Fallen Angel Twelve-Winged Black Cat Family:"The president who dropped out of high school silently gave me a thumbs up." Kousaka Kyosuke:"I thought about myself as a person who dropped out of school to work, and I was speechless. (Glad at one's misfortune.jpg)"

Sakata Gin When:"It's scary... you were obviously laughing and never stopped."

Liu Xing:"I burst out crying.jpg"

Originally Liu Xing believed it... but the words of these people in the guild gave him a slap in the head....

Sakata Gintoki:"Liu Xing... think on the bright side in everything! No matter what, if you save the world tomorrow, it is indeed reasonable to drop out of school for a day."

Sakata Gintoki:"By the way... I will teach you a trick. During the battle tomorrow, you will join in! Then you will launch a terrorist attack and destroy your school. (Funny.jpg)"

Liu Xing:"!!! Is there such an operation?"

Liu Xing suddenly said Got excited.

Yu Zui:"My mood is complicated.jpg"

Yu Zui opened his mouth, but in the end he smiled bitterly, shook his head, and said nothing. He actually regards Liu Xing, who looks the same as himself, as his younger brother.

If he spoke with conscience, he really hoped that Liu Xing would study hard... This had nothing to do with whether Liu Xing was in the guild or not.

Because Liu Xing is still too young, his values ​​​​and outlook on life have not yet been fixed... Liu Xing who joined the guild will definitely be brilliant in the future, but if he has major personality problems due to dropping out of school, it will be difficult to make up for it in the future... However

, Later, Yu Zui thought about his own childhood. If someone wanted to go to school by himself when he was a child, even if he knew in his heart that they were doing it for his own good... he wouldn't be too comfortable, right?

In particular, there is already a situation with Liu Xing's parents and Zhang Sanfeng...

Although he looks the same as Liu Xing, they are not familiar with each other after all.

If he opens his mouth, it might be the straw that breaks the camel's back! It directly caused Liu Xing to explode... By then, the relationship between the two people would become very complicated.

The world will begin to merge tomorrow, so you can take your time to build a good relationship... At this time, it is not a good thing for two people to have conflicts.

Gudazi:"@胡八一. How is your mission over there?"

Hu Bayi:"Well, I have dug out ten graves, and then through these graves... I followed the clues and found a lot of people from the underworld. Clues."

Hu Bayi:"Give me another three days... No, it doesn't take three days. I will definitely be able to dig that guy out!"

Hatsune Miku:"Ten... tombs?"

Hatsune Miku hesitated to speak. end.

Ryugu Reina:"I almost thought... I saw Dantoku from another world."

Doctor Roman:"……What is called severing one's virtue is clearly called a lack of virtue."

Kosaka Kyosuke:"I laughed to death.jpg"

Hu Bayi:"!!! Do you think I dug graves to covet the money from those graveyards? Hu

Bayi:"Even in the original work, I didn't dig graveyards for money... You are humiliating me!""

Hu Bayi was furious.

Himura Kenshin:"We believe you are not doing it for money...but we also believe that your hobby is digging graves."

Horibei Suzune:"Yes... If you don't like it, why would you do this kind of thing again and again?"

Hibita Suzune:"Obviously in the original work, with the income from digging two graves, you can live a peaceful life even if you lie at home."

Magic Girl Nanoha:"Terrible. Ayumi

Aikawa:"I don't say it on my lips...but in fact my body is still very honest.""

Ernesti:"……Stop talking, say it again, it will make Hu Bayi anxious! Automatically abandon the task."

Elnesti:"Then at that time, we can only wait for the time when the travelers of that world mature and wreak havoc on the world, and then carry out guild missions.

Ernesti said with a wry smile.

Lelouch:"What is that?" Has anything interesting happened in the world recently? Lelouch noticed something was wrong in the atmosphere and instantly changed the topic.

Looking back to Izayoi:"The president came to my world before. Is this an interesting thing?""

Yingmuhua said:"?! Oh, this is so interesting.

Lelouch:"Tell me.""

Although Lelouch just changed the topic before, he was really interested in it now because of Izayoi's words.

Su Xiaoxiao:"I am just bored and want to go to that world."

Returning to Izayoi:"Yeah... I just beat up many big bosses of the gods by the way!" For example, put red underwear on Jesus' head. For another example, when a Buddhist monk was giving a sermon, he took a wooden stick and knocked out several big bags on the top of the Buddhist monk's head in full view of the public."

Returning to Izayoi:"Another example is catching the decadent trend of half a step and one digit. And drag it on a parade throughout the entire Hakoden Garden! Scared the shit out of many gods."

Returning to Izayoi:"These kinds of things are so interesting.……"

Kayaba Akihiko:"……Ah this."

Kirishima Touka:"I want to speak but stop, I stop talking but I want to."

Tony is not the richest man:"I have to say...this series of operations completely broke my impression of the president."

Tony Stark rubbed his brows in distress. He had always thought that the president was the strongest supporter of the members within the union and an extremely stable young man.

But this wave of operations... is simply worse than going back to the sixteenth century. The night returns to Izayoi, who is even more of a devil than the devil, and a more problematic child than a problem child...

Yuan Dagu:"My mood is also very complicated. (I never expected it.jpg)"

Su Xiaoxiao:"Ahem, I'm so bored...I always do some weird things. Calm down!"

Su Xiaoxiao:"Anyway, although I pranked the two-digit numbers in that world... But while pranking them, they also got what they wanted from me."

Su Han shrugged. Anyway, when he left that world, the only emotion he could read from the many powerful people in that world was gratitude...

Kaitou Kidd:"? ? ? What does it mean?"

Kaitou Kid was stunned. The two-digit figures were so pranked and disgraced, but that's what they wanted? Are those two-digit figures all perverts?

Edogawa Conan:"……Did you misunderstand something?"

Conan didn't need Kidd to explain in detail to know what he was thinking, and the corners of his mouth twitched wildly.

He shook his head, forced himself to calm down again, and then continued to speak within the union.

Edogawa Conan:"President It should mean that the two figures have gained further possibilities from the president, right?"

Edogawa Conan:"After all, with the president's current strength, he may now be equivalent to the great road in the ancient world, or even a higher existence.……"

Edogawa Conan:"Having direct contact with the president is equivalent to a high-intensity enlightenment.……"

Gudazi:"If the president is the Tao himself to them... then if the Tao appears in front of them and does this kind of thing to them... will it cause their three views to collapse?"

Gudazi came. interested.

She was thinking, should she go to the Little Garden World? Look at the top bosses in that world, what do they look like now?

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