Fallen Angel Twelve Winged Black Cat Clan:"!!!!"

Tony is not the richest man:"I have no problem with Ying Quliang's participation in this mission...but Qin Shihuang's participation in this mission."

Tony Stark's expression became very entangled.

Yuan Dagu:"Indeed, Ying Zheng's strength is too strong! Don't say that he is an enemy with 180,000 points... Even if you say that he can fight against an enemy with 390,000 points now, I wouldn't be surprised."

Kosaka Kyosuke:"After all, he is a terrifying and powerful man who has unified the power of the entire huge Xianqin Empire... Although I don't know much about him recently, if he claims to be one of the strongest people under the first level, I don't think so. No doubt at all."

Sakata Gintoki:"Those who were qualified to participate in this mission but did not get the mission expressed strong protest!"

Yukinoshita Yukino:"……"

Edogawa Conan:"You are qualified to participate in this mission."

Conan's mouth twitched a few times. Although he had long known that Sakata Gintoki was shameless... but when he saw Sakata Gintoki speaking like this, he still felt a strong feeling The urge to complain.

Aisaka Taiga:"If Qin Shihuang were replaced by Mei Changsu, this mission would be perfect."

Aisaka Taihe smacked his lips, not knowing what kind of expression he should show.

Hatsune Miku:"It was originally a random draw... It's really what you said, it's such a coincidence."

Aisaka Taiga:"……That's right."

Qin Shi Huang Ying Zheng:"……"

Qin Shihuang Ying Zheng:"After all, the other side is also the Qin Dynasty! So I tried to draw it, but I didn't expect that I was really drawn."

Ying Zheng sighed leisurely, with a complicated look on his face. After thinking for a while, he continued to speak.

Qin Shihuang Ying Zheng:"To be honest, the reward of 180,000 points is not very attractive to me... After all, my current state is not something tens of thousands of points can help."

Qin Shihuang Ying Zheng:"The same is true for the Undead Disaster Scroll. , as the emperor of the Immortal Qin Empire! I have not fallen to the point of summoning the undead and disturbing my ancestors."

Qin Shihuang Ying Zheng:"The only thing that is useful to me is the unlimited lottery! I admit this."

Ying Zheng Very calm.

Yukinoshita Yukino:"……"

Sirzechs:"……So, what to do next? Sirzechs rubbed his temples with a headache. What happened has already happened, and it is of no use to just accuse now. The most important thing is to discuss a solution to the problem.

Su Xiaoxiao:"……"

After Su Han thought for a moment, he made a decision to speak in the guild.

Su Xiaoxiao:"Well, after all, there is also Qin Shihuang on the other side! It makes sense for you to participate in the lottery... Wait a minute, you and I, try not to take action as much as possible."

Qin Shihuang Ying Zheng:"I understand, use the opportunity to better Give more to young people."

Ying Zheng smiled dumbly.

Su Xiaoxiao:"Then, let's start the mission... Do you have time now?"

Seeing that Ying Zheng didn't refute, Su Han didn't say anything more.

Jiujianxian:"I have no problem at all... I can participate in the mission at any time."

Ying Quliang:"I feel very complicated... but I can take some time now."

Seeing this, Su Han did not hesitate and closed his eyes.. I clicked in my mind to officially participate in the mission.

A brilliant brilliance surrounded Su Han's body. When the brilliance dissipated, Su Han's figure also disappeared from the spot.


In the mythical world, Xianyang of the Qin Dynasty, above the court.

The Zulong of the mythical world sat expressionlessly in his seat, his cold eyes swept below,"What is the current situation?"

After a brief silence, Meng Tian stepped forward with a low voice,"Your Majesty... The situation is very bad! According to the information we have obtained...the troops summoned by the enemy can easily attack our city."

"In other words, our city does not act as a hindrance at all! Their marching speed was very stable from the beginning to the end... They regarded our Qin Dynasty army and the Qin Dynasty capital as if they were nothing."

Meng Tian opened his mouth, hesitated for a moment, and swallowed the last sentence.

In fact, he also got a piece of news, that is, the ancestors of the Meng family, who led the ancient Qin Dynasty's dead army, were also there. Attack the Qin Dynasty... Moreover, they are one of the armies closest to Xianyang...

Of course, he didn't say it, not because of suspicion. After all, the ancestor of Zulong was also summoned as an enemy... It's just simple, now let's talk about this , and it was meaningless.

Gao Yao stared at the expressionless and majestic Zulong, with a somewhat complicated expression. He thought for a while, and finally spoke,"Your Majesty... I have a solution."

"oh?"Zu Long paused for a moment, his eyes flickering. He was surprised and confused. After thinking about it for a moment, he looked at Gao Yao with a serious expression,"Zhao Gao, just say it directly."

The mythical ancestor dragon has a high degree of trust in Gao Yao... On the one hand, it is because Gao Yao presented the world map to further clarify his future goals. Although due to the resurgence of the undead, his future plans basically collapsed......

But the more important thing is that Gao Yao presented the magic medicine, which made his body extremely healthy.

Of course, in addition to these two reasons... the main reason is that the Qin Dynasty is now on the verge of destruction. The horse is alive and the horse is a doctor

"Do you believe...in the existence of immortals?"Gao Yao spoke cautiously.

The expressions of many people in the court below changed, and they looked at each other.

Li Si even frowned. He naturally did not believe in the existence of immortal gods... But because he has a close relationship with Zulong, so He also knew Zulong's recent encounter...

Zhao Gao used extremely special methods to make Zulong's body so strong... But that method surpassed his knowledge.……

"you mean?"Zu Long frowned, and many thoughts flashed through his mind.

But before he could say anything, suddenly, a brilliant brilliance rose beside Gao Yao.


"What special move is this? Are they those Qi practitioners and alchemists?"

"Oops! There are assassins. Hurry and escort!"

Everyone's expressions changed. They were obviously frightened by this unexpected scene. When someone reacted, the scene was in an uproar.

After all, after living in the court for a long time, they all naturally knew that Zulong had done it before. The matter of burning books and trapping Confucian scholars... and the trap is naturally not the real Confucian scholars, but these alchemists with strange abilities...

Now, if it is really the alchemists who come... Don't think about it, everyone knows that the other party is against Zulong , must be malicious

"Boring."Ying Quliang was the first to speak. He was wearing black clothes. He waved his sleeves in an understated way, and the terrifying energy suddenly burst out, flying away several guards who rushed forward to protect him.

Zulong's brows twitched. After a few times, he didn't panic too much and looked calm. After looking at Ying Quliang for a moment, he asked word by word,"Dare I ask, who are you?""

"My name is Ying Quliang."Ying Quliang took a deep look at Zulong.

Zulong's pupils suddenly shrank. He subconsciously remembered the intelligence he had obtained before. The enemy seemed to have summoned the ancestors of the Qin Dynasty.……

"That's it." The Mythical Ancestor Dragon stood up straight. After a brief silence, he suddenly sneered and said,"Are you here to kill me?"

"He actually asked the ancestor of the widow to come over and take action... What a trick! It's really a good idea."

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