Minami Kotori:"!!! It makes sense."

Yukinoshita Yukino:"How do I feel that the position where they fought is still the original position? Where to return to the dark dimension... wait a minute."

Yukinoshita Yukino stopped talking. She suddenly woke up, and there was a hint of seriousness in the depths of her pupils.

Yukinoshita Yukino:"Could it be that in such a short time, the dark dimension corroded the part of the space where the two were fighting and turned it into a part of the dark dimension?!"

Gui Yanye:"If that's true. , this is too terrible... this kind of harm to the world!"

Gui Yanye took a breath of cold air.

She vaguely understood why... Dormammu could easily destroy a world without the protection and restraint of masters at the same level...

Kasumi Shiko:"……Perhaps this is Dormammu's normal level."

Kasumigaoka Shiyu calmed down and continued to speak.

Kasumigaoka Shiyu:"In the beginning, the reason why Dormammu died was because of the president's action."

Xia Shizi:"Even if the president at that time was not as invincible as he is now, he must not be underestimated! Being able to make Guild Leader take action at that time says a lot in itself.

Natsume:"Dormammu's strength is definitely much stronger than Thanos without the Infinity Stones... not to mention this enhanced version.""

Magic Girl Nanoha:"So, Liu Peiqiang, why don't you hurry up and help? (Why are you just looking at the.jpg)"

Fan Xian:"Did you also betray me?.jpg"

Liu Peiqiang:"????"

Liu Peiqiang looked confused.

Fan Xian:"Ahem, Nanoha's emoticon is so magical! I subconsciously sent that picture. (Funny.jpg)"

Yadou:"I was thinking... Liu Peiqiang and Batman, who is stronger? Weak?"

Ayumi Aikawa:"Didn't you hear what Luo Ji said, isn't the technology in Liu Peiqiang's hands weaker than his? And look at the spatial refraction Liu Peiqiang is using now. Isn't this in another sense? Mirror world?"

Ayumi Aikawa:"To be able to develop technology to this point... tsk tsk! It's terrifying to think about it. Anyway, I personally feel that Liu Peiqiang is not weaker than Batman!"

Fallen Angel Twelve-Winged Black Cat Family:"There are too many hidden bosses in the guild! Some people don't reveal themselves, and you don't know how terrifying they are until the moment they take action."

Clark Kent:"Everyone, please don't worry. Batman is worried."

Clark smiled hoarsely, a flash of memory flashing in his eyes.

Clark Kent:"You haven't reacted to what I said before?"

Clark Kent:"Batman now doesn't use his full strength at all."


Mikazuki Yozora:"This kind of thing……"

Mikazuki Yekong's pupils suddenly shrank, but after thinking about it for a moment, she felt that this was a normal thing.

Su Xiaoxiao:"Okay...Batman, now you should roughly get the opponent's data, and then use your full strength."

Su Han sensed something very interesting, and the corners of his mouth rose slightly.

English pear:"……?"

Fengyuan:"Little question mark, do you have many friends.jpg" above the sky.

Batman looked calm, and the armor on his body changed again at this moment. Six prismatic crystals appeared on the chest, and these crystals formed a circle, emitting six colors of light.

"Is there any point in continuing to fight...Bruce, Wayne!"Dormammu's voice was low.

Although he was beaten all the way before, he was sure that Batman couldn't kill him. At this moment, his attitude became unruly. Although this arrogance was a little lacking in confidence.

Dormammu took a deep breath. After taking a breath, he continued to speak with a cold voice,"Rather than continue fighting, we might as well take a step back! I give up invading this world, and you go back... You understand, my condition is very generous."

As he spoke, Dormammu glanced down quietly.

At this time, whether it was Xiangjiang, the future city, or the slums, almost all the people hid in their houses... Xiangjiang On the streets, there were only those crashed and broken flying saucers with burning flames...

It was precisely because of this that Su Han, Ye Wen, Liu Peiqiang and the three stood on the roof of the dilapidated attic... very conspicuous... and Doma It was precisely because he saw the three that Mu realized that the situation was not simple.

A guy who looked like he didn't know whether he was Wolf Warrior Leng Feng or Liu Peiqiang... an Ip Man... As for the last one, he didn't recognize him. An existence that is so perfect that it does not look like a mortal.

According to the usual characteristics of literary works, this existence that he does not recognize may be a first-class figure from the East who has reached the ultimate level of cultivation and transformed himself into a perfect state...

This The three of them are most likely not from the same world as Batman.

Considering that the special diamond-shaped barrier refracted in mid-air at this moment, and Batman's strength is countless times stronger than in the original work... It can prove the weirdness of this world...

Even a Batman can make him tired of dealing with it. Who knows, will an old monster suddenly appear and kill him instantly?

In this world where everything is very strange to him! This is very interesting. It's possible... Anyway, now, if the Demon God of the Index of Magic suddenly appears, the king of the Dragon Ball world, the God of Destruction... Dormammu would also feel normal.……

"Do you think that's possible?"Batman stared at Dormammu coldly.

After a short pause, he said softly,"But you are right about one thing... This battle has indeed come to an end."

"The power of the Six Gods...the God of Chakra! The art of sealing."

The six prismatic gems on Batman's chest emitted a fiery and dazzling brilliance.

One of the blue gems burst out with extremely terrifying chakra fluctuations. In the void, countless seal chains suddenly condensed and formed. Tied to Dormammu's body

"……What? Chakra seal?!"

Dormammu's expression changed dramatically. What kind of operation is this? The person who controls the power of the six gods in the DC world...isn't it Shazam?

What does this have to do with chakra? Is there any link between Naruto and this modern world?!

How much ? Mamu said that his mentality has collapsed. Who can explain to him what is going on in this world?

Although there was a huge turmoil in his heart, Dormammu did not move slowly. He struggled quickly, roared to the sky, and his body The terrifying dark energy was brewing and gathering.

However, what made him despair was that he could feel bit by bit that his connection with the dark dimension was being severed.

"No, you can't do this... Wait, we have other ways to solve the problem... Shut up, you bastard."

Batman's face was expressionless, and he spoke unhurriedly,"The power of the six gods, the god of spiritual power! Zanpou!"

On his chest, the gem emitting yellow light shone brightly, and the yellow-colored smoothness condensed into a Zanpakutō in mid-air. Suddenly it slashed towards Dormammu!

Dormammu! Mu's soul connection with the dark dimension was completely severed.

He stared at Batman with a fearful expression, watching him clenched his fist again, and then... punched another solar flare punch.

Heaven and earth, Only the extremely brilliant brilliance of the sun was left.

Amidst the miserable howls, Dormammu's figure was torn apart bit by bit, and then completely shattered.

But this time, with the dual containment of the sealing technique and the Zanpakutō, There was no possibility of his resurrection, and he completely disappeared.

Without the control of his master, the dark dimension gradually collapsed.

Above the sky, sunlight shone down again.

The next moment, a clear mission prompt sounded in the sky. In the ears of all union members present,

"Ding! The guild mission has been completed! Ip Man received five thousand points. Guild president Su Xiaoxiao received 10,000 points. Liu Peiqiang received 15,000 points. Batman gets 220,000 points."

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