"……you."The goddess beast opened her mouth, and she glanced at Su Han subconsciously.

Su Han smiled and replied,"If you really want to... you can indeed. After all, we are in this world to play!"

Celestial Beast's heart was moved, but she hesitated for a moment, then sighed and shook her head,"That's all... I was born in the digital world. But in my memory, I don’t have much experience living in the digital world."

"The experience of staying in the host's home...this is the most precious memory in my life."

Su Han raised his brows, and thoughts flashed through his mind.

He remembered that the Celestial Beast was awarded by the guild... Would such a person who was rewarded by the guild still have his own memories from the digital world?

However, he could not recall the specific details. , experience in the Digital World? This is interesting...

But in the end, Su Han shrugged and didn't think much about it. Whether Celestial Beast and Demonic Beast were created by the guild, or they really came from the Digital World. Anyway, they found that they were extremely loyal to Su Han... As long as Su Han knew this, it was enough.

Playing from morning to night, Su Han and his party even conquered thirty-eight Pokémon. There were even mini dragons and round ones among them. A quasi-god juvenile body like Lu Shark.

After eating dinner in the Pokémon world, the group returned to their home.

After washing up, Su Han lay lazily on the bed, closed his eyes and entered the guild chat Room.

Back to Izayoi:"Looking at the reward I drew... my whole body was broken."

Tony is not the richest man:"What's wrong? I got the StarCraft human base. Are you wronged? (Manual funny.jpg)"

Back to Izayoi:"The key human base is much weaker than the Zerg and God bases."

Returning to Izayoi's brows were knitted tightly.

Kaitou Kidd:"I just played a few games of StarCraft! If I use the human race, I can still destroy the Zerg and the Protoss.

Kaitou Kidd retorted confidently.

Aisaka Taiga:"Terrible."

Gudazi:"But it makes sense unexpectedly.""

Edogawa Conan:"It makes sense! Games and real reality, can they be the same thing? The game is about balance. But in reality, there is no limit to the number of gods. No matter how many resources there are, they can be produced continuously."

Edogawa Conan:"This kind of thing mainly depends on the world background... In the known world background of StarCraft, the human race is not the same as the Zerg, the scourge of the universe, and the Gods, the advanced civilization of the universe.

Conan rubbed his temples in distress.

Sirzechs:"It's too real.""

Hatsune Miku:"……I remember that in the world of Hakoden, humans have a special status, right?

Ryugu Rena:"There is something special about farts." If a person is killed, he will die!"

Su Xiaoxiao:"……"

Is this a lottery already held?!

Su Han's expression became a little subtle, and he quickly slid on it. Sure enough, I saw it and went back to Izayoi to complete the lottery.

The base is naturally the StarCraft human base they just mentioned... As for the other reward, it is another simulated star creation map……

"Isn’t it weird to think about Izayoi now?"Su Han laughed dumbly. He shook his head and did not make any more complaints in this regard.

In the final analysis, the simulated star creation diagram is indeed a kind of stupid thing. Although for those who already have the simulated innovation diagram, the retrograde sixteenth In terms of night, it's not that useful...but it definitely can't be said to be useless.

Dr. Roman:"The president has grown!

Ernesti:"It's scary...except after completing the task in the morning, the president has been very silent." It's completely different from the past where I spent almost all day in the group."

Chen Long doesn't want to do archeology:"……This is called the setting that the person who speaks the most in this guild is the Dragon King! otherwise……"

Nan Xiaoniao:"Otherwise, there would be too many people qualified to be the Dragon King."

Nan Xiaoniao complained silently. Are there too many people in the guild like Tianshui? Even the guild president cannot be said to be invincible...

Of course, there are just as many people in the guild who dive silently and say nothing.

Xiaozhi:"Mr. President, you are here to play here today."

Taichi Yagami:"Yeah...envy!"

Taichi Yagami:"I really want to catch a few powerful Pokémon... Why did I The strongest Pokmon they have caught are Charmander and Squirtle. As soon as the president and the others catch them, they are Mini Dragon, Round Shark, and Baby Dragon."

Taichi Yagami let out a long sigh. One breath.

Chu Zihang:"……Charmander, Squirtle, are they weak?"

Chu Zihang fell into deep thought.

Feicun Kenshin:"It is indeed not weak! But, Iori has a big heart, right?"

Himura Kenshin:"This is normal. If it were me, I would be willing to conquer the strongest Pokémon."

Himura Kenshin said that he could understand Yagami Taichi.

Horikita Suzune:"The strongest... shouldn't be all kinds of mythical beasts?!"

Magic Girl Nanoha:"Um... I seem to remember that the president's house has many mythical beasts from the Pokémon world. Moreover, many of them are the highest-ranking divine beasts... even Arceus has one……"

Ayumi Aikawa:"Could it be that the president has been with Arceus for a long time? So the aura on his body can naturally attract powerful Pokémon."

Ayumi Aikawa's eyes suddenly became sharp.

Buried in the earth:"……Have you forgotten? The strength of the president’s family."

The corners of Tsuchian's mouth twitched wildly, and she felt a mouthful of grass stuck in her throat.

Tsuchian said:"If they use their knowledge and knowledge to sweep it away, there will be no secrets in that world that can be hidden from them."

Xianfeng Zhinao:"……"

Let the world feel the pain:"……"

Sakuragi Hanamichi said:"This kind of thing is said clearly... It really makes people have no sense of expectation."

Sakuragi Hanamichi sighed sadly.

Yuan Ying:"……"

Minamoto Sakura:"Well, Mr. President. I feel like something has changed in our world!"

Sakuragihua said:"!!!!"

Kuroko Tetsuya:"!??"

Kirishima Touka:"What's going on...be more detailed!"

Minamoto Sakura:"In our world...anime like Naruto and One Piece appeared. What's even more terrifying is that just now, I heard that In the Tokyo of our world, the Hyakki Night Parade happened last night.……"

Minamoto Sakura swallowed. Although she has become a zombie, she still retains her original thinking as a human... so she said that she is also afraid of ghosts.

Sawada Tsunayoshi:"Wait a moment, who can tell me... In this incident, is it a time traveler from Wenzhao Gong, or a time traveler with the idea of ​​​​invading the world?!"

Sawada Tsunayoshi's eyes were straight, and he felt that his whole person was confused. Confused.

Hijikata Jushiro:"It should be a time-traveler with the idea of ​​​​invading the world... and by the way, he started to carry out the activities of Bunshuangong?"

The boss Jushiro Hijikata ran through his thoughts one by one and spoke tentatively.

Railgun:"……So, let the president go check on the mission situation."

Seeing this, Su Han thought for a moment and then entered the guild task column. Then what he discovered made his expression slightly change.

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