Su Xiaoxiao:"So... Miss Haibara Ai! Or Miss Miyano Shiho."

Su Xiaoxiao:"After reading the memory copy! Miss Miyano Shiho, do you have any special feelings?"

Nakiri Erina:"Yes! Looking at it this way, I suddenly remembered Miss Haibara Ai's real name. It should be Miyano Shiho, right?"

Haihara Ai:"……The name Miyano Shiho has passed away!"

Hui Yuan Ai:"I am just Hui Yuan Ai now. An ordinary primary school student."

Fallen Angel Twelve Winged Black Cat Clan:"……It seems that Miyano... No, Miss Haihara Ai has become smaller! What I'm more curious about is, does Huihara Ai still want to avenge his sister?"

Hui Yuan Ai:"Of course I think so."

Xia Shizi:" Do you need help? I feel like there should be some big guys in the guild willing to help!"

Haihara Ai:"No need, I will practice the skills in the public skill column!"

Hui Yuan Ai:"Wait until I complete my training! I will take revenge on the black organization again. By that time... I will get back everything they owe me!"

It turns out that after Hui Yuan Ai became smaller, she had a faint feeling that she had given up her previous thoughts.

It was not for other reasons, but because she knew herself. A scientist who has become smaller and has no power to restrain a chicken cannot possibly be The opponent of the black organization.

But now, after seeing the series of skills in the guild's skill bar, Haihara Ai's mind has completely changed.

When she has cultivated a domineering spirit, she can kill gin, vodka, etc., isn't it easy to catch her? Even in the end, even destroying the entire black organization is not impossible.

Kayaba Akihiko:"Everyone! Something happened here... I may need your help."

Tony is not the richest man:"Kayaba Akihiko? Do you need our help with something? I said I almost laughed out loud!"

Tony Stark made no secret of his gloating.

A symbol of peace:"……Although I don’t really want to think ill of others! But if it is Kayaba Akihiko. Wouldn't he want the scientists in the union to help him continue to develop that game?"

Xiao Zhizhi:"……I think there is no big problem in simply developing games! As long as you don't play a death game, that's fine. Should we scientists use our own strength to promote social progress?"

Tony is not the richest man:"???"

Tony Stark almost suspected that he had seen it wrong. After rubbing his eyes and realizing that he still read this sentence, he looked confused.

Fallen Angel Twelve-Winged Black Cat:"What's the matter with such positive words? Did Miss Shu say this?!" Wu

Geng Liuli saw this passage and expressed that she was shocked. There seems to be something wrong with Xiao Zhizhu's current character.

Xiao Zhizhi:"Of course! After all, it promotes social reform in a positive direction. But it is possible to start side tasks! And then get a lot of points."

Xiao Zhizhi:"The points are super awesome! I discovered the guild function There are many interesting things in it that can greatly improve my technological level."

Tony is not the richest man:"……Feel comfortable! I see! This is acceptable."

Tony is not the richest man:"When I first saw the change in Xiao Zhizhi's character, I was a little scared."

Tony Stark finally breathed a sigh of relief. This is normal.

Kayaba Akihiko:"……So, am I being ignored?

Su Xiaoxiao:"If you have any questions, just ask!" In the guild, if anyone is willing to help, they will naturally help."

Kayaba Akihiko:"Half a day ago! A sudden change has occurred in our Tokyo!"

Kayaba Akihiko:"Downtown Tokyo! A passage to another world appeared."

The Fourth Hokage:"……etc! Mutation? Isn't it something reincarnators and time travelers created again?"

Kayaba Akihiko:"I don't know! But according to the information I have received so far... there is no sign of reincarnations or time-travelers!"

Let the world feel the pain:"Isn't it an accident caused by reincarnations and time-travelers? This is the first time I’ve seen it! It's also possible that they hid it too well……"

Su Xiaoxiao:"Everyone, please don't make any noise. Let Kayaba Akihiko continue!"

Seeing this, Su Han frowned slightly, raised a finger, and gently rubbed the center of his eyebrows.

He stared closely at the guild chat room interface. Thoughts flickered in his mind. Other types of main quests? This is the first time I've seen it.

Kayaba Akihiko:"In the passage leading to another world! A large number of heavy armored cavalry like orcs in fantasy works appeared! And they burned, killed and looted wantonly."

Kayaba Akihiko:"Tokyo is in chaos! The Self-Defense Forces are the first Time to take action. But there is no way! Those orcs are suspected of controlling supernatural powers? Of course this is not the most deadly……"

Su Xiaoxiao:"……"

Su Han was a little confused, wait, why does this plot sound so like the plot of the Fantasy Self-Defense Forces? Your world is Sword Art Online, right?

Kayaba Akihiko:"What's even more fatal is that when the government made up its mind and prepared to use weapons of mass destruction against the city center, the dragon appeared. The final result is unknown... but Tokyo has begun to evacuate residents……"

Busujima Yako:"……A dragon appears?"

Nakiri Erina:"Although I know this atmosphere is a bit inappropriate. But I still can't control my hands. @Monkey D Dorag."

Monkey D Dorag:"……No...don't look at me! If you want to see, go find the president next door who once slayed a dragon."

Su Xiaoxiao:"……Other than that, any news?"

The corner of Su Han's mouth twitched a few times. Sure enough, is it a scene similar to the invasion of another world by the Fantasy Self-Defense Force?

However, from the beginning of the evacuation of residents in Tokyo, it can be seen that this time it does not seem to be like the Fantasy Self-Defense Force. Japan since The Guards crushed the other world, but in turn, they were crushed by the other world.

Kayaba Akihiko:"……That's all I have to say!"

Kayaba Akihiko:"The government has blocked all information. There is a lot of information in this, and I only got it by using hacking skills to hack into the official network!"

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