Su Han couldn't help but cover his forehead.

He was a little regretful that he couldn't grab this red envelope before, but now he only felt happy.

If he really grabs the red envelope, what Pokémon will he get in the end?

He gained strange powers and his painting style didn’t suit him. After getting Kentero, his villa is probably going to be demolished. You only need to look at Tony Stark to know this. As for grabbing the Bada doesn't seem to make much sense.

"I really think too highly of this little retard! I actually thought it was possible for Ash to conquer a very high-quality Pokémon, such as Vulpix."

Su Han is good at short sighs.

Xiaozhi:"……President! In any case, the name"Little Mental Retard" is too much!"

Xiao Zhi:"There are only these Pokémon in the wilderness area. What can I do? I am also desperate.……"

Come and be my son:"Gu la la la, my strange force is very obedient. (Photo)" The strange force in the photo is only as high as White Beard's knees. At this moment, he is hugging White Beard's thigh, looking very well-behaved..

However, Su Han frowned when he saw Guai Li's nose and face were bruised and swollen, realizing that things were not as simple as imagined.

The old man is a Marquis:"He does seem to be well-behaved...but I just want to ask! Isn't it because he resisted with strange force and was beaten like this by you?"

Come be my son:"Gu la la la! Just give me It's just the Iron Fist he loves."

Tony is not the richest man:"The Iron Fist he loves or something, Mr. Whitebeard, are you possessed by Garp?"

Nakiri Erina:"Actually, what I'm a little curious about is... the magic Can the baby cook? What does Pokémon cooking taste like?"

Fallen Angel Twelve-Winged Black Cat:"……"

Xia Shizi:"……"

My sister is so uncute:"……"

The Fourth Hokage:"……"

Xiaotongtong:"Miss Nakiri... you who can think of this problem are actually a devil, right?……"

Pure white elf user:"Pokémon is so can you eat it!"

Su Xiaoxiao:"That's right! Eating Pokémon is really cruel."

Su Xiaoxiao:"@ Tony Not the richest man. If that doesn't work, send me the Kentero!"

Su Xiaoxiao:"I'll kill it and see how the meat quality of the Kentero is? I don't know if it's chewier than ordinary beef! Some. Although a bit cruel, if I don’t go to hell, who will?"

The pure white elf envoy:"……The president is so scary!"

Xiao Tongtong:"……The president is really too cruel, too cruel...and what if he was really killed! After it's done, can the president send a red envelope to the guild? I’m also kind of curious about what Kentero tastes like! Remember to add more spice.

Xiaozhi:"That's enough for you!" You can't eat things like Pokémon.

Xiaozhi:"Also, Sir, what is the name of the little retard?" Please tell me my name, Xiaozhi!"

Su Xiaoxiao:"There is no way around this... After all, every time you go to a new area, you have to practice again! My IQ also dropped a lot."

Su Xiaoxiao:"Although you can't win the championship, I feel very sorry! But I really have to say, this is life. IQ determines everything!"

Xiao Zhi:"???"

Xiaozhi:"Damn... wait a minute, I'm going to let my Pikachu start practicing chakra refining and the Three Body Technique."

Xiaozhi:"Let my Charmander and Pidgeotto practice Dragon Claw Technique."

Xiaozhi:"Let my Bulbasaur and Blastoise practice Armed Haki and Wisdom Haki!"

Ash:"I have decided! This time in the Quartz Tournament! I must win the final victory and become the champion!" The

Fourth Hokage :"……Everyone has the urge to complain, but they don’t know where to complain." king:"Excellent... armed and domineering Squirtle and Bulbasaur! Charmander and Bibi Bird who know the Dragon Claw Kung Fu. Coupled with Pikachu who can cultivate chakra... Do we still need to ask the Yondaime Hokage for a Raikiri and some thunder escape ninjutsu to give to Pikachu?"

Xiao Zhi:"It depends on whether Pikachu can successfully extract chakra!"

Xiao Zhi:"If you can't refine it, everything will fall down, but if you can refine it! I will go and see the Yondaime."

The Fourth Hokage:"……if you can! I can help you with some thunder escape ninjutsu."

The Fourth Hokage:"I am looking forward to how Xiaozhi will perform in the Federation Gym Competition and the final Quartz Competition."

Symbol of peace:" I'm also looking forward to it! @小智. By the way, can you give me another red envelope? I also want to grab a strange force!"

Symbol of peace:"I can exchange part of my physical skills with you.

Xiaozhi:"Hahaha... let's forget it for now!" I have to send most of the Pokémon in the wilderness area back. One or two missing is no problem. If there are too many missing, I'm afraid Dr. Oak will ask questions."

Xiao Zhi:"But if there is a chance in the future, I will give it to you."

After chatting casually in the guild, Su Han was woken up by the sound of a phone call. Looking at the phone, Su Han's brows instantly wrinkled.

"Grandmaster Malaysia, what did he ask me to do?"

Su Han pondered for a moment, and finally made up his mind, took out his mobile phone, and answered the call.

"Mr. Su, I am Malaysia!"Grandmaster Malaysia's very respectful voice came from the other side of the phone.

"What do you want from me?"Su Han asked straightforwardly.

"On the one hand, it’s to thank you for saving Grandmaster Guo and all the outstanding talents of China’s future last time."

"If that's the case, there's no need to say more, it's just convenient."Su Han's voice was very calm,"If there is nothing else, just hang up."

"No... there is still one thing……"

Grandmaster Dama paused here. Su Han was not in a hurry and quietly waited for Grandmaster Dama's reply. After a long time, Grandmaster Dama spoke.

"I just want to ask you! have time? Grandmaster

Dama paused slightly and said softly,"If there are any, I will bring some people to visit you now." If not, forget it."

Su Han raised his brows slightly, and his body suddenly straightened up.

His domineering aura quickly spread in all directions, and he soon noticed the familiar aura of the Malaysian Grandmaster, and Su Han noticed not only the Malaysian Grandmaster , and several other extremely powerful auras

"One of them is a pony grandmaster...and two others have unfamiliar auras! However, the strength is also at the Grand Master level. Su

Han's brows furrowed slightly, his fingers tapped the table gently, and he responded straightforwardly,"There's no need to come to the door!""

"I'll go find you!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Su Han used the Flying Thunder God technique, and his figure disappeared instantly.

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