Teresa:"……I see. Theresa thought about it and found that this was indeed true, and smiled bitterly.

Theresa:"Okay, then I will start preparing for the fusion now." @雷 Lightning Bud Clothes."


Fallen Angel Twelve-Winged Black Cat Clan:"Thunderbolt Mei is probably watching the two new memory copies, right? This is a normal thing."

Fallen Angel Twelve-Winged Black Cat Clan:"When I was attracted by the memory copies, And they won't pay attention to the outside world."

Tony is not the richest man:"It's so true!"

Yuan Dagu:"It's not a big deal! Miss Theresa, anyway, you live very close to each other... Wait and find out in private Miss Thunderbolt, just discuss it with her and it will be fine."


Tony is not the richest man:"But I want to find a memory copy that is very attractive to you! It is also a relatively difficult thing."

Tony is not the richest man:"Generally speaking, the memory copies you see just make you feel interesting, so you can read it and kill time...that's it."

Xiao Zhizhi:"? ? ? Who are you implying?"

Xiao Zhizhi remembered IS's evaluation within the guild, and suddenly became furious.

Yuan Dagu:"……"

Tony is not the richest man:"?"

Tony Stark was confused, what happened to him?

Kousaka Kyosuke:"Well, what Mr. Start may be saying is that most of the memory copies are not intended to be directed at anyone... But Miss Shinonoyuki, you are too guilty to jump out like this." Kousaka Kyosuke rubbed his hands. He rubbed his eyebrows, not knowing what kind of expression he should show.

Shino Nobushi:"Oh! (Shino no Bunch is furious.jpg)"

Sakata Gintoki:"!!! Awesome, you turned your expression into an emoticon. This is the first time I've seen this operation."

Sakata Gintoki said he was amazed.

Yukinoshita Yukino:"Thinking about Miss Shinonosuke's character, I suddenly felt that all of this is natural."

Su Han glanced at the contents of the guild chat room with a bit of laughter, shook his head, and looked away from the guild again. Moved out in the chat.

Immediately, he entered the guild drama section. I casually watched the newly released drama for a while until it was time to eat.

After eating, Su Han lay lazily in the hall, watching TV casually while scanning the guild chat room. He found that the people in the guild had finished watching"Ghost Blowing the Lamp" and the discussion was very intense at the moment.

Kousaka Kyosuke:"Shocked.jpg. It's incredible! This time the president actually told the truth... Oni Bukideng's memory copy is really not scary. This is not the president I know at all! (Three views collapsed).jpg)"

Fallen Angel Twelve-Winged Black Cat:"The president is furious! Is he so discreditable?"

Tony is not the richest man:"……Really do not have."

Tony is not the richest man:"I think the old man with white beard has a say in this. After all, he always wanted to see some normal memory copies! But he was tricked by the president in various ways."

Whitebeard dad:"? ? ? ? Hey, hey, hey, I'm a long time old and have retired! Now that I am at retirement age, I no longer speak within the guild. I just watch you chatting... Can this involve me?"

I am a Marquis:"Haha, Tony Stark is simply afraid of being beaten, or being banned by the president! So a target was set...to die together.

Gudazi:"I didn't expect that Mr. Stark would be such a bad person." (Manual funny.jpg)"

Sirzechs:"The main element of Ghost Blowing Lantern is the adventure element, and adventure! Terror is only a small part of it.

Sirzechs:"Although there are some things inside, they are indeed disgusting... but they are generally at a level that mortals can deal with." Sirzechs

:"Hu Bayi, who has eight magical skills, is basically equivalent to a player with full-level divine equipment, entering the novice village!"

Ryugu Rena said:"I silently shed tears for those large tombs." Gui

Yanye:"emmm, but I still think so!" Despite the scientific explanation... the tomb of Queen Jingjue is still very mysterious and strange."

Gui Yanye:"And I think that even if Hu Bayi has mastered the Eight Wonders of Skills and enters that big tomb, he might still fall into trouble if he is not careful."

Gui Yanye stuck out his tongue in embarrassment.

Gui Yanye:"After all, I still haven't understood the curse... What exactly is it?"

Dr. Roman:"Yes, that tomb is full of rich mythology."

Dr. Roman nodded with deep understanding.

Jackie Chan didn't want to do archeology:"The plot of"Ghost Blowing the Lamp" is very fascinating. Once you pick it up, you won't be able to put it down! It's not scary, but the imagination is wild.……"

Jackie Chan didn't want to do archaeology:"Well, the most important thing is that it contains all kinds of wild history, weird stories, prehistoric or science fiction animals and plants."

Chen Long concluded.

Jackie Chan didn't want to do archeology:"Overall, it's pretty good! It's better than what I imagined before."

Ernesti:"……As you said, this is the novel that comes with the memory copy."

Ernesti's brows twitched a few times, but he stopped talking.

Nan Xiaoniao:"……yes! I even suspect that what you and I are looking at are not the same memory copies."

Nan Xiaoniao smiled bitterly. She thought for a while and spoke seriously within the union.

Nan Xiaoniao:"Personally, I feel that this memory copy... is really not that good! Although it is not ugly, I can find a lot of bugs in it... More importantly, the special effects are really not good."

Friends of Monsters:"True! After watching all kinds of memory copies with special effects, watching this kind of... well, it tastes like chewing gum."

Friends of Monsters:"After all, the Ghost Blowing Lantern Memory Copy... In terms of plot, there is a big gap between it and the text memory copy contained in it. The pictures shown in the specific process are not too shocking. Su Xiaoxiao:"

To put it simply, the plot changes were too big, and the special effects didn't cost much money... so it wasn't good.""

Hobei Ringtone:"!!!!"

Magical Girl Nanoha:"Brother, if you say that, Hu Bayi will be very sad."

Hu Bayi:"Huh? Why would I be sad?"

Hu Bayi:"Please! If I will With a thorough understanding of the magic skills, I can definitely become an immortal walking in the human world! What is this concept?"

Hu Bayi was very excited.

Hu Bayi:"With this skill, I can easily have a very high social status in Yanhuang. Even if I am willing, I can use other common skills within the guild to cooperate with the country! Maybe, I can Let my country expand its national power in the shortest time, so as to achieve the purpose of recovery and dominate the world."

Hu Bayi:"At this point, I want money, power and power! Why do I still work so hard every day? Go and rob tombs! I have talked with Mr. Ye Hei before, and he said that tomb robbing is illegal."

Tomino Kafaze:"……?"


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