Fallen Angel Twelve Winged Black Cat Clan:"!!!!"

Tony is not the richest man:"Take a breath of cold air.jpg"

Yuan Dagu:"This title and name that is so visual...do you also have the Sheqi Eight Families over there?"

Chu Zihang:"????"

Eri Uesugi:"!!!!"

Chu Zihang and Eriki Uesugi were immediately shocked by this familiar name.

Yuan Dagu:"Sorry, sorry... I accidentally got into trouble before."

Yuan Dagu coughed, with a hint of embarrassment on his face.

Kousaka Kyosuke:"The Vongola family is awesome."

Sakata Gintoki:"The Vongola family was already awesome...but it's even more awesome now."

Hijikata Jūshirō:"……I am not surprised that the Vongola family has such power and influence."

Hijikata Jushiro's eyes flickered, and his expression was very calm.

Yukinoshita Yukino:"It is indeed normal. After all, before the world merged, the power of the Vongola family was already so huge that it was suffocating...More Needless to say, after the world was integrated, it also enjoyed official support from Great Britain.

Yukinoshita Yukino:"Great Britain, that is the well-deserved overlord of the world."

Su Xiaoxiao:"Terrible.""

Su Han glanced at the guild chat room with interest, then smiled dumbly and moved his eyes out of the guild chat room.

Next, Su Han went on a trip with Ram and Rem who came to the door. Ichiban.

Although Ramrem was very obedient, the fact that Su Han and Wu Geng Liuli went on a trip together still made them feel a little sad. It was impossible for Su Han to let them do this... Plus, after a trip, Without any effort, he simply went out.

In the evening, Su Han and Ramrem had dinner in the world of Red Eyes.

Su Han took the opportunity to send a message to Wu Geng Liuli, Luo Cuilian and the others in the guild chat room, informing them They can just eat at home.

Su Han is not worried about them being hungry. After all, Ramrem has cooked a lot of meals in the past and asked them to put them in the union warehouse, just in case they join any union in the future. The mission requires eating out and eating food that is not used to the outside world.

In the wasteland of the Red Eye world, after eating the dangerous food Su Han hunted and Ramrem cooked, the three of them wandered around in the wasteland. After a while, he watched the night view, and after 9 o'clock, he chose to return.

The next day, Su Han got up lazily.

He naturally got up after Ramrem. After eating the breakfast prepared by the two, he casually Scanning the guild chat room.

Su Xiaoxiao:"@Tushanhonghong. @老天师. I already have time now. If I want to merge the worlds... I should do it now."

Tushan Honghong:"????"

Sakata Gintoki:"My president is so unpretentious! Clean and tidy."

Kosaka Kyosuke:"I always feel that you are talking bad about my president, but unfortunately I have no evidence."

Kosaka Kyosuke's mouth twitched several times.

Sakata Gintoki:"I'm not, I don't have it, don't talk nonsense.jpg"

Su Xiaoxiao:"……"

Su Han glanced at the conversation between Sakata Gintoki and Kosaka Kyousuke and shook his head. No comments were made on this. Continue to speak.

Su Xiaoxiao:"@Tushanhonghong. Do you have any objections? The world has not yet begun to merge. You can regret it at any time."

Tushan Honghong:"!!!!!"

Tu Shan Honghong:"That's not the case, it's just that I was surprised...after all, you said before that it would be a few days later……"

Tushan Honghong bit her lower lip, feeling a little embarrassed. She didn't expect Su Han to be so enthusiastic, but soon she realized something was wrong.

Tushan Honghong:"@老天师."

Tushan Honghong:"???Why don't you reply?"

Yukinoshita Yukino:"……"

Aisaka Taiga:"So...what's the situation with Master Tianshi now? Has it reached a key plot point?"

Aisaka Taihe's eyes sharpened for an instant.

Hijikata Jushiro:"I, Zhang Zhiwei, will start from today on all sexes...killing every one I see! (Old Master Murder Picture.jpg)"


Railgun:"I feel like you're just overthinking."

Hatsune Miku:"Yeah, how could there be any plot points so early in the morning?"

Hatsune Miku's face was speechless. After thinking for a moment, she continued.

Hatsune Miku:"But I personally feel that it is possible that Master Tianshi is sleeping now."

Izumi Sagiri:"!!!!"

Dr. Roman:"????"

Ernesti:"Impossible...an old man like Lao Tianshi sleeps very short and shallowly at night."

Nan Xiaotiao:"……That's a normal person. Is Heavenly Master a normal person?"

Nan Xiaoniao:"Besides, there are so many rejuvenating abilities in the guild, how can you be sure that the old master is still just an ordinary person?"

Taoist real person Zhang Sanfeng:"Hahaha...Brother Zhang followed me to practice the realm version of martial arts. If he wants to live now...it shouldn't be a problem to live for thousands of years."

Four eyebrows Lu Xiaofeng:"……"

Magical Girl Nanoha:"!!!!"

Ayumi Aikawa:"……Now, are your lifespans calculated in millennia? Ayumi

Aikawa felt a lump stuck in his throat, and he couldn't spit it out.

Batman:"Isn't this a normal thing?""

Batman:"I have also made calculations... The number of years I can live now is about eight hundred years. And this is without considering the interference of the guild!"

Batman:"To use the simplest analogy, if I buy an Angel's Kiss now... then I can completely restore my condition to its peak. This peak may also include life span as time passes by.……"

Batman paused for a moment, feeling that this example was not very clear, and immediately added another sentence.

Batman:"For example, when I reach the end of my life after eight hundred years, if I use Angel's Kiss... I can recover to my peak and then live another eight hundred years."


Fujiwara Assistant:"!!!!"

Sakuragi Hanamichi:"……"

After Sakuragi Hanamichi reacted, he was stunned.

Sakuragi Hanadao:"Can such an operation be possible? Damn it!"

Kuroko Tetsuya:"If you think about it carefully, it is a normal thing."

Kuroko Tetsuya also made waves in his heart, but he was very calm on the surface.

Kuroko Tetsuya:"There are also some abilities in this world that directly target lifespan... For example, they can directly devour your lifespan and turn you into a seventy-year-old."

Kuroko Tetsuya:"Using Angel's Kiss should also be able to target this aspect! Since So, isn't it normal to restore your life span to your youth?"

Kirishima Touka:"The sick old man fell into deep thought."

Kayaba Akihiko:"It's scary... It's terrible! In other words, you only need to buy an Angel's Kiss with one thousand points to directly restore the supreme beings in the forbidden land to their peak?"

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