Edward Elric:"Terrible."

Zhu Di:"@Edward Elric. Edward, how is the situation at your place recently?"

Edward Elric:"Very good! It has entered the right track of development. I am now Chief Engineer of the National Industrial Development!"

Nakano Miku:"Huh?! (Tumi-chan's eyes sharpened.jpg)"

Hermione:"Being a chief engineer is not bad! By the way, are you still an alchemist now? ? Or do you want to give up practicing and start working?"

Hermione became interested.

Edward Elric:"……I think you seem to have some misunderstanding about our world. The engineer here used to be an alchemist by profession!"

Edward was quite dumbfounded.

Heavenly Master:"????"


Shazam:"You can still do this?!"

Sakamoto:"If you think about it carefully, this is a normal thing! After all, alchemists and engineers are very similar in nature. Engineers are still engaged in industrial manufacturing. , the same can be done for alchemists……"

Sakamoto:"The biggest difference between industrialized society and Edward's world now is that industrialization can produce mass production, and ordinary people can also participate...while the alchemists in Edward's side can only produce individually."

Sakamoto pushed. own glasses.

Sakamoto:"So, alchemists are transformed into engineers! Then they study various high-precision instruments and high-precision machine tools, and at the same time train ordinary workers to control these machine tools and instruments... Industrialization can be easily completed."

Jiang Conan Togawa:"Yes, Edward, even without the help of guild members, as long as he has this concept... he can easily open the door to industrialization for the entire country."

Conan was very emotional.

Edogawa Conan:"Alchemists have unique advantages in this area."

Zhu Di:"Envy."

Asakura Yewang:"You, a guy who was kept by Qin Shihuang, are not qualified to say such things, are you?"

Asakura Yewang : King Cangye spoke expressionlessly.


Zhu Di:"……Can the emperor's affairs be called supporting? That's called supporting each other! Develop together."

Zhu Di's brows twitched.

Jackie Chan didn't want to do archeology:"……Kong Yiji?!

Hijikata Jushiro:"Six six six six six six." Claire:"

Protected...Qin Shihuang and Ming Chengzu?" This is truly remarkable."

Xia Shizi:"I completely imagined that scene.

Dongfang Bai:"As expected of a writer, his imagination in this area is really rich.""

Gabriel:"Speaking of this... I'm thinking whether that guy Ying Lili is also in the union and got inspired by many things! I drew a lot of... um, comics behind my back?"

Kosaka Kyosuke:"Don't say it so tactfully! Just ask."

Kosaka Kyosuke:"@eromangateacher. @英丽丽. Did you draw a picture of the union members behind their backs?"

Ogiso Yukina:"!!!!"

Sakata Gintoki:"Is it so exciting? jpg"


Yinglili:"!!! How could I do such a thing?"

Yinglili's cheeks turned red.

Teacher Eromanga:"……this and that. Nezuko:"

Wait a minute, Miss Izumi Sagiri didn't refute?""

Nezuko thought for a while, and suddenly realized that something was wrong, and her expression became strange.

Heidi Xiao:"!!!!"

Kaoru Miyazono:"Horrifying……"

Langfanyun:"……I shuddered subconsciously."

Teacher Eromanga:"!!! Don't get me wrong."

Teacher Eromanga:"Actually, I don't have a notebook for drawing union members... I just simply follow certain templates of union characters to shape the characters I draw. Just like that……"

Amano Harina:"……"

Evil King Shi Zhixuan:"It sounds like there is no problem, but when I think about it, I still feel something is weird."

Cheng Yong:"I have nothing to say."

Kosaka Kirino:"Forget it, let me go to Izumi's place to have a look Well, if she is messing around! I will delete all the pictures of her messing around."

Kirino Kosaka:"I have been following Izumi very much recently. Anyway, I didn't see her on Twitter, or maybe someone There are pornographic pictures of union members on the novel. Even if she really drew it, she should still be holding it in her hand."

Kasumi Shiko:"As long as you are not stupid... you will not choose to publish it, right?"

Kasumigaoka Shiu His face was full of words.

After all, if Izumi Sagiri really draws her hair and becomes famous, she will be easily discovered by other guild members in the same world... It would be too offending if she stabbed him in the guild...

So Izumi Sagiri is here The possibility of painting by yourself in private for your own entertainment is the greatest.

Teacher Eromanga:"!!! Kousaka, you can't do this!"

Kousaka Kirino:"I'm already in front of your door, open the door!"

Hijikata Jūshirō:"Hey... so fast?"

Sawada Tsuna Ji:"It's normal... After all, Ms. Kousaka is very strong now. Besides, who knows if she has developed the power of the space series? She just teleported and passed."

Kayaba Akihiko:"That makes sense!"

Texas:"Your life is really wonderful."

Levi:"By the way, didn't I remember that last time I said that Ark of Tomorrow's drug research was out? Texas, your side, the world Are you unified?"

Fallen Angel Twelve-Winged Black Cat Clan:"……?"

Alice:"Why are you so naive and have the illusion that the world is unified?"

Alice:"In the real world we live in, there is no such terminal disease as ore disease! However, there is still no world unity!"

Alice:"No more. Disease, human beings will also kill each other for various other reasons. For example, profit reasons!"

Alice looked cold, and she saw this issue very clearly. Longmen

Sir Chen:"Well... Tallulah has fully accepted the knowledge concept of the red book. Now, she has almost completely overthrown Ursals. She is ready to build an extremely powerful red empire!"

:"This plot seems a bit familiar."

Mikazuki Yozora:"The transition from Tsarist Russia to the Soviet Union? (Take a breath.jpg)"

Lelouch:"I am the only one thinking... the new version of Red Crow Sass, his strength can equal that of Arkworld Tomorrow.……"

L:"If you think about it, it is indeed true. Even if Ursus is the original corrupt version, he can still overturn the world and block and kill gods. Now after a thorough reform, all productivity has exploded... This kind of strength is terrifying just thinking about it."

L:"Not to mention pushing the world flat. Even if all the countries in Arkworld of Tomorrow unite...and work together, they may not be able to defeat this version of Red Ursus."

Longmen Sir Chen:"……"

Longmen Sir Chen:"Wait a minute, shouldn't we develop the country next? Why does it involve confronting the world?"

Chen looked confused. You have taken this topic too far. Not to mention that Tallulah hasn't defeated Ursus yet. Even if she does, the most important thing to do next is to rebuild the country and recuperate, right?!

If a country only knows how to fight blindly, no matter how powerful it is... it will eventually be destroyed.!

They want to save the world and create a better world. Instead of destroying the world.

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