Hatsune Miku:"???"

Haruhi Suzumiya:"Oh no, did I travel through time?"

Haruhi Suzumiya:"So many interesting things happened in the guild! And I missed them all."

Haruhi Suzumiya was dumbfounded.

Thor Odinson:"Yes! Why not live broadcast?"

I was resurrected after ten thousand years:"Because the scene at that time was so cruel. We were just trying to make a mistake... ahem, So I forgot to live broadcast for a while."

Doctor Luo Man:"God is so biased! They are both Wu Shi Emperors, you guys use a hammer."

Ye Hei:"No...it's obvious that one is Wu Shi of our world, and the other is Wu Shi. There is no beginning in another world!"

Ye Hei argued very seriously.

Ye Hei:"The most important thing is that the strength of the Wushi Emperor in our world is much weaker than that of the other Wu Shi Emperor. If he doesn't pull it... it would be too miserable! (Justified and confident.jpg)" The sick old man:" In fact, we can't blame Shengxu Wushi. Who made Wushi on our side see Shengxu Wushi for the first time, and he said that the other party was a fake! As a result, he directly angered the other party."

Great God Dugu:"I think... they Didn't you feel more like watching the excitement at that time? After all, in the final analysis... your future self hitting your past self has nothing to do with you."

Kusuo Saiki:"Well, I think what Dugu God said makes sense."

Saiki Kusuo:"Of course, if Little Ye Zi and the others like to watch this kind of scene so much, I will find Emperor Ye Tian of that world in the future and send him there so that he can communicate with Ye Hei properly!"

Ye Hei:"????"

Ye Hei's expression gradually stiffened, and he opened his mouth, but no words came out.

In the final analysis, it is interesting if this kind of thing happens to others, but if it happens to him, it will be a tragedy in the world...

Especially now that he cannot defeat Ye Tiandi of the Holy Ruins World...

Ernes Emperor:"Wow! My curiosity was suddenly aroused... By the way, that kind of thing happened, please don't forget to live broadcast. (Manual funny.jpg)",

Fallen Angel Twelve Wings Black Cat Clan:"Perhaps this is about digging a hole until the end...burying yourself!"

Theresa:"@苏小. Mr. President, I hope that the world I live in can integrate with your world."

Yuanda antiquity:"!!!"

Kousaka Kyosuke:"It's so scary."

Su Xiaoxiao:"……I personally have no objection. Whose world do you want to merge with?"

Su Han raised his eyebrows, and he became interested.

Theresa:"I hope that my world can be integrated with the Arkworld of Tomorrow."

No one in the guild said anything for a while, and many people wondered if they had seen it wrong.

Sakata Gintoki:"????"

Kirino Kosaka:"What? Arknights... Hasn't the world of the Ming Dynasty merged with the world of Edward Ellit?!"

Kirino Kosaka was confused.

Tony is not the richest man:"Don't tell me, Theresa hasn't talked to Sir Chen and the others in private?",

Fallen Angel Twelve Wings Black Cat:"Horrifying! The show makes my scalp numb."

Texas:" No, no, no... She told us about this! She even talked about it with Edward and the others."

Texas:"Personally, I don't think this is an unacceptable thing! Of course, I When I told Theresa at the time, what I said didn’t count! Let her talk to the other two people... Since she said it now, she must have won the consent of the other two guys, right?"

Texas Bite Holding a chocolate bar, his expression was calm without any fluctuation.

Edward Elric:"Hasn't the guild experienced the fusion of three worlds before?"

Edward Elric:"More importantly, if my world merges again! Just wait, I can participate in another mission...Then, get the mission reward and let your strength improve by leaps and bounds."

Nayako:"Emmmm, can you still do this?!"

Tony is not the richest man:"Well, let's put it that way! It's true. Moreover, world level The higher the world, the more powerful the enemies it can provoke, and the richer the final rewards."

Tony Stark gently rubbed his fingers on the table, and his eyes lit up.

Tony is not the richest man:"How about @Aleister. Let's integrate the Marvel DC world and the world of the Magical Forbidden Book!"

Kosaka Kyosuke:"????"

Sakata Gintoki:"Confused.jpg",

Edogawa Conan:"What is this? This is a super stitch monster."

The corners of Conan's mouth twitched crazily.

Edogawa Conan:"Marvel has already integrated with the DC world, and needless to say, the Index of Magical Index world has integrated with Haruhi Suzumiya and the Dragon Ball world... When superimposed, there are 5 worlds."

Minami Kotori:"This has created a historical record!"

Yokai Friend:"The most terrifying thing is...the power levels of these five worlds are among the guilds! All of them can be regarded as the upper reaches."

Natsume said this, and endured He couldn't help but smack his lips. I don't know what kind of expression I should show now.

Ye Hei:"If these five worlds are integrated, then I can consider it! Let all the fantasy worlds be integrated with each other. (Manual funny.pg)"

L: Although it is theoretically possible... but I personally don't mind if you do this!"

L: In the final analysis, the original purpose of world fusion is to enhance the world's resistance... so as to protect the security of the world. If you are doing world fusion for guild rewards, then you are putting the cart before the horse."

L Very calm. He organized his words and continued to speak.

L: If you really do this, there will probably be big problems in the future! Yes... I can only say it's possible because I don't have any evidence.

Ayumi Aikawa:"Hiss!" Isn't it? Could L be thinking too much?"

Aikawa Ayuu frowned tightly.

Jackie Chan didn't want to do archaeology:"I also think there may be problems with doing this! In our Yanhuang, there is an old saying that goes too far but not enough."

Jackie Chan doesn't want to do archeology:"Of course, if anyone is willing to be a test subject! I experimented and finally found that there was no problem, and I wouldn’t mind letting my worlds merge again."

Batman:"@Tony is the richest man. Even if you want the world we live in to continue to merge...I won't agree to it!"

Batman expressed his opposition clearly. In his eyes, the security of the world itself surpasses everything!

He does not allow factors that endanger the security of the world to exist...even if it is only possible.

Tony is not the richest man:"!!!"

Tony is not the richest man:"Okay, actually I am just trying to talk, please don't care about the details."

Tony Tucker smiled bitterly and rubbed his eyebrows. He was originally joking, but he never thought that the topic would be so distorted. superior?

Su Xiaoxiao:"Okay! Let's get back to the topic.……"

Su Han smiled without knowing whether it was okay or not, and directly brought the topic back.

Su Xiaoxiao:"Theresa, and the people in the Ark of Tomorrow Fullmetal Alchemist world, do you have any objections?"

Su Xiaoxiao:"If you don't have any objections, I will start presiding over the world fusion now!"_

Fei Lu Remind you: Three things to do when reading - collect, recommend, and share! ??,

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