Su Han fell into silence. He was suddenly a little curious, what would Zhao Ling'er's expression be like when he knew that he was the great master?

After Zhao Ling'er sighed briefly, she quickly came to her senses, and her voice suddenly became serious,"I have told you before, I am a reincarnation! Although I feel that you may not believe it, but I really am"

"……Actually I don't believe it."Su Han's brows twitched twice.

Zhao Ling'er obviously didn't listen to Su Han's words and said very hastily,"This time, I specially exchanged some cultivation systems from other worlds from the Lord God Space... It should be able to have an impact on you. effect!"

Su Han was stunned for a moment, and then his phone kept vibrating, and one file package after another was sent over.

《Basic magic training method》,《Navy domineering training rules》,《Sand Hidden Village.Basic Method of Chakra Practice》,《Basic spiritual pressure training method》……

Su Han stared at the folders one after another and suddenly fell into silence.

After a long time, a hint of complexity appeared on his face.

Even though Su Han himself was very powerful and surpassed the Grand Master, he even dared to summon members of his own guild to confront the Lord God Space.

But at this moment, facing Zhao Ling'er's kindness, he remained silent. I do not know what to say.

Zhao Ling'er's words came from the phone again,"I'm not sure which kind of practice you can practice, so I'm more prepared!"

"But don’t take it too seriously, I didn’t prepare it for you deliberately. Originally, I was also planning to practice. So I sorted it out by the way!"

"It would be better for you to practice more! Although Jianghai City has a great master to suppress and protect it, so there is no need to worry about safety issues, but it is always better if you have the power."

After a brief silence, Su Han interrupted Zhao Ling'er,"Do you really think that I don't know that you are based on the cultivation method?"

"……How did you know?"Zhao Ling'er was shocked.

Although she told Su Han that she was a reincarnationist, she never revealed what the basic system of her cultivation was.

At this moment, she was told so bluntly that she felt caught off guard.

"If I say that I am the great master who suppresses luck in Jianghai City, what do you think?"Su Han suddenly laughed, but his words were not very serious, just as casual as when he had talked with Zhao Ling'er. As always.

Zhao Ling'er paused slightly and also laughed,"Hahaha! Just tell me this. I trust you!"

"But Brother Su Han, please don’t say this to others outside. After all, the Grand Master serves the country and the people and deserves our respect! If you say this outside, I'm afraid those Jianghai City residents who crazily worship the Grand Master will cause trouble for you."

"correct! I've been quite busy lately, so I might not be able to see you! But after performing a few tasks, I will level up again! By that time, you will be much more relaxed, have a lot of free time, and can spend time with you!"

"By that time, my strength may be beyond your expectation."

"Psychic master?"Su Han raised his eyebrows.

"wipe! How could it be so fast?"Zhao Ling'er choked on all her words. She was originally going to show off in front of Su Han, but now the word"grandmaster" blocked all her pretentious words. After a long time, she sighed helplessly.

"All right! After experiencing a few worlds, I should be able to compete with the psychic masters in the real world."

"Don't underestimate me, I'm not in college yet...a psychic master at my age! Even in the entire world, it is extremely rare! In other words, before the reincarnation came out, there would be no such miracle."

Zhao Ling'er's words are obviously filled with pride. She is the fastest growing group among the reincarnations. It is even possible that she will become the real leader among the reincarnations in the future. Why is she not proud?

"Do not worry! Brother Su Han, I will protect you in the future! However, when I truly become stronger and grow up, I won’t call you brother! Until then, you have to call me sister."Zhao Ling'er laughed.

"Until then, onee-sama, I will protect you"

"I am waiting for you!"Su Han responded very seriously.

The call was hung up, but Su Han still kept holding the phone.

Kusuo Saiki slowly opened his eyes, glanced at Su Han strangely, and the corners of his mouth twitched.

He had eaten Su Han's dog food in the union before, but he never thought that he would encounter such a thing in front of Su Han and in the real world.

Kusuo Saiki was filled with emotion, and then took another bite of coffee jelly. Hmm......This coffee jelly smells so good.

After a long time, Su Han stuffed the phone into his pocket.

He sat on the chair and tapped his fingers lightly on the table. After thinking about it, he took out his phone again and dialed a Telephone

"Is he the Grandmaster of Malaysia?"Su Han asked seriously

"……I am! I was really flattered to receive a call from Sault Ste."

He said he was flattering, but Grandmaster Da Ma's voice was gentle. Obviously, Grandmaster Da Ma was closer to treating Su Han as his comrade-in-arms, or even his friend, than treating Su Han as a superior saint.

"When Su Sheng called me, it must be about the invasion of the Ferocious Beast King that just happened, right? I know this! Now it’s all spread on the Internet"

"However, after we knew that the location was Jianghai City... we were not worried at all. After all, you are here! I just talked about this topic with Zhang Haibei. The old guy said that it was nine out of ten that you dragged these two ferocious beast kings into the real world."

Grandmaster Dama was obviously very emotional about this. After all, why did the King of Ferocious Beasts seek death and attack Jianghai City? Just think about it, it's impossible!

So this is most likely the hands and feet of Su Han..After all, no one knows exactly what kind of abilities the saint will have. Naturally, it is estimated from a higher place.

"……Although your guess is correct, I did drag those two ferocious beast emperors to the real world and kill them! The main reason is that when friends come over, I will cook for them and help them host the wedding banquet."

"……puff!"The Malaysian Grandmaster was very calm, and he burst out at this moment. He was caught off guard.

What the hell? In order to help his friend catch the wind and wash away the dust, he killed two ferocious beasts to cook for the emperor? To catch the wind and wash away the dust?

God is really catching the wind and wash away the dust.. How can this idiom be explained in this way? I, a Malaysian, am also a person with life experience. Don’t fool me! The

Malaysian Grandmaster is messy.

I, a Malaysian, have pretended countless times in his life, and he is even called the Grandmaster of Pretending on the Internet.. But today, I suddenly discovered that I lost.

In terms of showing off, my horse is far behind someone in Sault Ste.

"I called you today just for one thing"

"……You say!"Grandmaster Da Ma subconsciously used the honorific.

"There should be a lot of strength among the reincarnators in our country, right?"

"This is for sure!"Grandmaster Malaysia quickly replied, very affirmative.

Not only China, but other countries also have great power among the reincarnations.

After all, although the reincarnations are new, and their members can survive in a very short period of time, Gaining great strength within a short period of time, and also controlling all kinds of powers.

How could this not be noticeable?

Both emotionally and rationally, one must understand this power

"You know, there is a person named Zhao Ling'er among the reincarnators, right?"Su Han's eyes flickered slightly, a little deep.

"I know! Zhao Linger. Her information is still on my desk. Among the reincarnators, she belongs to the top group! What's wrong?"Grandmaster Malaysia was a little confused.

"Zhao Linger is my sister!"

Su Han paused slightly, and said very seriously,"She is the sister I recognize!""

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