Cao Guanzi:"In the snow... Legend of the Fierce Sword?"

Cao Guanzi fell into deep thought.

Prince Liang:"This name... is wonderful!"

Prince Xu thought about it for a moment and immediately fell in love with it. He felt that this name was very suitable for him.

Prince Liang:"By the way, is this a book? Speaking of which, how do you read it?"

Yuan Dagu:"You can just click on it and you should be able to read it."

Prince Liang:"Then I'll do it first Watched! Everyone, take your leave."


Yukinoshita Yukino:"……"

Aisaka Taiga:"……"

Sakata Gintoki:"I always feel like... he just used the text memory copy as a book?"

Sakata Gintoki looked a little subtle and rubbed his chin.

Cao Guanzi:"Please forgive me, this is not a book...then what is it?"

Although Cao Guanzi was also attracted by the name, he had strong restraint ability and did not click on it immediately. Staring at the guild chat room with burning eyes.

Gudazi:"How should I say it?"

Gudazi thought for a moment and then spoke directly.

Gudazi:"It should be said that it is your... past and future, right?"

Cao Guanzi:"……What?"

Even though Cao Guanzi had been mentally prepared before, knowing that what came out of this guild might be very complicated... But he was still shocked at this moment, and his heart was shaken to a point that could not be described in words.

Think for a moment After that, Cao Guanzi spoke quickly.

Cao Guanzi:"Is it some kind of divine algorithm? The supreme secret of Taoism."

Ryugu Reina:"……Although I don’t know the secrets of your world and what the secret algorithm is... but the memory copy is definitely beyond your imagination!"

Whitebeard dad:" Gu la la la, predict the future? I have been able to do this type of thing a long time ago with the perfect level of knowledge and color. But the future I predicted was too one-sided... I only learned what I wanted to know."

Whitebeard's eyes were a little distant.

Whitebeard's father said:"This is fundamentally different from the very complete future story described in the memory copy... Yuan Dagu:"


Madoka nodded in agreement.

Kousaka Kyosuke:"Even if you don't have the idea of ​​​​understanding the future and simply read them as stories, you must admit that... these memory copies are rare and excellent works."

Prince Liang:"????"

Prince Liang:"What...what is going on? Why do I see myself appearing in this memory copy?"

Prince Xu retreated directly from the memory copy at this moment. The shock in his heart cannot be described in words...

Yukinoshita Yukino:"We have explained this before, I suggest you read it."

Prince Liang:"????"

Cao Guanzi:"Is that so? I understand."

Although Cao Guanzi still had countless doubts in his heart, he did not continue to ask. Instead, he clicked on Legend of the Snow Sword in his mind, immersed himself in it, and quietly Go watch.

Soon, other people in the guild went to watch the memory copy. The guild suddenly became quiet.

Su Han stared at the guild with interest. He glanced at the list of guild members, suddenly thought of something, and spoke straightforwardly.

Su Xiaoxiao:"Speaking of which...Fahai and Bai Suzhen, how is the situation over there lately? @法海.@白素贞." Fahai:


Fahai:"Excuse me, President, for bothering me. Bai Suzhen I don't know... but my life has been very satisfactory recently."

Fa Hai looked calm and calm.

Fahai:"Walking in the world and experiencing many hardships...I feel that my cultivation is improving every day and night."

Fahai:"Of course...putting aside the improvement in strength, my biggest gain is still knowing I have experienced the hard work of the people! I have tasted the ups and downs."

Fa Hai:"I have decided to use my life to help them."

Tokisaki Kurumi:"……"

Kaitou Kidd:"Why do you always feel that these words... are slightly familiar?"

Koro-sensei:"Are you also a revolutionary?"

Koro-sensei's tentacles flew wildly, and he complained crazily in the guild.

Koro-sensei:"If you want to make a revolution, what kind of Buddhism do you need to learn? Hurry and become your teacher from Dorag next door. He will start from scratch and teach you how to rebel?"


Fahai:"I know the suffering of the people... Is there any necessary connection between this and my rebellion?"

Fahai was completely confused. There is something wrong with this situation.

Tu Shan Honghong:"Does this need to be said? Of course, it is to overthrow the current decadent regime and then establish a more advanced regime. Introduce advanced technology and greatly increase productivity... This way of development for a period of time, the world Everyone has something to eat."

Bai Suzhen:"……"

Bai Suzhen:"With all due respect, do you really think Fahai, a monk... can do such a thing?"

Bai Suzhen is not like Fahai, who devotes himself to ascetic cultivation. Instead, I added a lot of friends to the guild and chatted with them privately every day.

It is precisely because of this that compared to the confused Fahai, Bai Suzhen fully understood the meaning of these members of the guild.

Bai Suzhen:"And when it comes to letting people live a better life... I also have certain ideas."

Hijikata Jushiro:"Does it mean... Miss Bai Suzhen is going to do this herself?"

Hijikata Jushiro was a little surprised.

Fallen Angel Twelve Winged Black Cat Clan:"……It's impossible, Miss Bai Suzhen is a white snake after all! Even if her cultivation is unparalleled in heaven and earth, it is still impossible to become the Human Emperor."


After a brief silence, Fahai said the Buddha's name and his expression became determined.

Fa Hai:"Bai Suzhen became the Human Emperor... The poor monk was the first to disapprove of such a thing! If Bai Suzhen wants to forcefully ascend the throne, then please step on the poor monk's body first."

Taoist master Zhang Sanfeng:"……Actually, I also think a monster becomes the Emperor of Humanity! It always feels weird. It’s better for the humans to resolve matters concerning the human race themselves!"

Bai Suzhen:"……When did I reveal that I wanted to become the Human Emperor?"

Bai Suzhen reacted, and she was quite dumbfounded.

Bai Suzhen:"I'm talking about the issue of improving productivity.……"

Bai Suzhen:"I have modified a lot of spells recently. Some of these spells can be used to control the wind and rain, some can quickly harvest mature rice, and some can greatly shorten the length of rice, and there are all kinds of other spells. Ripening time of fruits and vegetables……"

Bai Suzhen:"I think even if you don't rely on that kind of technology! Simply relying on magic can also achieve productivity improvements."

The guild fell into a brief silence, and then there was an uproar. Countless pieces of information were flushed out.

Fallen Angel Twelve Winged Black Cat Clan:"!!!!"

Tony is not the richest man:"????"

Yuan Dagu:"Fuck……"

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