Just in the casual chat, time passed by bit by bit.

Soon, everyone finished their breakfast

"It should be almost time, right?"Batman turned his head and stared at Su Han, his eyes were very serious.

"Well, it's almost the same."Su Han nodded slightly,"But the time traveler has now appeared on Mars."

"Although he set his sights on the earth, he did not come to attack immediately! Instead, a base was opened there. Protoss and Zerg are now being produced on a large scale"

"Um?!"Yu Zui's expression became very subtle. He thought for a while and said,"That guy can definitely let his army of Zerg Gods come to this world directly, right?"

"One yard owned by a yard! Although you can do this...but when you come to this world, there must be a war. Under such circumstances, there is nothing wrong with exploding production capacity. Batman

's voice was calm,"Not to mention, who said that if he opens the base, he can't let the army from another world come to this world?" Even...maybe he opened a base in this world to open up the passage to another world and allow the army to descend on a large scale."

Yu Zui was choked, and he gave a bitter smile at the end,"What you said makes sense."

"Well... what should I do next? Liu Xing thought for a while and spoke carefully,"Otherwise, the president will move those enemies here?""

"I think it’s better to go directly to Mars."Yu Zui stepped lightly on the ground,"This is the imperial capital... Although I can use the mirror barrier, I always feel weird in my heart."

"Listen to you."Su Han smiled noncommittally, and patted his palm gently in the void. The world in front of him was shattered, and a time and space tunnel was condensed out of thin air. He walked into it calmly.

Yu Zui and Batman, reversed Izayoi looked at each other. He took the lead to follow Su Han. The other two shrugged and moved forward.

"So what... Mom and Dad, I'm going to take part in the mission first. Liu Xing took out a napkin, wiped his lips, and then stood up.

"……Could it be dangerous?"Xia Donghai's eyes were filled with worry. In the previous exchanges between Su Han and others, the amount of information revealed was too great... Travelers from another world, the base of violent soldiers, and the battlefield was even Mars... …

This is definitely a battle beyond the imagination of current human civilization…

In the final analysis, there is no record of humans even actually landing on Mars.

"With the president here, we are absolutely safe."Xia Xue's voice was full of confidence. After a pause, she added,"Having said that, if you are really worried, you can come with us."

"Ah...is this kind of thing okay?!"Liu Mei's eyes lit up in an instant. Not to mention that she is now worried about the life safety of Liu Xing and Xia Xue... Even if there was no such thing, it would be difficult for people on earth to resist the temptation to go to Mars.……

"Our past... won't it affect you?"Although Xia Donghai was also moved, he was still a little uneasy,"Also, you two have practiced...but Liu Mei and I are ordinary people."

"Do not worry."Liu Xing smiled hoarsely. He stepped forward and patted Xia Donghai and Liu Mei on the shoulders. A bright blue light instantly surrounded their bodies,"That's it now. Of course... I'm leaving now. It doesn't matter if you want to leave or not."

After that, Liu Xing took the lead to enter the space-time gap. Xia Xue did not hesitate...

Liu Mei and Xia Donghai looked at each other, and finally made up their minds, following behind a few people


On Mars.

Two huge bases stretching for tens of kilometers suddenly stood here.

A vast swarm of insects poured out of a base in an endless stream. They gnawed on the rocks on the surface of Mars and transported a large amount of resources back to the base. From another base, protoss with a faint brilliance and strange expressions walked out one by one.

Although the number of protoss is much smaller than the race, every protoss has a terrifying sense of oppression.

The protoss hero Tassadar stood in front of the protoss army with a calm face. He stared at the Zerg on the other side, his voice did not waver at all."……Sure enough, it's as disgusting as ever"

"Please don’t say that," Zeratul, who is also a protoss hero, smiled bitterly,"Since God ordered us to cooperate with them, they are now our trustworthy comrades."

Tassadar did not speak, but you could tell by looking at his expression. He did not agree with this.

Zeratul opened his mouth, and finally let out a long sigh. He also knew that it would be difficult for him to use words to convince this old friend. Changed his mind... In fact, he himself doesn't like the Zerg...

But it doesn't matter. If you don't agree, just agree... Anyway, under the will of God, Tassadar will not suddenly attack the Zerg. That's enough...

After a brief silence, Tassadar raised his head and stared at the sky. He quickly locked the direction of the earth. The powerful and abundant psychic energy allowed him to learn a large amount of information.

"I sensed a planet with life...huh? The form of this world looks a bit familiar……"Tassadar's words suddenly stopped, and there was a touch of disbelief in his eyes,"Wait a minute, this is the solar system! The place we are now should be Mars." The traveler's star soul had previously traveled to a place similar to The world of the earth, and built the bases of the Zerg and the Gods in that world, creating a large number of soldiers of the two races and heroes like them...

Therefore, as heroes, they are no strangers to the solar system and the earth.

"Maybe it's a parallel world? Zeratul frowned and spoke carefully at last.

Suddenly, a sharp insect chirping sounded. All the Templars around him became vigilant.

In the distance, a huge space-time portal emerged from scratch, slowly The condensation took shape. Several figures slowly walked out of it.

"Wow, this really scares me. Once out! Just facing so many monsters or something?"Ni Hui Izayoi clicked his tongue in surprise. However, although he said he was scared, his face was full of interest and even a little excited. The next moment, bugs all over the place surged in like sea water. Ni Hui Izayoi said that he was scared.

Izayoi curled his lips and kicked a stone away. The stone instantly increased to the speed of the third universe and smashed into the swarm of insects. The terrifying air wave swept away hundreds of thousands of insects. Completely shred

"Mr. President, if we go all out! It shouldn’t destroy Mars, right?"

Batman's voice was calm. He raised his palm, and black Batman armors were taken out from the system warehouse one after another. Then, under the control of artificial intelligence, they surged away in all directions.

"You guys."Su Han was quite helpless. He lightly stepped on the ground with the sole of his foot, and the whole world changed instantly.

He did not expand the mirror world... but forcibly strengthened the strength of the solar system.

At this time, the solar system was not to mention a load-bearing Going back to Izayoi, the aftermath of Batman's power...

Even if Sun Wukong transformed into the Super Saiyan God, he and Beerus, the God of Destruction, would be in too much trouble at this moment.System battle... They are also unable to destroy Mars or any planet in the solar system.

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