Haruhi Suzumiya:"The annual ethics drama is being staged now!"Is my son my son after reincarnation?""On the way father and son get along in the union in the past life""What happens when you suddenly find yourself the reincarnation of an ancient boss and awaken your memory What to do?""

I was resurrected after ten thousand years:"!!!!"

Tushan Honghong:"!!!!"

Kasumi Shiko:"You are also a light novelist.jpg"

Kasumigaoka Shiyu's expression paused, and then she became very interested.

Kirino Takasaka:"The so-called light novels are just those with a long title! Just put a bunch of weird things in it."

Kirino Takasaka complained expressionlessly.

Natsume:"It's so cool."

Kurosaki Ichigo:"So the question is, can you two live broadcast for us now? After all, everyone is very interested in the situation over there. (Manual funny.jpg)"

Kurosaki Ichigo rubbed his chin and expressed that he was extremely interested in it.

Ayumi Aikawa:"If you make this suggestion at this juncture, you won't be afraid of being beaten to death."

Ayumi Aikawa's mouth twitched several times, not knowing what expression to show.

God Dugu:"……"

I was resurrected after ten thousand years:"Don't think too much, I haven't integrated the memory crystal yet."

I was resurrected after ten thousand years:"After all, the memories of the previous life... When these are fused, I feel that the situation will become very serious." It's complicated."

Chen Nan bit her lower lip, her eyes flickering. In his heart, he was inclined not to integrate. After all, the events of the previous life were involved in this life, and there would be no end...

Tsuchima:"I feel pretty good."

Tsuchima said happily while huddled on the bed. Speak vigorously in the guild.

Tujianmi:"Who is Xiaobai? The son of Dugu God! He is also one of the strongest people in the world thousands of years ago. The king who defies heaven!"

Tujianmi:"Think about it... you By merging his memories, not only did he have an extra pair of parents! He also had a lot of awesome relatives, friends and comrades, and his connections instantly spread all over the world.……"

Tsuchima Mi:"The most important thing is that you have the memory of a heaven-defying king! If you want to cultivate to that state in the future, it will be easy!"

Ye Hei:"……"

Why do you think this sentence sounds familiar? Ye Hei fell into deep thought.

Tsuchima Mi:"Ye Hei: I have a future body, and Chen Nan also has a past body!"

Sakata Gintoki:"Ye Hei, Chen Nan: I have become stronger so fast! It all depends on myself. (Manually funny. jpg)"

Sakuragi Hana said:"God damn it

, I rely on myself." Kosaka Kyosuke:"But this does make sense. (I was speechless for a moment.jpg)"

Tony is not the richest man:"Really Yes...it's so outstanding."

Yuan Dagu:"Actually, it's useless for us to discuss so much...isn't it Chen Nan who made the final decision?"

Yuan Dagu was noncommittal.

Yuan Dagu:"Chen Nan doesn't want to fuse the memory crystals! Who can force him to do it?"

Kosaka Kyosuke:"Dugu God fully agrees with this. (Manual funny.jpg)"

Kurosaki Ichigo:"How cool. , This is really sexy."

Kurosaki Ichigo sighed from the bottom of his heart.

Doctor Luo Man:"Press your head and let you forcibly fuse the memory crystals!"

Master Dugu:"……No matter how I think about it, there is no way I would do such a thing."

Dugu Great God sighed faintly.

When Xiao Bai was going to be reincarnated, he agreed and was mentally prepared... In this case, he will not force the current Chen Nan in order to forcefully restore Xiao Bai..This is not in line with his character!

Whitebeard Dad:"That's right."

White Beard Dad:"@玉小gang. Master, gula la la, how is the situation over there lately?"

Xigong whistle:"!!!!"

Kousaka Kyosuke:"Yes... I just said that I feel like I have forgotten something. It turns out that I was only focusing on fighting spirit and covering the sky with one hand, and forgot to ask, how is the development of the master's side?……"

Yu Xiaogang:"……I recently collected people in my world who were born with weak martial souls, and then taught them new cultivation methods. Now, a side mission has been started! Completed some phased tasks in the branch line and gained a lot of points."

Yu Xiaogang pushed up his glasses, and then continued to speak.

Yu Xiaogang:"I used these points to practice, and now my strength is quite good! At least getting a title Douluo won't be a problem."

Chika Fujiwara:"?!??"

Holy Lord:"……"

Izumi Sagiri:"May I ask...which training system in the union do you practice?"

Izumi Sagiri took a slight breath.

Yu Xiaogang:"Of course it is a system that covers the world with one hand!"

Doctor Luo Man:"……I see."

After a brief silence, Dr. Roman nodded clearly.

The power system that covers the world with one hand is terrifyingly high, and with the help of points... It would be strange if you still can't defeat a Titled Douluo after practicing for a while.

Tony Not the richest man:"Wait a moment! If a power system that covers the sky with one hand completely spreads in your world... I doubt that the martial soul system will be completely rejected in the end, right?"

Tony Stark's mouth twitched, mainly because the upper limit of the power system between the Wuhun world and the One Hand World is too far apart.

Yu Xiaogang:"Please relax, I am promoting the cultivation method of the fighting spirit world next door."

Yu Xiaogang pushed up his glasses.

Sakata Gintoki:"That's it."

Sakata Gintoki:"……"

Yukinoshita Yukino:"The fighting spirit is also stronger than the martial spirit... However, the situation is within the control range after all. After all, the difference in the upper limit is here."

Yukinoshita Yukino:"It is basically certain that the future Yu Xiaogang will become He is the well-deserved number one master in the world of martial arts! And as long as he maintains his original intention, the world will naturally rotate with his consciousness."

Gudazi:"When I, Yu Xiaogang, attained enlightenment, I went to heaven and fought bloody battles among the gods. Day! (Funny.jpg)"

Aisaka Taihe:"So... at that time, Mr. Yu Xiaogang, could he really beat the gods in heaven?"

Aisaka Taihe's face showed some worry. After all, Su Han did not publish a chapter about the God Realm, and the union members knew nothing about the God Realm.

Su Xiaoxiao:"Don't worry, there's no problem."

Gudazi:"Hey! Has the topic gone so far?"

Sakata Gintoki:"The union members are becoming more and more skilled at pretending now.……"

Yukinoshita Yukino:"……"

Edogawa Conan:"Speaking of pretentiousness, the first thing that comes to mind is the version boss, right?"

Conan looked a little emotional.


Sakamoto looked calm and elegant on the surface, but the corners of his mouth still twitched slightly.

Are you afraid you're kidding him?

He hasn't been doing much in the guild recently, so why has this become his problem?

Sirzechs:"Conan-kun, this has nothing to do with Sakamoto, does it? (You must speak with your conscience.jpg)"

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