Ye Cunxin:"Ahem... I was a little sulky before, but now I feel better."

Sakata Gintoki:"Although Batman explained it before... but now I see Stark sending a red envelope to apologize, I still feel It's very subtle."

Sakata Gintoki looked strange. He thought for a moment and added.

Sakata Gintoki:"Anyway, people from other worlds want to destroy Japan, and they have reasonable reasons. I don't care!"

Kousaka Kyosuke:"……"

Yukinoshita Yukino:"?"

Sirzechs:"This is too true."

Ryugu Rena:"Generally speaking... this kind of thing won't happen."

Ryugu Rena:"After all, the main thing the guild solves is the invasion of another world! Yes! The plunder of time-travelers. The guild protects the world!"

Dr. Roman:"But if others have really done it, you have nothing to say. In the final analysis, the president has set the unspoken rules from the beginning! That is, all worlds have Things are left to the people of each world to resolve themselves."

Dr. Roman showed a noncommittal look.

Longmen Sir Chen:"????"

Hu Bayi:"God's unspoken rules...I don't know anything about this. What if I violate it?"

Hu Bayi's expression changed drastically.

Tushan Honghong:"If you violate it, someone from the guild will remind you when the time comes. If you insist on going your own way, maybe the president will educate you in the end!"

Kaitou Kidd:"Don't say it so politely... just say it, if you are blind Just do it a few times. The president will just kick you out of the guild!"

Hu Bayi:"……"

Hu Bayi:"Shivering."

Ernesti:"Don't be scared by them... So far, the president has not kicked anyone out."

Nan Xiaoniao:"It's true."

Fallen Angel Twelve-Winged Black Cat Clan:"After all, everyone in the guild is a very good person."

Tony is not the richest man:"The old Marquis silently gave a thumbs up."

Kurosaki Ichigo:"Aizen expressed dissatisfaction."

Yuandagu:"……You guys."

Although Yuan Dagu was dumbfounded, he was not surprised by this.

There are people who get along extremely well, and there are also people who love and kill each other... This is the guild. Anyway, even if there is a conflict, they cannot really Just cause fatal injuries to each other.

Kasumi Shiko:"Next, let's draw a lottery first."

Let the world feel the pain:" +1."

Let the world feel the pain:"Oh, but watching others draw... I can't get started. It is indeed a bit sad!"

Sakata Gintoki:"I'm wondering, when will Hu Bayi's side complete the task? Aisaka Taiga:"

Yes, I also want to enjoy the collective welfare of the guild."

Gudazi:"Even if Hu Bayi succeeds... it's still a primary lottery, right?"

Gudazi:"I personally think that a lottery of this level should be useless to the many big guys in the guild.""

Gudazi fell into thinking.

Hatsune Miku:"No, no, no... the junior lottery is obviously to help people who have just joined the guild. Hatsune

Miku smiled bitterly and continued to speak.

Hatsune Miku:"If the target is the big guys in the guild!" Even high-level lottery draws are most likely useless to them, right?"

Ryuugu Rena:"That's right... Even if the primary lottery is as high as the sky, it can't exceed the planet level. Advanced lottery cannot surpass the universe level!"

Ryuugu Rena:"As for the multiverse-level experts in the guild...emmm, there are quite a few people in the second level, right?"

Doctor Roman:"People who have not reached the level of the multiverse show envy. Ernesti:"

You God, please come back.""

The next moment, two crisp prompts suddenly sounded.

"Ding! Ye Cunxin successfully won the Erlang God Yang Jian Lingge through an unlimited lottery."

"Ding! Enron successfully obtained the path of God through the unlimited lottery. (Blank)"

No one in the guild said anything for a while, and then things exploded, with countless messages popping up.



Haruhi Suzumiya:"It's interesting."

Kousaka Kyosuke:"Jiro Shen is very embarrassed."

Kenshin Himura:"Yang Jian: Are you also Erlang Shen? Coincidentally, so am I. (Funny.jpg)"

Suzune Horikita:"What about the question? Here we are, after Ye Cunxin has merged with the spirit of Erlang God Yang Jian, can he be regarded as Erlang God Yang Jian? If so, for Yang Jian himself, isn't it the same as facing a girly version of himself?"

Suibei Suzuyin's eyes flashed. It lit up instantly... No matter from any angle, this seems to be a very interesting thing...

Magical Girl Nanoha:"It's just a spirit... It's an inheritance or something, right? This is nothing."

Magical Girl Nanoha : Girl Nanoha:"I remember that many people in the guild worship Mr. Zhang Sanfeng as their teacher... From another perspective, they can be regarded as having obtained the inheritance of Mr. Zhang Sanfeng."

Nanoye spoke carefully.

Ye Cunxin:"Lingge... is actually the position of a god in mythology. So, if I really fuse! I am indeed the Erlang God Yang Jian from another perspective."

Aikawa Ayumu:"!!!!"

Erlang Shen Yang Jian:"……"

Erlang Shen Yang Jian:"I have been thinking about it for a long time... Will the same gods from different worlds be added to the guild? For example, there is already a Loki in the guild! Will there be another one in the future?"

Erlang Shen Yang Jian:"But I I never thought... I would encounter something like this."

Yang Jian sighed quietly, and after thinking for a moment, he smiled hoarsely and regained his energy.

Erlang Shen Yang Jian:"But this is not a big problem... I have already encountered You Suowei. Are you still afraid of this?"

Tsuchima Mi:"……Awesome."

Yingmuhua said:"People who have experienced a lot, when faced with this kind of thing... will really be very free and easy.

Kirishima Touka:"emmm, here's the question... I watched the live broadcast before. Ye Cunxin and the others seemed to be doing it in their own world. Is it a technological improvement?""

Kirishima Touka:"But now, are you going to join the Myth Advent midway?"

Kayaba Akihiko:"It's interesting.

Wall-facer Luo Ji:"It's okay to join in midway, right?" The power of mystery and technology can be integrated and promote each other's progress.

Hijikata Jushiro:"Whether you believe it or not, I believe it anyway.""

Jackie Chan doesn't want to do archeology:"The top guy on the technology side speaks up! What's so unbelievable about this? Fan

Xian:"But having said that...compared to the extraordinary power within the guild, the power of the technology side is indeed a bit weak." Ye Hei:"

Completely...cannot refute.""

Sakata Gintoki:"Luo Ji's strength can only be considered mid-level within the union... but he is already considered a top technology boss."

Sakata Gintoki:"The strongest technology boss in the guild should be Mr. Tony Stark!"

Sakata Gintoki:"But even Tony Stark is not among the strongest in the guild! In other words, it is not certain whether he is in the first level now... It is indeed strange to compare the technology and extraordinary within the guild from this perspective."

Yuan Dagu:"……It’s so frustrating, there are no technological experts in the guild, not even the first level."

Kosaka Kyosuke:"I'm so dissatisfied with Doraemon! I, Doraemon, must be in the first level of the guild."

Sakata Gintoki:"!!!"

Gui Yan Ye:"……"

Takasaka Kirino:"Oh shit, this show makes my scalp numb."

Takasaka Kirino:"……Completely irrefutable."

The Twelve-Winged Black Cat Family of the Fallen Angel:"Except for the exception of Doraemon...the first one is Stark, and the second one should be Shino Nobushi, right?"


Chu Zihang:"?!"

Ayumi Aikawa:"It's so scary."

Kaitou Kidd:"Hiss... It seems that Shino Nobushi hasn't spoken for a long time. This caused me to forget about her! If Miss Black Cat hadn't mentioned it... Unexpected at all."

Lelouch:"Don't ask...asking is just climbing the technology tree silently."

Sakuragi Hana said:"It's also true...after all, that woman was killed by Mr. Tony Stark from beginning to end. You must be very unconvinced, right?"

Edogawa Conan:"The one who was overpowered in the early years was Stark.……"

Edogawa Conan:"After thinking about it, I can only say that thirty years have passed to Hedong and thirty years have passed to Hexi."

Nayako:"Xinyan frowned and realized that things are not simple.jpg"

Kosaka Kiri Nai:"Wow, so you completely ignore Miss An Ran?"

Kosaka Kirino:"Her blank path to God is something that people really want to complain about. Why don't you care at all?!"

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