Tony is not the richest man:"……However, didn’t the leader say it a long time ago? Doesn't she have the slightest interest in the president's love life?"

Tony Stark fell into deep thought, and he suddenly felt that something was wrong with the situation.

Kosaka Kyosuke:"……"

Sakata Gintoki:"So! These people always like to use their modern thinking to judge the practices of union members in other eras."

Sakata Gintoki:"As everyone knows, their outlook on life and values ​​are completely different.."

Yukinoshita Yukino:"No...the leader's outlook on life and values ​​​​are not different from those of the union members because of the gap in time!" Yukinoshita Yukino:"Even if she was placed in the era of her youth, It's also horribly evil……"

Aisaka Taiga:"Yes, if it weren't for the president's control, it would have improved! Luo Hao is definitely the big devil in the guild. (trembling.jpg)" Sirzechs

:"The remaining few, no Are you going to continue the lottery?"

Sirzechs curled his lips and changed the topic to the main topic.

Longmen Sir Chen:"Okay... I'll smoke now. But I have to wash my hands first! And, arrange the transfer ceremony within the guild!"

Izumi Sagiri:"????"

Gui Yanye:"Transshipment...can this be a transshipment?"

Gui Yanye's eyes were a little straight, but he suddenly woke up.

Gui Yanye:"Wait a minute! Why didn't I see any introduction to the transfer ceremony?"

Ernesti:"Guild skill list... the second page! The third from the bottom."

Gui Yanye:"……?"

After scanning for a week, Gui Yanye's expression changed drastically.

Gui Yanye:"Are you crazy?! Do you even dare to believe the transfer ceremony written by Aqua??"

Nan Xiaoniao:"?"

Aqua:"!! What are you talking about? I am the goddess of luck."

Aqua's cheeks suddenly bulged when she saw the doubts within the guild.

Whitebeard dad:"……Aren't you the goddess of water?"

Whitebeard also fell into deep thought.

Kosaka Kyosuke:"Nonsense...that woman is obviously a mentally retarded goddess!"


Haruhi Suzumiya:"I'm serious...instead of believing in Aqua, you might as well worship me."

Even Haruhi Suzumiya, who was as unruly as she was, shuddered when she saw the three words Aqua. His expression became subtle.

Chu Zihang:"It's okay. I can see at a glance that you didn't watch the specific content of the transfer ceremony in detail! After watching it, you won't question it."

Gui Yanye:"Can such an operation still be possible.jpg"

After watching Afterwards, Gui Yanye suddenly felt some pain in her teeth, and she didn't know what kind of expression she should show. In the end he could only sigh and continue speaking.

Gui Yanye:"You guys are really awesome! You actually expanded the priestly guild president from just talking about it to a formal ceremony?"

But having said that, this seems very... Strange ritual...does it really work? Gui Yanye fell into deep thought.

Su Xiaoxiao:"……I didn’t get anything good this time! Talk about a hammer."

Jubei Suzuyin:"Those who cross others cannot cross themselves! This is a normal thing... As for, after using that transshipment ritual to sacrifice you, your luck will increase by about 30% to 50% on average. This is the conclusion drawn from the final summary of our practical experiments!"

Juibei Lingyin talked eloquently.

Su Xiaoxiao:"???"

You actually calculated accurate data? How was this done?

For a moment, Su Han didn't know what kind of expression he should show.

Sakuragi Hanamichi:"……Although I believe in the president! But I don't believe in these weird things."

Yingmu Hanamichi curled his lips, and then an idea came to him. Several crisp mission prompts suddenly sounded.

"Ding! Sakuragi Hanamichi successfully obtained the unlimited basketball system through the unlimited lottery"

"Ding! Sakuragi Hanamichi successfully acquired the rough stone skill: Throwing!"

Xia Shizi:"????"

Magical Girl Nanoha:"……"

Ayumi Aikawa:"Holy shit... Infinite Basketball System really jumped out."

Mi Toma:"Infinite Basketball System... Judging from the name, it should be Sakuragi Hanamichi Mirai, which can condense all kinds of things without limit. Basketball? Coupled with his throwing skills... terrifying."

Batman:"Well, Sakuragi's strength should be improved a lot."

Tomono Kafaze:"……And there’s also an extra skill in eating! In the future, even if he retires to the mountains and no longer uses his powerful power to make huge waves in the world, he can still open a basketball store and use his special skills to make and sell basketballs. This is a business without capital!"

Yingmuhua said:"……"

Even if he really retires in the future, he won't do this... this retired life is too miserable! Open your own basketball store or something……

"Ding! Longmen Sir Chen successfully obtained the power of God through unlimited lottery"

"Ding! Longmen Chen sir successfully obtained the original stone skill: simulation!


Fujiwara Sawei:"……The names of these two abilities seem to be very powerful.

Kuroko Tetsuya:"But the specifics need to be carefully considered." The power of gods... There are too many gods in the guild. The gods in Dragon Ball are also gods. The gods in Yato's world are also gods. But the difference between the two……"

Heizizhe didn't say it directly, but his meaning was obvious.

Fallen Angel Twelve Winged Black Cat Clan:"Reality.jpg"


Yadou wanted to refute, but this was the truth, so all his words were choked in his throat.

Dragon Gate Chen Sir:"The divine power I gained... is similar to the power possessed by Haruhi Suzumiya! As long as I am in this world, I am omnipotent. A thought can first affect the horror of the entire universe. Storm!"

The guild fell into a brief silence. Then, the pot exploded.

Kousaka Kyosuke:"F*ck."

Sakata Gintoki:"Oh my god.……"

Ayumi Aikawa:"So cool! (Three Views Shattered.jpg)"

Hatsune Miku:"What about the simulation at the back?"

Longmen Sir Chen:"I can imitate the... strange power of beings at the same level as me!"

Chen sucked a few tone, and then managed to calm down. She spoke seriously.

Longmen Sir Chen:"For example, I am probably in the second level now……"

Longmen Sir Chen:"Although I don’t know which stage I am in, I am looking for other second-level people with the same strength as me.……"

Longmen Chen Sir:"After watching the power they showed, as long as I want, I can also imitate and show their power. Use this as my means of attack."

Hatsune Miku:"I……"

Sakuragi Hanadao:"Envy and jealousy distort me.jpg"

Edogawa Conan:"That sacrifice is really useful?!"

Even Conan, a materialist, was shaken at this moment.

Izumi Sagiri:"!!!!"

Dr. Roman:"The tears of Sakuragi Hanamichi flowed down... I will prove it."

Ernesti:"If you want me, I will cry too! This wave of losses is too great."

Nan Xiaotiao:"We have finished worshiping next door, so go directly Reaching the sky in one step. Who can withstand this?"

Aqua:"Hahahaha... now you know how powerful this goddess is?"

Aqua was so proud that she finally turned over in the guild.

Kayaba Akihiko:"Awesome, shouldn't he be the president who is being sacrificed?"

Kayaba Akihiko looked a little strange, wondering why Aqua came out to join in the fun at this moment.

Aqua:" are too heartless. (She burst into tears.jpg)"

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