En Daegu:"Um... how long does it take for this battle to end?"

Kosaka Kyosuke:"If Aleister doesn't take action, I estimate that the fight will last for several days. Night is also normal……"

Tony is not the richest man:"I agree with this point of view!"

After organizing his words, Tony Stark continued to speak.

Tony is not the richest man:"The comprehensive strength of Horaishan Kaguya should be above that of Honkai Impact God, but the key problem is that Honkai Impact God's immortality is too strong. Even if it depends on grinding, it will not last for a short time." The truth of being worn to death."

Tony is not the richest man:"Not to mention, judging from the current situation, although there is a gap in strength between Honkai Impact and Horaishan Kaguya, the gap between the two sides is not huge."

Let the world feel the pain. :"There is reason and evidence to convince me."

Jushiro Hijikata:"I think this task can be solved in ten minutes."

Fallen Angel Twelve-Winged Black Cat Clan:"????"

Endaiko:"It's so scary."

Kousaka Kyosuke:"……Mr. Hijikata is so confident, does he know some confidential things? For example, Miss Horaishan actually hides her strength. If she wants to, she can kill the Honkai God instantly?"

Kosaka Kyosuke made a bold guess.

Hijikata Jushiro:"No... I think you have misunderstood something. Although I agree with Mr. Tony Stark's judgment, is it possible for President and the others to wait in that world for several days and nights?

Hijikata Jushiro:"It's impossible no matter how you think about it." So in the end, when the president can't wait any longer, Aleister will definitely take action! By that time, it will be the death of the Honkai God."

Kosaka Kyosuke:"……"


Aisaka Taiga:"This is too impressive."

Gudazi:"Hijikata Jushiro: Tony Stark, how accurate is your judgment of the battle situation? The mission is not just about fighting and killing, but about human relations."

Hatsune Miku:"Stark is furious.jpg"

Tony is not the richest man:"……"

Tony Stark opened his mouth, and finally sighed with a wry smile, saying that he was speechless.

Aleister:"@平山楿. So, Miss Kaguya, what are you going to do next?"

Horaishan Kaguya:"!!!!!! What the hell."

Horaishan Kaguya bit her tongue. There was a hint of unwillingness on his lips. She knew very well that what Hijikata Jushiro said was very likely to happen.

Taking a few deep breaths, Horaishan Kaguya forced herself to calm down, but her fists attacking the Honkai Impact became harder and harder. It was obvious that she was in a very bad mood at the moment.

Su Xiaoxiao:"Okay, Aleister! You have made a decision now, right? You don't have to continue fishing for Kaguya at Penglai Mountain here, right?"

Aleister:"You really can't hide anything. President."

Ryugu Rena:"Huh?! (Elements.)"

Dr. Roman:"Is there... is there any breaking point at the scene?

Dr. Roman frowned and looked at the live broadcast room repeatedly. But no matter how he thought, he couldn't imagine how Kaguya Horaishan could come back.

"Or, just like before, just snap your fingers to give Horaishan Kaguya strength? Let her quickly deal with the enemy?" Doctor Roman murmured. But he was also keenly aware that things might not be as simple as he thought.

Aleister:"Although the Honkai Impact God is strong... But his power lies in the fact that Honkai Impact As a backup! Honkai Impact is the power of civilization."

Aleister:"There is no doubt that there are many powerful civilizations in the universe that collapsed the three worlds! These civilizations continuously gave the Honkai God power."

Aleister:"If I cut off the connection between the earth and the vast universe...then what will become of the Honkai God? This is really an interesting thing."

Hoglai Mountain Kaguya:"!!!!"

Minami Kotori:"Hiss."

Youkai Friend:"Can such an operation be possible.jpg"

Fallen Angel Twelve-Winged Black Cat Clan:"Honkai God Cries.jpg"

Himura Kenshin:"Although I am also surprised! But if you think about it carefully... the feasibility is indeed very high."

Dr. Roman:"……"

It turns out that the president was not asked to increase the strength of Horaizan Kaguya, but Aleister was asked to weaken the Honkai God's strength.

Horaishan Kaguya:"@leister. Thank you very much!"

Aleister didn't speak, he just snapped his fingers calmly.

The next moment, a twisted space barrier condensed and formed on the surface of the entire earth. Of course, despite the emergence of this enchantment, the earth's various indicators remain the same as before, the sun still shines on the earth, and the earth is still very suitable for human survival.

"……This feeling?"The Honkai Impact beat several times, and he immediately noticed that the energy he could accumulate was constantly falling.

During the pause, his body was once again torn apart by Kaguya Horaishan. The terrifying Honkai Impact Energy gathered in the distance, and the Honkai Impact condensed into shape again. He faced Kaguya Horaishan with an expressionless face,"Oh...has the battle reached the final stage? Really, even though I had this awareness before."

The Honkai Impact lowered his eyes. In fact, after seeing Aleister's existence before and failing to escape... he vaguely understood that he would definitely die this time. The only difference was how long it took to fight before dying.

"I’m really unwilling to accept it, I finally crossed over to this world!"After a brief silence, the Honkai Impact God's face slowly distorted.

He said,"But even if I die, you will have to pay a sufficient price."After the words fell, terrifying flames suddenly rose from the body of the Honkai Impact God. The aura of the Honkai Impact God increased at an extremely terrifying speed at this moment.

"go to hell."The Honkai Impact God suddenly appeared in front of Kaguya Horaiyama. He raised his palm, and a terrifying energy beam burst out, penetrating Kaguya's body. It was completely torn into pieces.

But then, time reversed. , the smiling Horaishan Kaguya condensed her figure and exclaimed,"Amazing! Is this the first time you've hit me hard?"

"It's better this way, it's more challenging."

In the guild chat room.

Himura Kenshin:"!!!!"

Suzune Horikita:"This is murder and heart-breaking.jpg"

Ayumi Aikawa:"The Honkai Impact God's mentality has completely broken... But if you tell me, I'm actually quite surprised that he has only lost his mentality now."

Ayumi Aikawa:"After all, when I read the guild mission introduction before, Honkai Impact is just a simple middle school boy."

Mi Toma:"A simple middle school boy is not bad."

Fujiwara Sawei:"I personally think that Horai Sanki Miss Ye's immortality! Maybe it's stronger than the Honkai God?"

Sakuragi Hanadao:"How should I put it? Miss Horaishan's immortality should be on the same level as the Honkai God who can connect the entire universe, right?"

Sakuragi Hanadao :"Anyway, the Honkai God who can connect to the universe will not die even if there is still civilization in the universe and there is still the collapse of civilization."

Sakuragi Hanamichi showed a thoughtful look.

Kirishima Touka:"I think Mr. Hijikata's previous prediction will come true!"

Kirishima Touka said with a face full of laughter and tears.

Kirishima Touka:"If Honkai Impact continues to fight steadily, maybe we can fight for another half hour... His mentality has collapsed now and he is directly burning himself. Although he has the advantage for a while, it is estimated that in a few minutes, in fact, It's about to fall……"

Kirishima Touka:"Then, Horaizan Kaguya can take action and kill him instantly."_

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