
Xiaozhi:"In your eyes...am I such an unreliable guy?"

Xiaozhi expressed that he was very aggrieved.

Fallen Angel Twelve-Winged Black Cat:"Just kidding."

Wu Geng Liuli smiled awkwardly, but seeing that Xiaozhi was still in the mood to speak in the guild, we could see that he was quite at ease.

At least, Xiaochi didn't speak.

Obviously, at this moment, Xiao Chi focused all his attention on the battlefield, trying his best to make deductions and calculations. He didn't dare to relax, because a command given incorrectly, or given a second too late, might mean the defeat of his Pokémon.

Time passed bit by bit, and soon the battle came to an end.

Unsurprisingly, it was Xiaozhi who won in the end, and Xiaozhi won all six games.

After closing the guild live broadcast room, the discussion in the guild chat room did not stop.

Tony is not the richest man:"It is both expected and reasonable."

Yuan Dagu:"I am only worried that Xiaochi's disastrous defeat this time... will he be devastated?"

Yuan Dagu was worried. Even though Xiao Chi had said in the guild before that he hoped he would suffer a defeat...

But after all, losing all six battles, just thinking about it, you will know how terrible this kind of blow is, especially for Xiao Chi who once became a champion. Chi came to...

Xiao Chi:"It's possible to say there's a blow! But I've already been mentally prepared. Next, I will stay with Xiaozhi for a while, and... let my Pokémon follow him. Those Pokmon are learning."

Xiaochi:"It just so happens that our Pokmon have a high degree of overlap... I feel that after this special training, my partners and I can gain a lot."

Sakata Gintoki:"Six Six Six , this may be the best thing."

Seeing Xiaochi accept it calmly, Sakata Gintoki breathed a sigh of relief. Although he is usually aloof, he is still very reliable at critical times. He is very concerned about the current situation of the members within the guild, and even their mentality issues...

Longmen Chen Sir:"@成永. @ Tony is not the richest man. These two gentlemen are really very caring. Thank you for your help!"

Fallen Angel Twelve-Winged Black Cat Clan:"???Why did you suddenly thank them?"

Wu Geng Liuli was a little confused and didn't realize what was going on.

Gui Yan Ye:"……Wait, could it be said that your drug to treat Originium Disease has been developed?!"

Gui Yanye took a breath.

Tony is not the richest man:"Isn't this a matter of course? Is there anything that Mr. Stark can't solve if he takes action?"

Tony Stark's speech in the guild was so natural that it successfully choked all the people in the guild.

Ernesti:"What you said makes sense, but I am speechless!"

Longmen Sir Chen:"Yes... I am currently discussing with the Governor of Longmen! Get the pharmaceutical company's brand name down as soon as possible...well, although it's not Mr. Tony Stark who's in charge of the medical company! It's an artificial intelligence subroutine he left behind……"

When Chen said this, his expression became dumbfounded.

Doctor Roman:"It looks... very much like what Tony Stark can do!"

Ernesti:"It turns out that Tony Stark's current technology has advanced by leaps and bounds to the point where he is not afraid of the omnic crisis?"

Elnesti rubbed his chin, looking thoughtful.

Nan Xiaoniao:"……"

Tushan Honghong:"……"

Edogawa Conan:"……Don’t you mention which pot to boil?"

Conan rubbed his eyebrows. Seeing that Tony Stark did not speak in the guild, he knew that Tony Stark might have thought of the Ultron Crisis in Marvel's original historical trajectory.

Ernesti:"!!!! I'm so sorry."

Only then did Ernest realize that there was something wrong with his words, and his expression became embarrassed. Of course, Tony Stark still did not respond to Ernest. Master

Jade:"@Huoyuhao. Let’s talk directly to the guild! We've already discussed it, haven't we? There is absolutely no reason to retreat at such a critical moment."

Huo Yuhao:"……"

In his room, Huo Yuhao bit his lower lip. After his eyes flickered for a moment, his expression became determined and he spoke inside the union.

Huo Yuhao:"@苏小小. Mr. President, I hope my world can be integrated with other worlds."

Su Xiaoxiao:"……"

Rubbing his eyebrows, Su Han sighed subtly.

Su Xiaoxiao:"What's next is that you haven't found which world is most suitable for integrating with your world yet! So, you want me to help you judge?"

This rhythm is too familiar to Su Han. There have been many world fusion situations in the past. , it’s all like this.

Huo Yuhao:"……This is not the case anymore. Me and the teacher, well, that is, the master! We have talked a lot about this, and have also communicated privately with members of those worlds that are suitable for integrating with my world. Xiongba:"

Yes!" Huo Yuhao once chatted with me... Although, I rejected him in the end due to various reasons."

Nan Xiaoniao:"????"

Taoist real person Zhang Sanfeng:"……"

Ayumi Aikawa:"Your operation... is really outrageous."

Magical Girl Nanoha:"So, why did you refuse? Even if there is a difference in the level of force between your two worlds, it is not so big that it is unimaginable......No, I almost forgot, the power system that covers the sky with one hand has expanded in Wuhun Continent."

A flash of understanding flashed in Naye's eyes, and she stuck out her tongue in embarrassment.

Xiongba:"No! That reason is not important at all, it is just simple. If I want to fuse, I would prefer to be able to merge with a world with a lower level of force than my world... If the members of that world have no ambitions , that would be better……"

Xiongba:"For example, Mr. Lu Xiaofeng's world is very suitable! Qiao Feng's world is also good... However, after I told them, they refused. Obviously I agreed, after the world is integrated, I will give it to them Great preferential treatment."

Xiongba felt quite regretful.

Horibei Ringtone:"……"

Euclidean Wood:"……"

Tsuchima Mi:"No...it would be weird if they really agreed, okay?"

Tsuchima Mi's expression was wonderful and subtle.

Kaoru Chino:"Yes, just looking at the conditions for you to choose to merge with the world! You can imagine that there must be many very dangerous ideas in your mind." Under what circumstances do you need to ensure that the force of another world that merges with your own world Low level, and the only guild member in another world who can threaten you, no ambition?!

Considering Xiongba's own character... is there any need to say that?

He must rule the world!

Sakuragi Hanadao:"So, in the final analysis... the martial arts world's martial arts level is too high? By the way, there are gods from the divine world in that world?"

Sakuragi Hanadao thought thoughtfully.

Kirishima Touka:"Huh?! Are you so responsive? You are definitely not the Sakuragi Hanamichi I know."

Kayaba Akihiko:"Terrible."

Sakuragi Hanamichi:"?!"

Sakuragi said:"I always feel that you have some misunderstanding about me! The guild now has a brain machine developed by Mr. Tony Stark. As long as you bring it, you can increase the level of brain development to an unimaginable level. At this level."

Yingmuhua said:"With the help of this brain computer, I have learned physics! Ideology! Biology! Mechanics! Mathematics... and a series of doctoral level knowledge."

Yingmuhua said:"You are now , even if I was asked to write a doctoral thesis for Dongda University, I would have no problem at all. If I wanted to! I could easily get eight doctorate degrees."

Yuan Dagu:"……?"

Lelouch:"Little question mark, do you have many friends.jpg"

Fallen Angel Twelve-Winged Black Cat:"Red and fiery, in a trance.jpg"

Sawada Tsunayoshi:"????"

Is this still possible?! Sawada Tsunayoshi was stunned.

Immediately, Sawada Tsunayoshi fell into thinking. He tapped his fingers lightly on the table, showing a thoughtful look.

This operation... seems very feasible.

Should he also ask Mr. Tony Stark for a brain computer and supplement his knowledge?!

You see, even the red-haired gorilla Sakuragi Hanamichi has learned so much knowledge, and his words are much more organized than before...

Kosaka Kyosuke:"The shock in my heart now is no less than when I saw Batman and the Joker having sex. We became brothers!"

Doctor Luo Man:"??? The imagery of your words makes my scalp numb."

Su Xiaoxiao:"So, the question is not, who has Huo Yuhao negotiated the world integration with?!"

Su Han returned his chest with both hands, his face expressionless and his heart speechless.

You guys are taking this topic too far.

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