Miyami Mitsuha:"It's too real. (trembling.jpg)"

Su Xiaoxiao:"……"

Su Han looked at the exchanges in the guild and shook his head noncommittally. After thinking briefly, he changed the subject.

Su Xiaoxiao:"@玉大.@Huoyuhao. How is the situation over there?"

Huo Yuhao:"Hey...ah!!!"

Huo Yuhao was working hard to lay the foundation for practice at the moment. This time Aite directly distracted him. As a result, the supervisor next to him noticed something was wrong, and pointed his fingers sharply.

A small stone hit Huo Yuhao's head, causing him to cry out in pain. Although this blow didn't really hurt Huo Yuhao, it... really hurt.

"I'm so sorry! Huo

Yuhao's body tensed up. After apologizing, he quickly calmed down and continued to exercise.

Master Yu:"Everything went well.""

Compared to the busy Huo Yuhao, Master Yu is very leisurely.

He is drinking afternoon tea with Dragon God Douluo at the moment. He is watching the content of the guild chat room and making a speech.

Master Yu:"I will The processing has been completed... I will probably be able to go back tonight.

Queen Medusa:"That's it."

Master Jade:"Miss Medusa, you should be able to consider the issue of integrating with the Dou Qi world tomorrow.""

Master Jade smiled dumbly.

Wolverine:"I'm focusing on another thing at the moment."

Wolverine leaned against a tree, and with a crisp sound, diamond claws emerged from between his fingers. He casually let his claws make deep marks on the tree while speaking in the guild.

Wolverine:"I'm curious, Master Jade...what exactly have you done in the world of martial arts?"

Master Jade:"I entered the Star Dou Forest and took a tour! Then I traveled to the Sun and Moon Continent... and did some minor work."

Master Jade made an understatement.

Fallen Angel Twelve-winged Black Cat Clan:"Fingertip Universe.jpg"

Tony is not the richest man:"It's okay to do some minor work! (The show makes my scalp numb.jpg)"

Huo Yuhao:"Yes...it's just that one-third of the Star Dou Forest was demolished! By the way, one blow caused the entire Sun Moon Continent to move just one meter to the left.……"

Huo Yuhao, who had completed his physical training, closed his eyes and practiced in the sea of ​​suffering while speaking in the guild.

Fallen Angel Twelve Winged Black Cat Clan:"?"


Doctor Luo Man:"If I were from the Sun and Moon Continent...I would already have doubts about life.……"

Suzumiya Haruhi:"Master Jade used his own strength to tell those tenth-level soul masters... relying on weapons is of no use! If you are a man, just punch to the flesh. (Without a doubt.jpg)"

Su Xiaoxiao:"……"

Su Han smacked his lips. He remembered that even in the previous life, the largest amount of sand yolk eggs used by the Mao Xiong Kingdom only moved the Eurasian continent by eight millimeters... and now, the Sun and Moon Continent was directly moved by one meter.……

"Poor Sun Moon Continent."Su smiled and rubbed his eyebrows. He didn't need to think about it to know what terrible things the Sun and Moon Continent had experienced...but these had nothing to do with him.

Su Han called Ram over, and then sealed him The giant hand monster was thrown to her

"Then Master, I will eat this tonight." Ram nodded slightly, and then glanced curiously at the crystal in Su Han's other hand.

"Dao Jie Jing, if you want it! It can also be given to you."Su Han raised his eyebrows and stared at Ram

"I'm just a little curious, so keep it to yourself." Ram smiled dumbly and left. Su Han sat in the hall and continued to watch TV.

Time passed bit by bit, and soon it was time for dinner. After

Su Han finished his dinner, he returned I got to my room. I watched various newly updated videos from the guild drama library for a while. When it was late enough, I fell asleep after washing up.

The next day,

Su Han got up, lying curled up next to him. The little black cat. She touched the black cat's ears lovingly. Su Han didn't call her and got up directly.

While eating breakfast, Su Han spoke in the guild.

Su Xiaoxiao:"@玉大. @medusaqueen. Are you still awake now? Didn’t we say yesterday that we would integrate the world today?"

Xianfeng Zhinao:"!!!!"

Shazam:"President... got up really early today."

Yingmuhua said:"President... I didn't get up until late! Do you think everyone is like you? Sleeping in every day."


Shazam:"What about sleeping in... sleeping in during the holidays! Can that be called sleeping in? That's called spiritual cultivation."

Metaki Kurokami:"I silently give you a thumbs up."

Queen Medusa:"Of course I have. Wake up... As for the master, there shouldn't be one, right? I just heard Huo Yuhao say that the master drank with Dragon God Douluo until very late yesterday."

Ayumi Aikawa:"I am fighting with my descendants who are separated by who knows how many generations. Drinking wine, working hard until very late before going to bed... This sounds very inspiring."

Sakuragihua said:"?"

Sakuragi Hanamichi was a little confused and didn't understand what Ayumi Aikawa meant.

Himura Kenshin:"After all, being able to fight with descendants who have been separated for many generations... means that you live a long life! And being able to fight with wine means that you are still in good health."

Hatsune Miku:"Pfft... I actually Speechless."

Echizen Ryoma:"But the key problem is... the master looks younger than Dragon God Douluo on the surface."

Echizen Ryoma frowned and fell into thought.

Earthwork 14 Lang:"……Your perspective on the problem is so tricky."

Hobei Suzune:"I have nothing to say."

Master Jade:"……"

Master Jade:"You guys."

Master Jade shook his head with a complicated expression.

King Ma Cang Ye:"Master, did you wake up so early?"

King Ma Cang Ye was drinking morning tea at the moment. Beside him, the fire spirit was constantly lingering, obviously very happy.

Master Jade:"No... I didn't sleep last night. After all, I came back very late, and there was still a battle today! So I just practiced for a while... Anyway, the cultivation state also has a resting effect on the spirit."

Master Jade His expression was very serious.

My wife Yuno:"……"

Ernesti:"This is very true... I am actually speechless."

Su Xiaoxiao:"Since you are all awake and have no objections... then I will start preparing for the fusion of worlds."

Su Han did not discuss this further. He directly entered the guild taskbar, stretched the two worlds together, and clicked on the official fusion.

The next moment, a message popped out.


Mission name: Kill the time traveler. Time traveler name: Zhang Hongyu. Time traveler title: Emperor Yutian.

Mission introduction: [Zhang Hongyu traveled to a certain wild world and obtained the power inheritance of the perfect heaven and earth system. He continued to become stronger and eventually became the ancient emperor who was the most powerful person throughout the ages. He also created the Heavenly Palace and proclaimed himself the Emperor of Heaven, who was the most powerful person ever.

But as time goes by, he gradually reaches the end of his life, and he is afraid of death.

In order to break through and become an immortal, he forged an immortal cauldron, and then sacrificed the blood of all living beings in the world to the divine cauldron... and turned it into an immortal weapon, thereby realizing the opportunity to defeat the immortal. In the end, he bloodbathed the entire heaven of those who resisted him... and transcended that world with the heavenly soldiers and generals who were willing to follow him.

Now, he has set his sights on the new world. 】

Task requirements: Completely kill the time traveler.

Task restrictions: Only three members are allowed to participate at the same time (task mode can be snatched).

Task rewards: 300,000 points, lottery roulette, corpse emperor scripture_Feilu reminds you: read Three things - collection, recommendation

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