Fallen Angel Twelve Winged Black Cat Clan:"!!!!"

Tony is not the richest man:"Should I say it was an accident, or should it be a matter of course? I didn't get the task."

Tony Stark let out a long sigh, but he didn't look disappointed.

Yuan Dagu:"At this moment, my heart is very peaceful."

Ayumi Aikawa:"……Needless to say, Mr. Diga! However, Mr. Stark, with your strength... you are not qualified to participate in this mission."

Ayumi Aikawa's expression was distorted. He now wanted to curse in the guild: I have never seen such a shameless person.

Lelouch:"Stop talking, I believe that there are powerful people who silently select tasks within the guild.! Stark is definitely not the only one."

Fujiwara Sawei said:"However, there must be many powerful people who want to face him. Otherwise, it would be impossible for Kikyo and Toma Mi, two weaker people, to finally get the mission!"

Fujiwara Sawei argued very seriously.

Kuroko Tetsuya:"I think so too."

Kosaka Kyosuke:"Tsuchima...emmm, what is her strength? By the way, Kikyo’s presence within the guild is very weak. She hasn't participated in a few missions... Her strength shouldn't be that good, right?"

Kosaka Kyosuke smiled bitterly and touched his nose, and added something inside the guild.

Kosaka Kyosuke:"Well, I have the opposite idea to you... I suspect that they may not be strong enough to participate in this mission.……"

Kosaka Kirino:"……"

Kirishima Touka:"This wave of reverse thinking is amazing!"

Yukinoshita Yukino:"I have communicated with Miss Kikyo. Perhaps in terms of pure destructive power, she is nothing within the guild. But when it comes to purifying evil spirits, She looked at the entire guild and felt that it could be considered at the forefront. There is a battlefield where hundreds of ghosts walk at night! It would be very suitable for her to go up there."


Sirzechs:"……What you're talking about should just be about restraining evil spirits, right? Sirzechs

' expression became strange.

Sirzechs:"But having said that, use absolute destructive power to completely destroy the evil spirit." Isn’t this also purification in another sense?"

Hatsune Miku:"!!! fear.

Ryugu Reina:"Hey... Mr. Sirzechs, is this appropriate for you to say?""

Ryugu Rena's expression was very subtle. As the demon king, Sirzechs, on a large scale, can't be regarded as a kind of evil spirit?!

Su Xiaoxiao:"Okay, let's discuss the topic here. Toma Mi, Kikyo, if you have time now, I will prepare to start the mission.

Platycodon:"I'm ready for everything.""

Jijiang looked calm, with a hint of mistiness all over her body. Although she was also surprised that she would actually be selected for this mission... But since she has been selected, she will go all out next.

And the guild Most of the internal members are different... Although Kikyo also likes mission rewards, what she values ​​​​more is getting rid of the monsters and allowing ordinary people to live and work in peace and contentment.

Mi Toma:"I have no problem too. @四宫楽夜. I’ve bought some late night snacks, let’s eat them together when I come back.

Shinomiya Kaguya:"No problem at all.jpg." Until then, we’ll watch you draw the lottery and have midnight snacks at the same time!"

Gui Yanye:"……You guys have such a good life."

Gui Yanye bit her lower lip. There was a little longing in her eyes.

Doctor Luo Man:"If you think it's good, you can also choose a world to merge with. Anyway, there are so many girls with good personalities in the guild! There must be someone you can get along with.

Ernesti:"Why a girl?" Shivering! What happened to the man?"

Nan Xiaoniao:"……It's okay for others to say this, but Al you."

Nan Xiaotiao thought of Ernesti's girl-like appearance, and twitched the corner of her mouth several times.

Sakata Gintoki:"Pfft hahaha just... I'm sorry, I'm sorry, Mr. Al, I didn't mean to laugh at you. I just couldn't hold it in for a while!"

Himura Kenshin:"……"

Su Xiaoxiao:"……here we go."

Although Su Han was speechless, he didn't say much.

He closed his eyes and clicked in his mind to officially participate in the mission.

The next moment, a brilliant brilliance surrounded his body. When the brilliance dissipated, Su Han's figure also disappeared from where he was.


Saga idols are legendary in the world.

In a villa with a single courtyard.

Yuan Ying sat on the second floor of the villa, looking outside from time to time, her brows furrowed tightly."……You guys, why don’t you go back quickly?"

In front of her were Nikaido Saki, Mizuno Ai and other zombies.

"No, no, no."Although Xiwu was a little embarrassed, she still shook her head quickly,"I think your home is quite big... let's sleep here for the night."

"……Tch, you are obviously afraid of the recent urban legend! Hundred Ghosts Night Parade or something?"Nikaido Saki curled his lips with a rather disdainful expression,"Actually, let's not talk about it for now, is that true? Even if it is true, why should we, zombies, be afraid of ghosts?"

The scene was quiet. Everyone present looked at Nikaido Saki, looking quite speechless.

Mizuno Ai's lips twitched and whispered,"You didn't take the lead and go back first."

Suddenly, the atmosphere at the scene became even more awkward.

Yuan Ying was quite restless at the moment. She calculated that the time seemed to be about the same... But fortunately, she had asked within the guild before that the existence of the guild was not afraid of letting others know......

Just when a lot of thoughts were flowing in Yuan Ying's mind, a brilliant brilliance suddenly rose beside her.

"Don't come over here!!!"With a piercing scream, Nikaido Saki, who was sitting next to Minamoto Sakura, quickly escaped from Minamoto Sakura at a terrifying speed, crawling and rolling into the closet.

Mizuno Ai:"……"

Yuwu:"……" other people:"……"

Everyone was stunned. I never thought that Nikaido Saki would perform such a unique operation.

"……This is exactly what it is." Ueda Tae's expression was extremely weird. However, she quickly reacted, her expression changed dramatically, and she looked at the group of people beside Minamoto Sakura,"What are you... Oh, you are so handsome."

The others were stunned at first, but when they turned around and saw Su Han's face, they all stayed where they were.

"Oh my god...how could such a person exist in this world?!"

"Is this a ghost? I suddenly discovered that ghosts are not that scary"

"Hey hey hey, I am a zombie, he is a ghost...isn't there a big gap between us?"

The corners of Yuan Ying's mouth twitched wildly, knowing what kind of expression she should show. In the end, she could only cover her forehead and let out a long sigh.

Su Han, who turned on the guild's live broadcast, looked calm. He was used to this kind of thing. He glanced at the crowd and looked at the scene. After completing the circle, Su Han turned on the domineering power of seeing and hearing, and casually asked,"I have found Wen Chao Gong and the real time traveler... Should I move them over directly now?"

"Wow, I think we can move the copywriter here first! Then deal with the real time traveler."Tsuchima Mi spoke seriously.

Kikyo's expression remained unchanged,"These are all up to you."

Su Han glanced at Yuan Ying again and found that she didn't speak. After acquiescing, he immediately stopped hesitating. He stretched out his palm and snapped his fingers lightly. With the next breath, the void in front of him suddenly became distorted.

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