Holy Lord:"It's not just Chen Long who is willing to help you... Mr. Chen, I am actually willing too."

Tony is not the richest man:"?!!!"

Yuan Dagu:"Hiss!"

Kousaka Kyosuke:"Afraid."

Chen Long doesn't want to do archeology:"……What did you start doing again for no reason?"

Chen Long frowned slightly, and his expression became very serious.

Chen Long didn't want to archeology:"I know you and I have conflicts, but you can vent all the conflicts between us to me. You have nothing to do with me, so you want to take action against me in the parallel world?"

Chen Long didn't want to do archeology:"Although I have already known that you have no bottom line, what you do now is still beyond my expectations."

Chen Guorong:"!!!"

Holy Lord:"Can't I just want to help others? You are too sensitive in this regard."

Chen Long didn't want to do archeology:"Anyone who has read Chen Long's Adventures has no idea. No one dares to believe you."

Sakata Gintoki:"Indeed. Although the Holy Lord does have those who are villains,Personality charm, but it is one thing to appreciate his charm as a villain. It is another thing for him to truly come into reality and get along with you.

Gudazi:"The one who is similar to the Holy Master... is Aizen." After joining the guild for so long, Kurosaki Ichigo still hasn't let go of Aizen."

Gudazi sighed.

Hatsune Miku:"Actually, I think that Azu is not a big problem at all. After joining the guild, no one thought that the tragedy of the original world was a problem.

Hatsune Miku:"The biggest problem, shouldn't it be the invasion of time travellers?" By the way, Mr. Chen Long, have you ever thought about merging with Chen Guorong’s world?"

Hatsune Miku dragged her chin and spoke with great interest.

Chen Long didn't want to do archeology:"!!!!"

Chen Long didn't want to do archeology:"Let's forget about this...my world has already merged with others. Moreover, it has merged with more than one world! If the integration continues, I'm worried that a huge accident will occur."

Su Xiao Xiao:"So, you don't pay attention to Miss Seto Chan at all?"

Ernesti:"emmm... I really forgot about it just now."

Minami Kotori:"Well... Seto's wedding is a wedding. This is a very magical copy of memory. Its advantage is that it is funny and has a good rhythm. Moreover, the male protagonist’s comments are just right and not verbose! Speaking of which, I have to mention the new one!"

Sakata Gintoki:"……Xinbaji is not in the guild, so you can give me a hammer."

The corner of Sakata Gintoki's mouth twitched crazily.

Nan Xiaotori:"Ahem... By the way, the character design of the Mermaid Faction is quite good. Each has its own characteristics and is interesting enough! Nan

Xiaoniao looked embarrassed, and she changed the subject abruptly.

Nan Xiaoniao:"But...relatively speaking, this memory copy is too biased towards fishmen, and the design of human characters is quite cut corners.""

Nan Xiaoniao:"The righteous woman's moral kidnapping and self-righteousness... made me very uncomfortable."

Himura Kenshin:"Terrible!"

Magic Girl Nanoha:"Am I the only one who discovered that... it has guest appearances by Monkey King and Luffy, and also pays tribute to JoJo and EVA? And it’s very playful. Nanoha spoke carefully.

Ayumi Aikawa:"……"

Ayumi Aikawa:"Awesome."

Lelouch:"So, educated people can say a lot of comments at this moment. But people without education can only say awesome now! Of course... They also say it looks good."

Fujiwara Sawei:"???"

Fujiwara Sawei was just about to say that this copy of memory was good-looking, but he was retorted by Lelouch's words.

He opened his mouth, held it in for a long time, and finally let out a long sigh without saying anything.

Sakuragi Hanamichi said:"Seto Chan, written as mermaid, pronounced as willful."

Sakuragi Hanamichi also felt a little emotional at this moment.

Kirishima Touka:"Um... I'm actually curious. After reading the copy of her memory, does Ms. Seto Chan have any plans for the future?"

Endaiko:"Hmm?! Wait a minute, why Seto Chan The lady hasn't spoken yet?"

Yuan Dagu frowned, and immediately realized something was wrong, and his eyes became sharp.

Whitebeard dad:"Gla la la, little Seto is now in my side of the world. I am taking him to the palace of the fishman tribe! By the way, meet the little sea king."

Ernesto:"!!! I almost forgot, the relationship between the white-bearded old man and the fish-people in the world of One Piece is so scary."

Sirzechs:"Wait a minute, the fish-people in the world of One Piece are the same as the fish-people in Seto Chan's world. Isn't it the same thing?"

Rena Ryugu:"Demon King, you have discovered a blind spot.jpg" Katsura Yanha:"It's okay! The humans in the One Piece world are also different from the humans in the normal world." Katsura Yanha


Ye:"But I haven't seen those human guild members from the earth world within the guild reject people from the One Piece world, or think that the humans in that world are not human beings."

Gui Yanye stuck out his tongue.

Ernesti:"Whitebeard: Who is hostile to me? Come out! Let's have a good chat."

Doctor Roman:"Hiss!"

Tushan Honghong:"……Then, the next thing is Lei Ming Bagua?"

Himura Kenshin:"mmp, this taste is too strong. I directly overlaid the images of Whitebeard and Kaido in my mind."

Himura Kenshin's eyelids were beating wildly.

Seto Chan:"Well... I have decided to recognize Mr. Edward as my adoptive father. (Speak in a low voice.jpg)"

The guild fell into a brief silence. Obviously, those who saw this sentence did not react for a while.

Then, the guild exploded, and countless messages came out at this moment.

Xiangfeng Chino:"!!!!"

Kuroko Tetsuya:"……"

Kayaba Akihiko:"The old man did it again? It's terrible. I saw that he didn't mention this matter in the guild for a long time... I thought he had gotten rid of this habit."

Hijikata Jūshirō:"Shocked.jpg"

Fallen Angel Twelve Wings Black Cat Clan:"@Setochan. Hey hey hey, welcome! If you need help in the future, just ask."

Fallen Angel Twelve Wings Black Cat Clan:"Dad's strength lies in the guild They definitely belong to the top group. Even if you break the sky in your world, dad can make it up again for you... Of course, I'm just making an analogy. I know you're not that unruly. People."

Fallen Angel Twelve-Winged Black Cat Clan:"Also, even if you need help, dad is not in the guild. I, as well as other dad's daughters, will be willing to help you."

Tsuchima Mi:"That's right."

Gao Yao:"Well... Speaking of this, I suddenly discovered a very strange thing. Why does Mr. Whitebeard seem to have daughters in the guild?"

Gao Yao was careful. speech. He felt that the situation was a bit strange. Obviously in the world of One Piece, Whitebeard always accepted his son...

Mai Sakurajima:"There is no way. Mr. Whitebeard also wanted to accept his son in the early years. But he was pushed back by people in the guild.!"

Mai Sakurajima:"In the final analysis, men are a little tougher than women in this regard? Have stronger self-esteem? Maybe?"

Mai Sakurajima is a little unsure.

Ma Cang Ye Wang:"Why don't you think about it... maybe Baibeard's sons have taken in too many, so now he wants to take in more daughters." Dongfang


Gao Yao:"Ahem, actually... if Mr. Whitebeard really wants to accept his son's words. I am willing to call him father!"

Dongfang Bai:"???"


Gabriel:"When we type this?, it's not that I have a problem, but I think you have a problem.jpg"

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