Monster Sage:"???"

Monster Sage:"So how many times do you have to play this joke! Asshole President, don't you care about girls at all? This will lead to an orphan!"

Fallen Angel Twelve-Winged Black Cat Clan:"I'm sorry! The Demon King already has his own witch. The fallen angel!"

Leader Luo Hao:"Uh-huh! My sworn brother only needs me, Luo Hao, and that's enough."

Monster Sage:"???"

So, the president who doesn’t care about girls’ hearts can actually be liked by girls? This is so scary!

Come be my son:"Gu la la la, it seems that Yakumo Purple has been hit hard!"

I am a Marquis:"Young people are really good at playing with each other! The president is also really good at playing."

Kasumi Shiko :"Yes! The president played the monster sage so unnaturally."

My sister was so unlovable:"Shut up! Why is it developing in an increasingly perverted direction? Stop racing. We are a same-sex dating guild! Not Qiu Mingshan Guild!!"

Xiao Tongtong:"……Under the circumstances that my sister is also in the guild! He actually had the nerve to call it a gay dating guild."

Xiao Tongtong:"Kosaka Kyousuke, have you fallen to the point where you like men? As your sister, I can only offer you my best wishes."

Xiao Tongtong:"Tell daddy by the way! See if he can break that dog leg of yours."

My sister is so unlovable:"???"

My sister is so uncute:"……Hahahaha, I just said it! This is the sister I am familiar with, like the sister in"My Sister Can't Be That Cute", she is truly unexpected!"

My sister is so cute:"Comfortable, comfortable!" As expected, I am even more accustomed to such an irritable sister."

Xiao Tongtong:"???"

Kurosaki Ichigo:"It's over, Kousaka Kyousuke is completely crazy."

Accelerator:"……So, how long are you going to leave me hanging here?"

Accelerator said that he has an MMP saying, and he doesn't know whether to be a paddler or not.

Accelerator:"@苏小小. Or where are you? I'm coming to you now!"

Shirai Kuroko:"No! gun!

Su Xiaoxiao:"Fangjun, you should think about life quietly by yourself!" I think this will be of great benefit to you."

Su Xiaoxiao:"You're not some Yuriko Lingko. Accompanying you is not as fun as accompanying the foursome of super cannons!""

One way:"???"

Accelerator suffered huge psychological trauma.

Aizen Soyousuke:"@Accelerator. Accelerator, don't be too sad! Aren't I just here to chat with you now?"

Aizen Soyousuke:"By the way, can you send me the coordinates? I'm a little confused. Are you sure where you are now?"

Accelerator:"Sorry to bother you, farewell!"

Kasumi Shiko:"Faced with the philosophical Aizen's invitation, Accelerator chose to refuse without hesitation! Regardless of Aizen's heart is broken."

Aizen Sosuke:"……Although, it sounds right! However, the ambiguity is too great.

Xiao Zhizhi said:"As expected of Teacher Xia Shizi!" He is indeed a literary giant of his generation!"

Xiao Zhizhi:"Wow...I suddenly want to read the works of Teacher Xia Shizi now! I don’t know how good those works will be."

Kurosaki Ichigo:"Hahaha, Aizen, you have today too!"

Aizen Sosuke:"Looking for my long-lost grandson! The main characteristic is that he has a low IQ and has only been able to speak one sentence since he was a child. This sentence is, 'Aizen, you too have today.’!"

Kurosaki Ichigo:"???"

Aizen Sosuke:"By the way! I forgot one thing, my grandson also knows something. He can still laugh, all day long, hahaha’"

Kurosaki Ichigo:"Aizen, I will fight with you!"

Aizen Sosuke:"When my mission is completed this time, I will wait for good news in Soul Society!"

Aizen Sosuke:"That's right. , if you don’t satisfy me, I don’t mind opening Hueco Mundo and letting Daxu wreak havoc on the city where you are."

Kasumi Shiko:"Look at it this way…compared to Accelerator and Aizen Soyou Suke. Aizen Sosuke and Kurosaki Ichigo are also very good matches. They fall in love and kill each other." Kasumi Shiko:"I feel like my inspiration is pouring out like a fountain!"

Nakiri Erina:"……The original very solemn atmosphere was suddenly broken by Xia Shizi. Should we say that Teacher Xia Shizi is a rare genius in this aspect?"

Su Xiaoxiao:"Pay attention to the harmony of the guild!"

The Twelve-Winged Black Cat of the Fallen Angel:"Warning, Lord Demon King.jpg"

The Fourth Hokage:"Warning, Lord Chairman.jpg"

Monkey D Drag:"Warning, Lord Mentor.jpg. By the way, I'm just a repeater and don't understand the specific meaning."

Monkey D Dorag:"Continue to study hard in seclusion! The revolution is busy! inform!"

While chatting, Su Han was taken into a dessert shop by Shirai Kuroko and others.

"This dessert huge! The entrance is very spectacular! Of course, the main reason why I chose this dessert shop is that only the door of this dessert shop can allow the old man with a white beard to enter."

The corner of Shirai Kuroko's mouth twitched slightly, and then he glanced at the extremely tall Whitebeard behind him. A dessert shop that can allow Whitebeard to sit down is really not an ordinary size.

Moreover, although this dessert shop looks It looks extremely spectacular, with a large door and majestic momentum, but the price is also very high. Even for a young lady like Shirai Kuroko, she will bleed just to go in.

Although she looks unhappy on the surface, In fact, Shirai Kuroko also tried his best to entertain Su Han and his party. He randomly chose a table, Su Han, Luo Cuilian, and the four super cannons sat down. As for Whitebeard, he sat cross-legged. On the earth.

Although Whitebeard is the fourth emperor and rules the sea, he is still a pirate after all. He has suffered a lot in his life. Sitting on the ground is nothing to him.

"President, regarding the task, when are you going to do it?"

Shirai Kuroko ordered seven cups of coffee. He was originally going to order eight cups, but after taking a look at Whitebeard and the average coffee cup size in the coffee shop, Shirai Kuroko stopped this impulsive idea.

"Just wait! What are you anxious about?"

Su Han waved his hand calmly, indicating that this is all trivial.

Anyway, the time traveler has issued a challenge to Accelerator. If Accelerator has something going on there, it won't be too late for Su Han to rush over.

Anyway, with divine power and flying The God of Thunder can allow him to parachute directly with a bunch of people.

Needless to say, Yakumo Purple, the gap allows her to peek at everything in the city below, and at the same time, she can come to Accelerator's location at any time.

Thinking of the configuration of the gap, Su No matter how Han looked at it, he felt that Yakumo Murasaki was a match for that wretched guy Aleister.

Shirai Kuroko hesitated for a moment, then glanced at the ones next to him, Uiharu Shiri, and the last one, Misaka Mikoto, who had a bulging face. He lowered his voice and spoke to Su Han.

"Actually, after thinking about it, I think the reason why Kazunari Kakine only blocked Accelerator last night! Mainly because Kazunari Kakine wanted to appear out of nowhere and save Misaka's sister when she was killed.……"

"It's just that yesterday, he didn't see Accelerator killing Misaka's sister, so he was a little embarrassed, so he said a harsh word and then evacuated."

Shirai Kuroko paused for a moment when he said this, and then a wry smile appeared on his face.

"I feel that he may have to block Accelerator again today. If he finds out that Accelerator has not killed Misaka's sister yet, he may feel that something is wrong and then look up the information in this regard.……"

"If he really confirms that the absolute ability user plan has been stopped, then there will be trouble... I'm not sure what decision he will make."

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