Holy Lord:"Haha, if my demand for the real world hadn't been greatly reduced now! Can the army of robots created by Optimus Prime stop the army of demons under my command?"

Holy Lord The Lord’s face was cold. In fact, he now has a similar idea to Optimus Prime when he invades the real world...

However, his intention is to train troops. Use war to maintain the bloody and cruel nature of the demon clan.

Jackie Chan didn’t want to do archeology:"Since you’re talking about this, I don’t have to save face for you.……"

Jackie Chan didn't want to do archeology:"If you hadn't been very conscious, and even the two of you automatically avoided crowded areas when fighting... I would have killed you in hell. And then completely destroyed your unified demon dynasty!"

Chen Long rolled his eyes and shouted back.

He has been a member of the guild for a long time and is extremely powerful, surpassing the Holy Lord... In fact, even if he is allowed to fight against the extremely prosperous Demon Dynasty on his own, it will not be that difficult... In the final analysis, maybe at the beginning The Holy Lord is indeed looking for trouble in reality. But under various circumstances, Optimus Prime and the Holy Lord faced each other, and both sides got what they needed in this battle... Jackie Chan came to coordinate the battle, spending a lot of energy.

Of course, the Holy Master also knew that Chen Long wasted energy! This is also a non-fatal way of revenge... After all, they are both members of the guild, and there is no possibility of a fight to the death between the two parties...

Holy Lord:"……"

The Holy Lord was a little weak, but his words were still not weak at all.

Holy Lord:"If you have the strength and courage, you can give it a try."

Queen Medusa:"Tsk, tsk."

Himura Kenshin:"If I were Chen Long! I definitely can't bear this tone."

Hori. Bei Lingyin:"Yes, it's time to go to hell... and teach the Holy Lord a lesson."

Holy Lord:"……"

The Holy Lord was keenly aware that the topic was in the wrong direction. If the discussion continued like this, Jackie Chan might really want to travel to hell...

He narrowed his red eyes, thought for a moment, and quickly changed the topic..

Holy Lord:"Miss Medusa! After the integration of your world and Mr. Jade's world...how is the situation now?"

Queen Medusa:"……"

Queen Medusa was stunned for a moment and didn't react for a while.

She is obviously a melon-eater, but why did the topic turn to her inexplicably?

Master Yu reacted quickly and spoke calmly.

Master Jade:"Everything is good."

Master Jade:"After all, the practitioners and ordinary people at the bottom will naturally have the impression of another world as the world merges.……"

Master Jade:"And the high-end experts have been warned by Medusa and I... So the current situation is that the Dou Qi training system and the Douluo soul system are blending into each other.……"

Master Jade:"Maybe in a few decades, under the intertwining of the two power systems, a more brilliant flower of cultivation will bloom."

Fallen Angel Twelve Wings Black Cat:"Yes."

Tony is not the richest man:"Fortunately The people on both sides can hold on... but it's just like the Sun Moon Continent colliding with the Wuhun World. There is a fight at the beginning! Both sides of the fight are facing ruthless people, and only then can they stop and gain peace... But both sides also There is local friction from time to time-"

Tony Stark's vision is far-reaching, but he doesn't say much in this regard.

Ye Hei:"!!!!"

Ye Hei:"Ahem, um... I discussed it with Luo Feng and Chen Nan for a long time. Finally, Chen Nan agreed to merge my world with his."

Ye Hei:"Now. Let’s see if the two powerful men of the older generation agree or disagree. @狗大神.@狠老人."


Sick old man:"!!!!"

He loves eating animal milk the most:"Are you starting so soon?"

Xiao Shitou's eyes flickered.

Lu Xiaoqian:"I feel like Luo Feng has cried... He was abandoned inexplicably. (Manual funny.jpg)"

Luo Feng:"There is nothing to say."

Luo Feng was a little dumbfounded.

Luo Feng:"I also have two choices now... One is to merge with the three-body wandering earth world. The other is to merge with the perfect world of heaven and earth!"

Luo Feng:"The benefits of integrating with the three-body wandering earth world Yes, the earth will be very safe... Moreover, by integrating into the other side, it will be easy for the people on my side of the earth to get the dividends brought by becoming the number one dock in the universe. They will live a very happy life!"

Luo Feng:"As for Integrating with the perfect world...the power system will be more perfect! The upper limit will be higher...all the way to the realm of the Immortal Emperor."

Luo Feng has a far-reaching vision. Immortal Emperor Realm, even looking at the guild! That is also the most advanced realm.

Fallen Angel Twelve-Winged Black Cat:"Indeed... they all have benefits. So it's very embarrassing!"

King Arthur:"If I had to choose, I might choose the one that is beneficial to the people."

King Arthur bit his lower lip, she His expression was a bit complicated and melancholy.

You Suowei:"In my case... I might choose the second one, right? After all, I want to see the scene at the top of the Strong Mountain! How beautiful it is?" You Suowei's eyes were a little deep

, but He thought for a moment and added another sentence.

You Suowei:"In the final analysis... although after joining the guild, it is known as resource sharing. However, the overall level of your own world still has a great impact on the improvement of your own strength."

You Suowei:"The most obvious example is Yifang Over there... nearly all the members in their world followed the path of the devil. Not to mention a strong person from the first level of the guild, the remaining ones were all from the second level of the guild."

You Suowei sighed quietly.

Doesn’t the world you live in matter? Only a fool would agree with this view.

I was resurrected after ten thousand years:"So, two old men! What is your attitude towards this? Regardless of whether you agree or not, let's talk first."

Chen Nan frowned tightly.

The sick old man:"I personally have no objection."

Master Dugu:"I said it a long time ago. As long as it can be integrated! I don't mind which world I integrate with.……"

Ye Hei:"!!! Then it's settled."

Fa Hai:"Wait a moment... Are you going to merge now?"

Fa Hai's expression became extremely strange.

You asked the president to go shopping around Wutian in the middle of the night before, and now you want to go to the Fusion World?

Are you really bullying the president for having no temper?

Be careful that the guild leader will be furious and give you a slap in the world...

Maybe because guild members can't hurt each other, you have no problem yourself, but it's really hard to say whether your world is intact.

I was resurrected after ten thousand years:"Tomorrow...or if the president doesn't feel anxious, then that's fine in a few days! I'm not anxious at all."

Sakata Gintoki:"Full of desire to live.jpg"

Su Xiaoxiao:"Then tomorrow."

Su Han smiled noncommittally. He glanced at the time and felt that it was late enough, so he immediately withdrew from the guild.

Then, Su Han turned over and hugged Wu Geng Liuli, whispering in her ear,"Sleep, little black cat... Nan An"

"Good night, Lord Demon King!"_To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Xiao

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