
Kousaka Kyosuke:"That's outrageous! Is there a group of people playing chess again?"

Kousaka Kirino:"This is very real!"

Sakada Gintoki:"The protagonist, the same old thing! I've long been used to it."

Su Xiaoxiao:"No. No, no, the plot of the world over there... is definitely different from what you think. It's also different from the memory copies I sent out in the past."

Su Han's expression was subtle. The plot of Lord of the Weird... is excellent. It is indeed two completely different styles from other novels and even anime...

Even compared with the Cthulhu series of novels, the gap is quite big.


Klein was silent for a long, long time. A lot of thoughts flashed through his mind...

The Fool:"Mr. President, you just need to tell me! What exactly do you need me to do?"……"

Su Xiaoxiao:"Clever!"

Su Xiaoxiao:"I will send you a memory copy later, and then you give me permission to go to your place. I will go to your place for a walk... take a look at the scenery, and help you remove some by the way. Danger"


The Fool:"This is really... I don't know how to thank you enough."

Sakata Gintoki:"Calm down, that's the president! He is a very gentle person."

Tony is not the richest man:"President, yyds!"

Gudazi:"……I actually think it’s okay if the president doesn’t go! Klein is really in trouble, and he can still get a guild mission."

Gui Yanye:"Ah this……"

Edogawa Conan:"There is no problem with logical analysis! But from a practical point of view……"

Liu Peiqiang:"I can only say that Miss Gudazi is truly chaotic and evil."

Dr. Luo Man:"I'm trembling and afraid to speak!"

The Fool:"It's been activated!"

Su Xiaoxiao:"Ok!"

The next moment, Su Han As soon as I thought about it, a clear reminder sounded.

"Ding! Guild president Su Xiaoxiao uploaded a large memory copy:"The Lord of Weirdness"》"

In the next moment, countless group members whose curiosity was aroused by Su Han all clicked on it.

Su Han just had some refreshments, and the group members had already seen most of it. In the final analysis, controllable memory copies are time-consuming, but normal memory copies can be viewed quickly through immersion mode.

Gui Yan Ye:"!!!!"

Edogawa Conan:"Hey!" Liu

Peiqiang:"What kind of world are these? It scared me so much that I fled the solar system overnight!"

Dr. Roman:"I'm scared!"

Doctor Roman:"This damn... this world is so fucking stupid Outrageous."

Dr. Roman:"I used to think that no matter how dangerous this world was, there would be evil gods and other evil things... It would be similar to Miss Nayako's world, right? After reading it, my whole mentality collapsed." jojo:"……It’s almost as outrageous as Nayako’s world."

Suzumiya Haruhi:"It's so funny! Isn’t the plot of Naiko’s world the standard process for harem dramas?"

Kirishima Touka:" It's too real and causes discomfort."

Kayaba Akihiko:"Now I finally understand...why the president had such a weird attitude before! One thing to say, this world is so fucking scary."

Kayaba Akihiko:"In this group, there are very few worlds that I dare not step into... Even if Dragon Ball and Accelerator merge their worlds, I still dare to go to that world. But...the world of the Lord of Weirdness...can't be offended, really can't be offended.

Accelerator:"Can't you destroy the planet easily?" What's wrong with this! No matter how high the power level of that world is...can't you just destroy them all?

Chen Xiang:"Amon said that you are right, and he is ready to steal all your extremely powerful abilities!"

Fan Xian:"I laughed to death, but not completely."

Nayako:"Shocked!" Amon actually successfully obtained the qualification to join the guild through parasitism. (Dog head.jpg)"

Sirzechs:"As expected of the evil god, his attitude is just different! Hijikata

Jushiro:"It's impossible...the evil god of that world can't even take a step beyond the guild's protective barrier!" Aisaka Taiga:"

You have no sense of humor!" Huang

Rong:"Xiao Ke actually has a very good personality... No wonder the president is so willing to help him!""

Kosaka Kyosuke:"Yes, yes, I also like Katana very much."

Fool:"? What the hell is a gram cat?

Yingmuhua said:"Otherwise... I'll tell you to get over your coward?""


Damn me.

Su Xiaoxiao:"No, no, no, he is clearly the Fool above the gray fog, the master of the bathroom, the master of the second and fifth boys, the king in charge of reporting and reimbursement!"

The Fool:"I……"

Oh, the speaker is the president, so that’s okay.

Sirzechs:"Actually, I also think that Ke Cat is quite suitable for Mr. Fool... After all, isn't he the cat raised by the goddess?"

Nayako:"Tsk, Silver Creator, I feel like a fool... The goddess is also a time traveler. , plus Emperor Russell……"

Nayako:"It's scary. Among the time-travelers, the proportion of bosses is still very high."

Whitebeard Dad:"However, although the proportion of bosses is high...the final fate of these bosses is not good either.……"

Sirzechs:"Except for the goddess!"

Jushiro Hijikata:"Goddess, yyds!"

Thor Odinson:"What the hell! @ The Fool. Do you need me to add a buff to you? You can kill the gods directly. That kind! It’s quite dangerous over there.……"

You Suowei:"I don't think adding buffs is of much use... The world over there is too weird and weird! Absolute hard power is not very useful... It might be okay to get some conceptual items."

Yingli pear:"……There are very few people working on concepts in the group, right? The president should be counted as one."

Fujiwara Sawei:"The president is not a concept... He is just simple. He is too strong. He has reached the imaginable end point. One method can master all methods, so he also understands concepts.

Xia Shizi:"It's too real!""

The Fool:"Then... Mr. President, when will you come over? I'm a little panicked now."

Su Xiaoxiao:"Don't panic! I have purchased the time traveling talisman and am going to help now."

Nayako:"@ The Fool. Open it for me too! I'll also go to your place for a walk. (Hey hey hey.jpg)"

General Thunder:"???"

General Thunder:"Wait! President... didn't you say that you want to come to our world first?" General

Thunder, who was sprinting at top speed and approaching Liyue, suddenly stopped in mid-air. Her expression was extremely stiff.

Yingmuhua said:"She's anxious, she's anxious.jpg"

Su Xiaoxiao:"As soon as we're done here, go over there! It won't take long."

Zhongli:"@雷电general. Let's meet in private first, and then Let's go directly to Barbatos! By the way, take a look at that traveler. I'm very interested in her, or him...!"

Barbatos:"It's her!"

Kasumi Shiko:"!!! Yingbao, Wow, it’s my Yingbao!"

General Thunder:"……"

Lei Qianqian was very disappointed, but he sighed and replied in the group.

General Thunder:"That's the only way it can be."

In fact, Lei's movie is very clear. Compared with the situation on Klein's side, she is not in a hurry at all... It is natural to take it slow.……

"After five hundred years of seclusion in the mental world, I really haven’t made any progress at all.……"

"And rice wife……"

Floating in the sky above Wang Yang Dahai, Lei Qianqian was silent for a long time, and then flew towards Liyue leisurely again, but compared to before, it was as fast as lightning, but now it was much slower. She murmured," Maybe the group members are right!"

If my sister really wakes up and sees this scene, she will be very, very angry, right?!

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