Kousaka Kyosuke:"Shocked! The world beyond the realm is actually Amano Hina's backup choice!"

Mitsuha Miyamizu:"!!!!"

Amano Hina:"I'm not, I don't have it, it's not like this.jpg"

Su Xiaoxiao:"That's good, the shock department will work tomorrow.jpg"

Tony is not the richest man:"What a hammer! Why in the guild... from early on There are a lot of people trying to cause trouble all night long?"

Tony Stark rolled his eyes.

Kuriyama Mirai:"That...it's okay! I'm not angry. And I have watched Weathering With You, and I know Miss Amano Hina's character very well."

Kuriyama Mirai:"Although she is careless and a little impulsive, her character is actually very good! And Very sacrificial spirit……"

Kuriyama Mirai smiled sheepishly. She has always felt that the compatibility between Zi and Amano Hina might be very good...

Nan Xiaotiao:"Terrible."

Tushan Honghong:"If everyone is as innocent and gentle as Kuriyama Mirai... there will be fewer people in the union. There were a lot of disputes."

Tu Shan Honghong sighed with emotion.

Fallen Angel Twelve-Winged Black Cat Clan:"Not necessarily... I'm thinking that the reason why this happens is probably because everyone in the guild is too bored."

Wu Geng Liuli held her chin.

Fallen Angel Twelve-Winged Black Cat Clan:"Those who have plans for their future and strive to become stronger are fine! But those who just want to do tasks all day long, and then get random draws from the guild, and reach the sky in one step... naturally they are in the guild every day Chatting, hoping to find the mission as soon as possible."

Fallen Angel Twelve-Winged Black Cat Clan:"However, when people are free... anything can happen! If you are not careful, it is easy to ignite conflicts between the two parties... and then , you know."

Natsume:"Boring, chatting, in a bad mood, provoking, challenging, winning or losing, making enemies, guild scolding... one-stop service. (All Martial Arts.jpg)"

Himura Kenshin:" It’s so real."

Whitebeard Dad:"……"

Kosaka Kyosuke:"emmm... I always feel like I'm being hinted."

Kosaka Kyosuke fell into deep thought.

Sakata Gintoki:"Maybe this is just self-inflicted... Although I still feel that Tony Stark and the old Marquis are more in line with Natsume's description."

Tony is not the richest man:"!!!!"

Kousaka Kyosuke:"????"

Ayumi Aikawa:"……If Sakata Gintoki is so arrogant, he will be beaten to death at home sooner or later."

Yukinoshita Yukino:"But having said that, it is human nature to take shortcuts! Unavoidable."

Yukinoshita Yukino:"However, random draws are random after all... This can also eliminate the possibility of random people to a large extent. Moreover, it stimulates the diligence of most members of the guild to the greatest extent!"

Yukinoshita Yukino:"Only a small number of really hard-core guys will stay idle."

Gabriel:"!!! Is salted fish bad? If you haven’t tried the joy of salted fish, how can you deny salted fish’s attitude towards life!"

Gabriel's cheeks bulged up in an instant, feeling depressed.

Yukinoshita Yukino:"No...I don't deny your attitude towards life. After all, everyone has the freedom to choose their own future life! Yukinoshita

Yukino:"I'm just a simple person. As a person who practices hard, I don't like you.""

Yukoshita Yukino is very calm.

Aisaka Taiga:"……"


Gabriel was choked. You said it so honestly and directly, how could she refute it?

After being sulky for a long time, Gabriel shook his head, cheered up, and continued playing games.

Because there are very few people in the guild who are willing to play games with her now, and those guys who are willing to play with her are busy now... Therefore, Gabrielle retreats and harms the players of ordinary games in her own world.……

"Pity! All the games in our part of the world are keyboard versions. Gabriel complained while skillfully adding life to everyone in the interface...including enemies."I regret it. If I had known, I would have chosen to merge with the world of Sword Art Online.""

"The world of Devil High School...though if you think about it carefully, it fits our world quite well! But it won’t help our world"

"If it was the Sword Art Online world back then... then consider the current integration of the Sword Art Online world and the Accelerated World! Doesn’t it mean that I can play virtual games, and it’s one-to-ten thousand times? That would be so happy."

While feeling envious, Gabriel skillfully blocked his teammates who were scolding them. After playing several games, he finally expressed his frustration.

Gabriel stretched his back and lay straight on his bed. Like an earthworm, it squirmed and shrank back into its bed.

"But having said that, I can also find trade union members to exchange!"She stared at the guild chat room, thoughts flashing wildly in her mind.

"It's just a pity that I have nothing worthy of their attention! The only extremely valuable world-destroying horn... and it absolutely cannot be exchanged."

He smacked his lips and suddenly remembered something. Gabriel's eyes lit up for a moment,"How about... I go to Asuna first to talk to her? See what wiggle room there is. If it really doesn’t work, then just practice hard. Then use the abilities you cultivate! used in exchange……"

"Technological creation... is not a separate artifact! It's just data... It should be pretty simple to exchange it!"

The more I thought about it, the more reliable it became. Gabriel closed his eyes and entered the guild chat room to chat with Asuna privately.

At the same time,

Su Han, who was watching the discussion in the guild for several hours, also stretched his legs and turned his gaze. He moved out of it.

Then, Su Han looked at the Fanju interface in his mind for a while. He waited until it was time for dinner, and then went to have dinner with Ramrem and others.

After dinner, he accompanied a few After walking around in the back garden, Su Han returned to his room and found Asuna, Gudazi, Kuroyukihime and others to play the real-life version of the Xingyue fantasy game. It was ten o'clock in the night before he fell asleep.

Early the next morning, Su Han opened his eyes. He glanced at Ramrem beside him and found that they were not awake yet. He immediately smiled dumbly and got up. But he The action awakened both of them


"She actually got up before the time before me... This is really a dereliction of duty on my part as a maid."

Su Han patted their hair gently,"Go on to sleep, it's still early! Not in a hurry."

After comforting them for a while, the two of them went back to sleep. Su Han went into the time training room to do some morning exercises.

At six o'clock, Su Han returned to his home, sitting on the sofa and watching TV while scanning the guild. Chat room.

Kirino Kosaka:"Another all-nighter!"

Izumi Sagiri:"+1."

Jackie Chan didn't want to do archeology:"The night is so beautiful, there are always people staying up all night with dark eyes.jpg"

Su Xiaoxiao:"I actually sang out loud for a while."

Su Han couldn't laugh or cry.

Kasumi Shiko:"The reason why I practice is to become so strong that I don't need to sleep.jpg"

Kasumigaoka Shiyu silently sent a picture.

Aisaka Taiga:"……"

Gudazi:"This reason... is too stupid."

Sirzechs:"But if you think about it carefully! It also makes sense."

Sirzechs:"At least one-third of human beings Time is wasted on sleep! If you don’t need sleep, then your time is 50% more abundant than that of ordinary people.……"

Sirzechs:"Especially over time.……"

Hatsune Miku:"It's a bit weird to be brought up on such a topic by you, a demon who has never needed sleep in the first place!"

Hatsune Miku's expression was subtle.

Sirzechs:"emmm, you may have misunderstood! I haven't said the last sentence yet... I mean, even so, no one can deprive me of sleep time. (serious face.jpg)"

Ryugu Rena :"……"

Kousaka Kyosuke:"I don't know why...this turn of yours made my heart not shake at all."

Kousaka Kyosuke's mouth twitched, not knowing what kind of expression he should show.

Gui Yanye:"Maybe it's because you twisted your waist too much."

Gui Yanye thought for a while and answered very seriously.

Ernesti:"The twisting repair ability is engraved into DNA!"

Su Xiaoxiao:"Please don't engrav everything into DNA.jpg"

Nan Xiaoniao:"DNA, which claims to be able to tolerate everything, shed tears.jpg"

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