Kosaka Kirino:"Actually, I personally feel that the Saints are stronger than the Greek gods in the Hakoba world...

Claire:"I think so too! What is the concept of being able to punch at super light speed casually?"

Makura Yewang:"All kinds of seventh senses, eighth senses...all kinds of light speed punches to develop small universes...all kinds of incredible, all kinds of ultimate kills!"

Xia Xue:"……"

Xia Xue:"There are still many big guys in the guild."

Xia Xue sighed from the bottom of her heart. She just got it, and before she said anything, the people in the group analyzed almost everything she got... What's even more outrageous is... most of the analyzed content is correct!

Shaking his head, Xia Xue suddenly thought of something interesting, and an inexplicable curve appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Xia Xue said:"@六星. My stupid brother! Are you interested in becoming my Golden Saint? I can Reluctantly, adjust the difficulty of your assessment to the lowest level of 18!"

Hatsune Miku:"!!!"

Ryugu Reina:"Is this a provocation? These people must be a provocation."

Katsura Yanye:"I took out my melon with great interest! Prepare to be a melon-eating crowd.……"

Liu Xing:"Originally I was planning to have a fight with Xia Xuezui, but when I saw you guys watching the excitement, I suddenly didn't want to fight anymore!"

Ernesti:"……why is it like this?"

Nan Xiaoniao:"……There are so many people in the group who are watching the fun. Isn’t it too big a deal?"

Himura Kenshin:"My personal suggestion is that you don't need to complain in the group! Go find Xia Xue in person. (Dog head.jpg)"

Ayumi Aikawa:"Hiss! I didn't expect you to be such a sinister person. I like!"

Liu Xing:"Ahem... But then again, if we say that Xia Xue really built a world-class super church simply by preaching. And she personally invited me to serve as pope, so I couldn't agree."

Fujiwara Sawei:"?"

Xia Xue:"!! You are so beautiful."

Sakuragihana said:"Actually... I personally think that Xia Xue should train the protoss warriors he created as gold fighters or bronze fighters."

Kirishima Touka:" Hiss...can such an operation be possible? But after thinking about it carefully, I found that it does make sense."

Sawada Tsunayoshi:"It's too scary!"

Hijikata Jushiro:"I'm paying attention, President. That racial bloodline upgrade card... what is it?"

Accardo:"The president's bloodline... No, isn't the president a member of the clan? There is nothing special about his bloodline. Even if the current system is powerful , that’s also because the president himself is powerful... How to level up?"

Karakarov:"No, the key is that props are difficult to have an effect on a being of the president's level, right?"

Su Xiaoxiao:"This thing, It's still a bit interesting."

Su Han had already taken out the reward from the union. He sensed the special rules in it, and his expression was inexplicable.

Su Xiaoxiao:"I'm going to extract the blood upgrade energy from it! And then use it on my affiliated races... It should be able to greatly increase their strength? For example, let my Zerg, the weakest existence, Can it also have the power to destroy continents? And then it can also have the advantage of the Zerg’s rapid reproduction.……"

I was resurrected after ten thousand years:"!!!"

Ye Hei:"I'm afraid."

Nayako:"The president has really created a super natural disaster."

Will of the Earth:"……Don't do this for a long time. I'm afraid. (Shivering.jpg)"

Bupo Aihua:"Don't worry! The president is very reliable. Even if such a thing is really created...should it harm the universe of your world?"

Huang Rong:"Calm down. In the past, the president, black cat, and leader on your back... didn't they also have the power to destroy planets, or even destroy the universe? Why aren't you worried usually?

Nishimiya Whistle:"Maybe it's because union members can't hurt each other.""

Kaitan Kidd:"I'm thinking about the Monkey King right now... He must have burst into laughter."

Lupine III:"Hiss... Now that I think about it, I found out what he drew! Completely circumvented the previous concerns in the group……"

Lu Xiaofeng with Four Eyebrows:"Yes, you don't improve your own strength, but directly upgrade your weapons. And you are instantly upgraded to the level of an innate treasure... No, isn't the golden cudgel in Sun Wukong's hand an innate treasure?"

Lu Xiaofeng frowned suddenly..

Cheng Yong:"How is that possible? I'm so exhausted. Innate spiritual treasure, right?"……"

Monkey King:"……"

Monkey King:"No, according to the information I obtained after drawing the lottery... my golden cudgel should only be regarded as an acquired weapon at the beginning? Such an improvement will directly allow the world to grow inside my golden cudgel."! Let him use the force of his stick at will, and it will be equal to the suppression of a large universe."

Amano Hina:"……Awesome. Monkey King:"

And only I can pick up this thing." If someone else wants to take it, unless they really have the power to lift the universe!"


Holy Lord:"……A key question occurred to me. According to this, if you swing this stick, even if you don't use your divine power, you can smash it down at once, and you can kill many beings who are stronger than you, right? Zhu

Xingtuan:"Yes, one smash will create a big universe!" Who can withstand this?"

Qi Qi:"If it were the current Mr. Sun Wukong... he should be able to easily kill the previous Tathagata Buddha, right?"

140 Gabriel:"Then, he also smashed the entire earth and even the solar system.……"

Senjougahara Heiyi:"No, the universe is too big! Its weight is unimaginable... Such a smash. This kind of power fluctuation... I doubt that the Milky Way will be shattered!"

Senjougahara Heiyi:"What's even more deadly is , this kind of power is difficult for Sun Wukong to control... After all, he did not release this attack. All he did was simply lift the weapon and then smash it down.……"


Levi:"Awesome, another step to the top."

Hermione:"I really want to participate in another mission. (Sigh.jpg)"

Nakano Miku:"You can make your world similar to others. The worlds are merging!"

Yuanda Gu:"@ Zhuxingtuan.@fengyuan. How are you doing in Hibino Mirai's world now?

Hibino Mirai:"Bubble.jpg"

Fengyuan:"……Okay! Now I have met another me. We are preparing to go and visit the Star of Light in this world."

Zhu Xing Tuan:"You see another self! Does it mean using one hand to push the other Leo to the ground and use the blaster? Also, your visit... refers to an unscrupulous provocation, asking the Kingdom of Light to make all preparations, and you single-handedly challenge them?"

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