if I go, I can only play support, or I'm just causing trouble for you."

If it was a crushing game, Saiki Kusuo wouldn't mind helping.

But obviously, this time the battle with the four-gem version of Thanos was not about crushing. In order to prevent others from causing trouble, Saiki Kusuo thought about it and refused.

He is not good at fighting, let alone fighting together with others.

Come be my son:"Gu la la la! Do you need my help? My earthquake fruit has been strengthened twice! The armed color has also successfully broken through to the perfect level."

Be mine Son:"Coupled with the advanced knowledge color and the high-level overlord color! It shouldn't hold you back, right?"

I am a Marquis:"Didn't I break through my divine power several times? Did I say something?"

Aizen Soyousuke:"Can you let me join in the fun? You all watched the live broadcast. I can even kill Yhwach... No one should doubt my strength, right?" The

Fourth Hokage:"Honestly, I also wanted to go over and join in the fun, but after thinking about it, I'm afraid I'm not strong enough, so I won't cause trouble!"

Namikaze Minato smiled bitterly, and his Flying Thunder God Technique has also broken through to the fifth stage.

Of course, his development direction is different from Su Han.

Compared to the banishment technique developed by Su Han, Namikaze Minato developed the teleportation technique.

Once the five-stage Flying Thunder God Barrier is deployed, it can cover a radius of nearly a hundred miles, and then move freely within this space.

More importantly, apart from maintaining the Flying Thunder God barrier, Namikaze Minato teleports without spending chakra. From this one can imagine the horror. Not to mention, he developed and perfected the Rasengan Shuriken. Has a wide range of killing skills.

Unlike Uzumaki Naruto, Namikaze Minato's Rasengan Shuriken is well developed, so there is no need to worry about hurting himself. And its destructive power is even better than Uzumaki Naruto's Rasengan Shuriken.

Through this, Namikaze Minato established himself as powerful enough to rival Senju Hashirama. Enough to be invincible to the entire ninja world.

Unless Uchiha Madara is resurrected, or Otsutsuki Kaguya is revived. Otherwise he has nothing to fear.

Although Uzumaki Nagato's strength is constantly improving and may not be inferior to Namikaze Minato, because of the guild members, there is no need to worry about the two facing each other. When Namikaze Minato was thinking about it, he naturally left Uzumaki Nagato out of the equation.

However, even so, Namikaze Minato's invincibility is only limited to the ninja world. In the guild, he is far from being a top expert.

Kasumi Shiko:"How can you tell your strength simply by looking at it?"

Clark Kent:"So, what does Miss Kasumi Shiko mean?"

Kasumi Shiko:"In order to select a suitable candidate, I suggest you still have a fight. Let’s fight. Let’s start PK on the virtual battlefield!"

I am a Marquis:"……"

Come be my son:"……"

Aizen Sosuke:"……"

What kind of bad idea is this? The corners of their mouths all twitched.

To select members for the mission. So let's have a fight? Is there still time for a fight? Is it necessary to select a ranking of the strength of the guild members?

Su Xiaoxiao:"……"

Su Han's brows twitched and he ignored Xia Shizi's suggestion. He roughly calculated it in his mind.

Him, Teacher Saitama, Marquis Woban, Whitebeard, Clark, plus Aizen. Compared to the mission limit of five people, there were six people in total, which was obviously one more person.

After a little calculation in his heart, Su Han made a decision immediately.

Su Xiaoxiao:"In that case, those who want to participate in the mission can do a random roulette. Whoever is drawn by the random roulette will be excluded." I am a Marquis:"I think there is no problem!"

Listen! At this sentence, the Marquis of Vauban felt that he was sure.

After all, as a god-killer, he had good luck. It's hard to say about other situations, but if one of the five people is excluded, no matter how you think about it, it won't be his turn, right?

Clark Kent:"……You make the decision. You've decided, just tell me what to do. I'm free to do anything!"

Come and be my son:" Then ask the president to start."

Su Han immediately did not hesitate at all. He used the long-lost big roulette function and filled in all the names of several union members.

Then, Su Han drove directly.

The roulette wheel slowly stopped, and a person's name slowly The appearance of. I am a Marquis.

I am a Marquis:"???"

The sneer on Marquis Vauban's face froze.

He suddenly stood up and stared at the name in disbelief, feeling that his three views were shaken.

How could it be him? Isn't he a god-killer?

And his miraculous luck? Or did his luck misunderstand his meaning, so he was not excluded, but was selected?!

The Marquis of Vauban was disturbed by the wind, and felt that his soul had suffered a heavy blow.

Tony is not the richest man:"Congratulations to the old Marquis for winning the top prize!"

Tony burst out laughing. Seeing the old Marquis' misfortune, he laughed so hard. I really can't control it.

And this scene also attracted the attention of other Avengers members beside him at the moment. The eyes of several people were full of surprise and uncertainty.

After a while, Tony finally managed to control himself and waved to other members that he was fine.

Fallen Angel Twelve-Winged Black Cat Clan:"So terrifying! So terrifying!"

Symbol of peace:"……Although I don't know exactly what the old Marquis's expression is at this moment, I feel that his expression must be very wonderful."

I am a Marquis:"……"

The Marquis de Vauban expressed that he did not wish to speak.

He immediately opened his eyes and evacuated the guild chat room. He took two deep breaths and fell into thinking. After a long time, he narrowed his eyes slightly,"I can't calm down... Why don't I kill two gods first and calm down!"

Su Xiaoxiao:"Then the person participating in the mission is me! Whitebeard! Clark! Lan Ran! Saitama! Is there no problem?"

I'm not bald:"I'm ready at any time!"

Come be my son:"Gu la la la! If Stark calls me over, call you over there first People, please be prepared. If I go over at my height, I'm afraid it will scare you."

Whitebeard has not experienced the mission once or twice. He naturally knows that other worlds are different from the One Piece world.

In the world of One Piece, his height would not attract anyone's attention. Compared to his body shape, others paid more attention to his identity, the strongest man in the world, the Yonko Whitebeard.

However, it is different in other worlds.

His body type can no longer be described as standing out from the crowd.

Tony is not the richest man:"Don't worry! Old man with white beard. Do you think our world is a normal world?"

Su Xiaoxiao:"……So now it’s time to officially set off!"

Su Han opened his eyes and briefly glanced at the large playground behind the villa area.

At this time, Red Eyes and Black Eyes were competing with each other. Murasame, who was wrapped in armed domineering, and the deceased kept colliding with each other. And Ram and Rem are out shopping for groceries

"Then just go out! But the news still needs to be told to them."

Su Han sighed quietly and thought.

The chicken talisman with the power of the talisman was activated instantly. On the table behind Su Han, a piece of white paper was suddenly pulled out. A pen also floated up and quickly wrote a paragraph. The words. The general meaning is to tell Ramrem that there is no need to worry.

After completing everything, Su Han looked solemn, accepted the task, and disappeared in an instant.

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