The black water of Gonggong covered it instantly.

The pupils of the two reincarnations shrank in just the moment it enveloped their bodies.

They felt extreme pain coming from all sides of their bodies. But without even uttering a word, they fell into despair and died.

Su Han exhaled a breath of turbid air, then frowned.

Having reached the full level of hegemony of seeing and hearing, one can listen to the voices of all things, and naturally can also listen to the voice of the heart.

Therefore, just now Su Han already knew where the remaining aliens were through the voices of the two reincarnators.

"Beicheng District? Treating an entire city with millions of people as the cradle of alien development……"

Su Han murmured, his expression a bit complicated.

His previous judgment was correct. The aliens produced by the Lord God were indeed defective.

However, Su Han's previous guess was not comprehensive.

The Alien Queen produced by the Lord God has no restrictions on giving birth to ordinary low-level aliens. However, the number of elite high-level aliens produced is limited.

It is precisely because of this that on the one hand, the Samsaras and Minister Ernest joined forces to hunt down the top warriors or dangerous species in the empire. Inject high-level elite aliens into their bodies to cultivate high-end combat power.

On the other hand, the Samsaras also used the entire North City of the Imperial Capital as a cradle for cultivating low-level aliens.

The Abyssal Reincarnators are preparing to use the millions of poor people in Beicheng District to cultivate an army of millions of low-level aliens. Finally, with the help of this army, we will completely destroy the world.

"It’s really like something the Abyssal Reincarnator can do!"Su Han sighed quietly,"It's rare that it makes me feel angry."

After a moment of silence, Su Han fell into deep thought. He was thinking, should he go to the world of God-killers in the future, kill another god, and seize the power of a god who specializes in torturing people?

For example, he just used Gonggong's The water killed several reincarnations, and Su Han felt that it was too easy for them.

The little emperor looked at Su Han blankly, and finally reacted, still a little unbelievable, and murmured,"The minister is dead……"

Then, a look of ferocity appeared on the little emperor's face, he clenched his fists, and growled,"Bud, kill him!"

The little emperor had no feelings for the reincarnations. Even if the reincarnations were dead, he would There was still a little joy in my heart.

After all, he was a little annoyed by the reincarnators.

But the minister he trusted so much also died together, which he couldn't accept.

"Please obey the emperor's order!"

General Bude paused for a moment, with a ferocious smile on his face. Endless arcs of lightning beat on his body.

He was extremely happy at this moment. He originally adhered to the principle of not getting involved in politics, but with Minister Orister's words There was nothing a group of people could do.

But now that the minister, the source of all evil, was dead, he suddenly felt like he was relieved of a heavy burden.

Although he was very happy that Su Han had killed the minister, Su Han broke into the palace without permission and was killed by General Bude. In his eyes, it was regarded as a sin. Naturally, he had the intention to kill.

Now, if he killed Su Han, the matter would be solved perfectly.

Su Han glanced at General Bude and suddenly laughed,"So enthusiastic Use the power of thunder and lightning to deal with me? Who gave you the courage? Liang Jingru?"

Before General Bude could react, Su Han reached out and snapped his fingers.

Suddenly, the Thunder God's Wrath armor on General Bude rebelled.

Endless lightning arcs poured into Bude. In the general's body, General Bude's body twitched violently, and he let out a shrill scream.

Finally, his body trembled, and he actually knelt on one knee on the ground. His body twitched. He was obviously suffering. great pain

"Bude...general?"The little emperor looked at General Bude with a dull expression. He stretched out a hand.

But before he touched General Bude, General Bude turned his head and shouted at the little emperor,"Don't come over. His Majesty!"

General Bude gritted his teeth, turned his head and stared at Su Han, his eyes wide open, and his heart filled with shock and panic.

His Thunder God's Wrath armor had accompanied him in battles for countless years, and the compatibility between the two parties had long since It has reached an extremely high level.

This is the armor of Thunder God's Fury, which hurt him for the first time.

Just because Su Han said a word and snapped his fingers

"Why can you... control Thor's wrath?"General Bude spoke intermittently.

"To be able to have such a body and will! It's an amazing thing."

Su Han stared at General Bude and nodded slightly,"It's just a pity that you are too far behind me in the field of thunder and lightning."

"I'll use one move! Try your best to survive. General!"

Su Han's expression was casual, but the power of storm and thunder was activated in an instant.

Suddenly, the sky changed, a storm swept across, and terrifying thunder fell from the sky.


The entire palace was within the scope of the divine authority.

The moment lightning struck down, the entire palace collapsed.

"Your Majesty is in danger!"

General Bude, even though his body was numb from thunder and lightning at the moment, his pupils suddenly shrank when he saw this scene, and he roared.

He turned around without any hesitation, pushed the little emperor down, and blocked himself with his body. All kinds of rocks falling from the sky.

The little emperor is now... well, the little emperor is not in a very good condition now.

Because the Thunder Fury armor on General Bude is constantly leaking electricity, so when the two sides are in contact At that moment, the little emperor was struck by lightning and kept rolling his eyes, ecstatic and dying.

"……Who are you...?"

General Bude reluctantly turned his head, his body twitching from time to time. He stared at Su Han, who was slowly floating in the air.

Su Han didn't look at them, but all around Su Han was an endless thunderstorm. and the storm fell from the sky.

This is not a force that humans can control...

A huge boulder hit General Bude on the back, causing him to cough up a mouthful of blood again, and fear appeared on his face.

What on earth was he fighting with Who is his enemy?

Is he an enemy of God? Is he an enemy of the God of Thunder?

Even the First Emperor, who was a god in the empire, may not have such power?

Su Han transformed into thunder and lightning and galloped towards Xicheng District. He really didn't take General Bude and the little emperor to heart.

If the two died, there would be no big problem. If they hadn't died, the future would naturally be left to Dorag to solve.

Compared with these two people, Xi The low-level aliens that are capable of destroying the world in the city are constantly multiplying, and Su Han values ​​​​even more.

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