Fallen Angel Twelve-Winged Black Cat:"It's so terrifying."

Yuan Dagu:"The terrifying Zerg from aliens descended directly on the land of Citiland... and swept across all directions. This kind of thing……"

Kousaka Kyosuke:"It suddenly occurred to me that it seems that the president has drawn the Zerg as his dependent before, right?"

Kousaka Kyosuke fell into thinking.

Sakata Gintoki:"There is indeed such a thing."

Sakata Gintoki:"However, there should be many types of Zerg, right? The power they possess is also very different."

Yukinoshita Yukino:"Yes Yes, the bug that the president caught at that time! It was a proper interstellar level of power……"

Yukinoshita Yukino spoke very calmly.

Yukinoshita Yukino:"If it is really similar to the Zerg in the hands of the president, not to mention it will be blocked for a few days... I guess the earth in the world of special forces has been completely destroyed."

Aisaka Taiga:"Poor... God What a disaster! What a tragedy."

Wall-Facing Man Luo Ji:"Originally, we were the most powerful country in the world, but now disaster has come from the sky, and everything has exploded. (Manual funny.jpg)"

Sirzechs:"……This blow was so severe that Citigroup could no longer maintain its position. It is already considered good if you can keep your country from being destroyed."

Ye Cunxin:"Now, I'm on Yanhuang's side! They also began to mobilize a large number of troops...preparing to project directly to Citigroup and participate in the battlefield."

Ye Cunxin:"Fortunately, I have received help from Mr. Luo Ji, who is constantly helping our country's technological upgrading."

Ye Cunxin stuck out her tongue in embarrassment.

Ye Cunxin:"So our senior management...even after seeing the terrifying power of the Zerg, they are not completely desperate yet, and are still thinking about human cooperation and joint efforts. Fight back."

Ryugu Reina:"……horrible! I remember Miss Ye Cunxin said before that the relationship between her side and Citigroup is not good, right?"

Doctor Roman:"Although I say that, facing this kind of enemy from the interstellar. We still need to work together as a team... In the final analysis, we are in a state of despair."

Twelve-Winged Black Cat of the Fallen Angel:"Tsk, tsk, I do think that if the Zerg falls on the Yanhuang land this time... I'm afraid Citigroup will not provide support."

The Fallen Angel Twelve-Winged Black Cat Clan:"No, it's not just a lack of support, it might even add insult to injury."

Friends of Monsters:" Stark is furious!"

Tony is not the richest man:"……What am I angry about? Isn't this true?"

Tony Stark showed a noncommittal look.

Chu Zihang:"?"

Himura Kenshin:"When I put this question mark, it's not that I have a problem, but that I think you have a problem!"

Batman:"……In fact, I also think this is a very normal thing."

Bruce Wayne calmly agreed with Tony Stark's words.

Mi Tsuchama:"????"

Tsuchima Mi was completely stunned. Aren't you two from Citizen?

Fujiwara Sawei:"I originally thought... Mr. Stark was being sarcastic! But when I saw what Mr. Bruce said, I fell into deep thinking about what exactly was going on."

Lelouch:"This is It's a normal thing."

Lelouch smiled bitterly. As an emperor, he had studied the political systems of countries in other worlds.

Therefore, he has a very deep understanding of Citigroup.

Of course, part of the reason for this is because... Citigroup in other worlds originated from Britain, which once dominated the world... and coincidentally, the country Lelouch lives in is also Britain.

A lot of thoughts flashed in his mind, and Lelouch explained calmly.

Lelouch:"Citizens of Citigroup have no trust in the government of Citigroup...! In other words, in the eyes of the people, Citigroup officials are idiots."


Lelouch:"No matter what the official elites do, the people have to keep a close eye on them... because many times in the past, they tried their best to deceive the people.……"

Fujiwara Sawei:"Hiss……"

Kuroko Tetsuya:"……"

Kirishima Touka:"……Is it that exaggerated?"

Kayaba Akihiko:"Think carefully about Citigroup in the Marvel world. When aliens invaded and Mr. Stark fought hard, he directly threw nuclear warheads...emmmm.

Sawada Tsunayoshi:"It's so true."

Hijikata Jushiro:"The show makes my scalp numb."

An Ran:"This is not important... that, it's about the mission."

An Ran bit her lower lip. Su Xiaoxiao:"

Don't worry, I'll take a look now.""

While sighing, Citigroup is indeed Citigroup, Su Han casually glanced at the guild task column. Sure enough, he found a task quietly displayed there.


Mission name: Destroy the Zerg (Zerg Overlord)

Overlord Name: Qi Sixuan

Mission Introduction: [An extremely powerful Zerg army suddenly descended on one world. This Zerg army used its absolute combat effectiveness and constant explosions to become the enemy of the entire world, and won the final victory.

This Zerg army is based on the earth and continues to grow, and its number has reached hundreds of billions.

The most terrifying thing is that the Zerg civilization has also completely swallowed up and digested human civilization. They have even evolved many terrifying bugs that look like human weapons. For example, tank bugs, flying eagle bugs, and even nuclear bugs whose principles are derived from hydrogen bombs.

One day, due to various chances, a soul from another world took over the Zerg race.

At this moment, he assimilated with the spirit of the entire Zerg race, and he became the Zerg race.

And through constant analysis, he also analyzed a small part of the root cause of his travel across the world, and determined to invade other worlds...

At the scene, the world of Fire Phoenix Special Forces was the first target he aimed at. He wants to completely devour and digest this world! Use the earth as the base of the Zerg... and after destroying human civilization, chew and digest the human technological system to allow the Zerg to evolve again……】

Mission requirements: Completely kill the traversers and completely destroy the Zerg.

Mission restrictions: Only three members are allowed to participate at the same time (robbery mission mode)

Mission reward: 250,000 points, an unlimited lottery


Staring at this mission, Su Han's eyes flickered. After thinking for a moment, he completed the screenshot and then sent it to the guild chat room.

Su Xiaoxiao:"The current situation... is probably like this. (Picture.jpg)"

The guild fell into a brief silence, and then exploded, with countless messages spewing out at this moment.


Hijikata Jushiro:"Afraid……"

Makarov:"The time traveler seizes the Zerg Overlord... Is the Zerg Overlord so weak?"

Makarov:"Didn't I remember that someone said that the Zerg Overlord is linked to the spirit of the entire Zerg race? He is the Zerg Overlord." , As long as the Zerg remain alive, won't he die?"

Makarov looked dull. Did he misunderstand something?

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