Tony is not the richest man:"After all, Agent Carter and my father have a good personal relationship!"

Nakiri Erina:"……Is that so?"

Time and space control user Xiao Meiyan:"It's a bit surprising at first glance, but when you think about it more carefully, it seems to be natural!"

Xia Shizi:"……So, am I the only one who reminds me of what the president said at the beginning, that gay friend will last forever, a meme that will be passed down forever! Kasumi

Shiko:"The Captain of the United States who used to be a good friend of Big Shit's father!" Soon he will become Tony Stark's best friend again!"

Xia Shizi:"Thinking about it, I can't help but want to say... Your circle is really chaotic!"

Tony is not the richest man:"……"

Damn it, what’s really messed up is your thinking, right?!

I make a normal friend here, but how come it has been turned around in your mind and all the relationship lines are distorted? And it’s crooked like this!

Aizen Sosuke:"The question I'm more concerned about now is, has Mr. Stark already met Agent Carter?"

Tony is not the richest man:"Of course he has already met."! And I have arrived at the door of the London Temple based on the information I have."

Su Xiaoxiao:"So, Mr. Shit Dako, why don't you start the live broadcast?"

Tony is not the richest man:"……live streaming? What are you doing live streaming now?"

Tony Stark didn't react for a while.

Now that he doesn't need to fight to change the plot, why live broadcast?

Su Xiaoxiao:"Mr. Shit Da Ke is in the memory copy, but he has never met the Ancient One Master. Not to mention any in-depth communication!

Su Xiaoxiao:"If this meeting is broadcast live, I'm afraid we can get a lot of points, right?""

Tony is not the richest man:"……"

Tony Stark thought about what Su Han said and suddenly felt that what Su Han said made sense.

After thinking about it, Tony Stark started the live broadcast.

Taking a slight breath, Tony Stark turned his attention away from the guild.

He straightened his clothes, stared at the temple door in front of him, stepped forward and opened the door.

As soon as Tony Stark entered, he looked around.

When Tony found that the entire temple was empty. He was not surprised. His face was very serious, and he said loudly

"Tony Stark! I hope to meet Master Gu Yi!"

The London Temple was extremely quiet. No one answered, only the echo echoed.

Tony Stark paused for a moment, then sighed softly,"Isn't it really that simple?"

Tony was not surprised. He wandered around the London Temple casually, observing the architectural style of the London Temple. He could detect the unique flavor with a long history.

After a long silence, a voice finally spoke to Tony Stark. sounded behind

"Mr. Tony Stark! I know you, the leader of the American Stark Group! The world's top richest man. At the same time, he is the latest Iron Man to appear in New York to maintain peace!"

Tony Stark's body paused slightly, without any surprise.

He turned around and saw a figure wearing a wizard's robe, his eyes flickered slightly, and he spoke softly

"If I admit my should be Master Gu Yi's disciple! Anthony Druid Master, right?"

"Yes! I am Anthony! Currently, temporarily stationed in the London Temple."

Anthony nodded very calmly.

Tony Stark's words before proved that Tony Stark had a certain understanding of Kama Taj.

In addition, Anthony watched Tony see no one in the London Temple, and there was no one there. He knew it when he left as soon as possible, with the attitude of preparing for a protracted war.

Tony Stark not only knew about Kama Taj, but also confirmed it.

In this case, he didn't need to keep anything hidden. the commandments

"I don’t know about the American Iron Man! Rich man! Why did you come to my London temple?"

Tony Stark said seriously,"Just like I said at the beginning! I want to see Master Gu Yi!"

After a slight pause, Tony Stark continued,"To save the world!"

Anthony frowned and took a deep look at Tony. He was about to say no.

After all, as the guardian of the earth, the Ancient Master is so busy with so many things to do. How can he just say it, even if Tony Stark has an extraordinary status? , the same is true.

However, in the next moment, Anthony's body froze.

A look of surprise appeared on his face, and then he performed a ritual among monks

"Okay...teacher! Since it’s your opinion!"

Anthony stood up again and looked at Tony Stark again with a strange look in his eyes.

Because just now, the Ancient One Master specially opened a spiritual connection with him and asked him to bring Tony Stark to him.

Since it is Anthony had no reason to refuse the order of the ancient mage.

He lightly drew his finger in the air, and a mysterious magic circle appeared instantly, with some sparks splashing out.

"Mr. Stark, come with me!"

Anthony bowed to Tony Stark, and took the last step into the magic circle.

Tony Stark looked at the magic circle, and then strode forward without saying anything incredible.

After all, he was not a character in the original work. The Tony Stark in the movie.

He has seen so many things now, including demon kings, gods, and half-elves. Isn’t it just a space-moving magic circle? It’s all trivial!

Nakiri Erina:" sci-fi! Appeared! The space teleportation magic circle in Doctor Strange!"

Nakiri Erina:"When I watched Doctor Strange for the first time, I thought this space teleportation magic circle was particularly cool!"

Twelve-Winged Black Cat of the Fallen Angel:"Actually, the space teleportation magic circle is not bad! What I feel is the most brilliant is the technology that can distort the real world in an instant and even travel to the mirror world."

The Twelve-winged Black Cat of the Fallen Angel:"If you really learn that secret, you can go to the mirror world for fighting or training in the future, and you don't need to worry about destroying the equipment in the real world."

Su Xiaoxiao:"Indeed, the magic in Doctor Strange's world is very interesting."

I am a Marquis:"……Yes! The magic in Doctor Strange's world is indeed special.

Leader Luo Hao:"Whether it's time and space teleportation magic!" Or the magic of traveling through parallel worlds, which is very interesting. But old Marquis, you old guy who doesn’t know magic, what are you commenting on here?"

I am a Marquis:"……"

Leader Luo Hao:"@ Tony is not the richest man. If you can, you might as well give me the magic book on this within Kama Taj."

Leader Luo Hao:"I can exchange with you the alchemy secrets of our world.!"

Weber:"……I really want to learn too! That space transfer magic circle is indeed super cool! And super strong!"

Webber was also moved. Doctor Strange's space magic array style is completely different from the magic style of the Xingyue World.

However, with the terrifying effect of being able to move at will, it can be placed in the Xingyue World to be a top space The name of a great magic.

When he thought that such a powerful magic was only popularized among magician apprentices in Kama Taj, Weber was so envious that he wanted to vomit blood.

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