After a brief silence, the scene was in an uproar.

The pedestrians who had taken pictures before finally realized something was wrong, and ran away in panic in all directions with panic on their faces. Even the drivers of the cars that were blocked on the road did not even open the car, but opened the door and escaped.

A deep diver let out a sharp cry and attacked the residents on the roadside, but as if attacking a shadow, it passed directly through the residents' bodies without causing any harm to them.

"What is this?!"The man's expression was dull again. He was so frightened that he didn't even think about why he was intact. The pupils of those who hid in the surrounding shops and silently peeped at the scene suddenly shrank, and they had some suspicions in their hearts.

"Is it...virtual reality?"

Although it is incredible to directly project a real image! But in the eyes of many people at the scene, this is the only reasonable explanation for the current situation.

"Damn it! Although the monster couldn't hurt anyone, it smashed the car on the roadside, and... the people sitting in the car did not suffer from the smashed car.? That person passed through the tattered car shell like a phantom?"

"Since they can smash the car, it is definitely not an just seems that they have no way to hurt us directly or indirectly!"

"What on earth is going on... What exactly is this method?"

"Hahahaha...that's it! Sure enough. Have I actually been dreaming... Yes! Otherwise, such a weird situation would not be possible……"

"Is my imagination so rich? I actually thought about monsters invading reality, and these monsters are so ugly... Is it because I have watched too many horror movies recently?"

Shocked, curious, self-doubt, all kinds of life are revealed one by one.

The number of deep divers is huge, and after they found that they could not harm the humans around them, they became even more manic. They carried out destruction even more wantonly.

"……Damn thing! Is that enough?"Zhang Wei said that he couldn't bear it.

In the final analysis, after the world merged, this was the world he lived in.

Zhang Wei's face was gloomy, and with a thought, shadow ninjas slowly emerged from the shadows one after another.

Their number was even greater than There were many more deep divers on the opposite side. At this moment, they were kneeling on the ground and lowered their heads to Zhang Wei.

"Deal with them!"Zhang Wei's words were concise and to the point.

The war between the Shadow Ninjas and the Deep Divers began. The earth was torn apart and high-rise buildings were blown down. The cars were corroded by the black haze at the first moment.

But it was not just the Deep Divers. The divers cannot directly harm humans. Even if their cars are thrown away due to the aftermath of the battle between the Deep Divers and the Shadow Ninjas, they will not be harmed. They emerge from the cars intact, looking extremely weird..

There were even a few people who were not afraid of death. They directly participated in the battlefield and found that they would not be harmed. They immediately started the live broadcast with excitement and trepidation. The live broadcast was titled"Monster Invasion of the City".

At the beginning, a small number of people were titled Attracted attention. However, they did not believe that there would really be monsters attacking the city... The first purpose of coming in was to troll people.

Then, they discovered the scene of the live broadcast……

"Damn it!"

"fog grass……"

"My dear mother"

"Red and fiery, in a trance"

"I was so scared that my legs went weak! Kneel down"

"So scary! Am I fucking dreaming? What is this dream?"

"What level of special effects is this? Damn it, buildings were torn apart, cars were destroyed, the continent was corroded by black mist...and there were thousands more, no, whether they were black ninjas or monsters that looked like fishmen, the number was still growing? Are these two groups of guys who don't look like humans fighting each other?!"

"'s so scary! How many extras were used? And using so many extras, we can actually produce this kind of special effects for them. Oh my god"

"It looks like Jintian! Is this a Yanhuang special effects drama? Oh my God, can a special effects movie of this level appear in Dayanhuang? my tears flowed down"

"What a special effects movie... I am in Jintian right now, and I feel the earth is constantly shaking! I also saw tall buildings collapsing in the distance... yes, that's the building where the live broadcast is now."


"When I type this question mark, it’s not that I have a problem, but that I think you have a problem?!"

"I don’t believe this is fake, after all I am a professional! I am sure that the current sci-fi special effects have not reached this level...not to mention that they are directly aimed at live broadcasts and doing special effects of this level. Even if there is one, it must be the most cutting-edge closed special effects production! Putting aside the issue of production time, the cost is calculated in millions of meters per second. Who would be stupid enough to do such a thing?"

"But I don’t believe this is true either! If this is true... then I am torn apart. Is this really going to change?"

"It's true...this is really true! Tieba, Weibo, etc. have exploded. This topic is now flooding all the major lists... Oh my god, this is the first time I have seen it. Within a few minutes, the topic has directly appeared on all major AP-P hot topics. Search list"

"Oh my god, didn’t the official tell us that Yanhuang is a safe horse? Although some monsters have indeed appeared, are they all within the scope of official solutions? You tell me...this is within the scope of solution?!"

"That's right...didn't you notice? In addition to the destruction of buildings at the scene, whether humans were directly attacked or indirectly affected by the collapse of corridors and the aftermath of attacks...are they okay?"

"hiss! Could this be...the Immortal Technique?!"

"What you said makes so much sense, I'm speechless!"

"This ability must involve concepts... I absolutely don't believe it! We, Yanhuang, or the earth, have developed this level of technology"

"Can the guy upstairs tell me what's going on?"

"I don't know... or rather! I can't understand it at all."

Shock, fear, excitement, disbelief...a large number of emotions rose in the hearts of the audience. The most intuitive impact of this incident on the anchor is that the popularity of his live broadcast has exceeded imagination. The speed increased rapidly.

The void suddenly collapsed. Two terrifying auras suddenly rose up.

In the next moment, Dagon and Hydera, whose shapes were somewhat different from ordinary deep divers, suddenly appeared.

"To actually appear directly in a place where so many lives's kind of interesting."Although Hydra's words are unfamiliar, the strange thing is that anyone who listens to these words understands the true meaning of her words...even if they are sure that they have never learned this language.

"But the number of these lives means nothing to us... No! Our attacks can't hurt them? What power is this and how is it done? No, in the face of this terrifying enemy, we must use the most rigorous attitude……"

Before Dagon could finish his words, Wu Geng Liuli took action impatiently.

In an instant, Dagon and Hydra flew into the sky with a bang. The terrifying shock waves even caused them to completely tear apart the atmosphere above Tianjin.

"……This level of power."Yu Huanshui's eyelids were beating wildly. He forced himself to be calm, unscrewed a bottle of water he had just bought before, and took a shaky sip of water. He choked in the end.

"Those two guys are too weak! No wonder, I heard Lord Demon King say that those two guys are the Old Gods who are least like the Old Gods."Wugeng Liuli, like a lady, slowly came to Su Han's side and rolled her eyes.

What she saw told her that those two guys were finished... Fortunately, she had been prepared for a hard fight before...

Suddenly Suddenly, the sky became pitch black.

After a brief silence, Haruhi Suzumiya raised her head and stared at the sky seriously.

A huge and extremely weird octopus floated in the sky, its posture twisted and terrifying

"It's...Cthulhu." Wu Geng Liuli murmured, her cheeks twitching.

The next moment, the indescribable Old Dominator let out a sharp scream. A wave of terrifying air fell from the sky, containing the terrifying destructive power to destroy everything.

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