Xiaozhi:"Yeah... you should consider the reality more or less."

Xiaozhi let out a long sigh.

Xiaozhi:"If it's Arceus in a full slate state, I might not be able to beat it if I bring all the Pokémon I have on hand."

Xiaozhi:"There's really no way to beat him!" All the abilities that Fang possesses, no matter how powerful they are... cannot cause fatal harm to him."

Xiaozhi had a bitter look on his face.

Of course, although Xiaozhi complained in the guild, in reality, he was still giving various instructions...

He ordered various ordinary Pokémon in an orderly manner, either as the main attacker or as the main auxiliary... to move the opponent The dark Ultraman is playing around.

Ernesti:"Arzeus is immune to Pokmon skills... From another perspective, is it not the abilities of the Pokmon world that can harm Arceus?"

Ernesti rubbed his chin. , thoughtfully.

Ainz Ooal Gown:"I understand.……" flyAn idea struck and I suddenly understood something.

Ainz Ooal Gown:"Ash, go ahead! Strengthen your weapon color, and then use your full power to hit Arceus with a straight uppercut!!"


Xiaozhi's expression gradually stiffened, what the hell is this?

Edogawa Conan:"Six six six six."

Kaitou Kidd:"It's over, it's over... When you say that, what should I do if I just imagined that scene?"

Kaitou Kid covered his face.

Tony is not the richest man:"Extremely graphic.jpg"

Yako Busujima:"I'm just curious now...how long will it take for this battle to end?"

Edogawa Conan:"It's on the verge of ending now."

Conan straightened his red tie, stared at the guild live broadcast with his eyes closed, and spoke in the guild.

Edogawa Conan:"After staying in the guild for such a long time, Yuan Dagu and Fengyuan are generally stronger than the dark Ultraman opposite them!"

Edogawa Conan:"A single mythical beast versus dark Ultraman, It's quite a bit different...but Xiaozhi released too many mythical beasts. There are also ordinary Pokémon that are not inferior to the mythical beasts to assist."

Edogawa Conan:"Not to mention, finally there is Kirishima Dong Ms. Xiang joins."

Kosaka Kyosuke:"Actually...if the battle situation is really overwhelmingly unfavorable, the president may have to summon his own Hyakki."


Horaishan Kaguya:"I was speechless for a moment.jpg"

Kuroyukihime:"This is really beautiful."

Gui Yanye:"Poor time traveler! Let us silently light a candle for him Candles."

The Yondaime Hokage:"The betting is open... I bet that the battle can be resolved within 10 minutes."

Let the world feel the pain:"I decided to bet the opposite with you."

The Yondaime Hokage:"10 minutes Outside?"

Namikaze Minato's eyes lit up instantly.

Let the world feel the pain:"No...I bet within 5 minutes."

The Fourth Hokage:"?????"

What kind of opposite is this?!

Xiaozhi:"If you really want to bet... I can bet within ten minutes! But you have to tell me first, what exactly is the bet?" A shy smile appeared on Xiaozhi's face.

Zero Louise:"……"

Night fight:"……"

The Fourth Hokage:"……"

The Fourth Hokage:"The contestants are betting hard. I'm afraid you're going to fake the match!"

Minato Namikaze rolled his eyes.

Xiaozhi:"Then there is no other way."

Xiaozhi sighed and his expression became determined.

Xiaozhi:"In that case, then... let's go all out."

Beria let out a cry, and his body was completely shattered by the continuous destruction and death. Completely reached the end of life.

It's not that Beria isn't strong, it's that there are too many divine beasts facing him, and Kirishima Touka is secretly attacking him, so he can't hold them back.

Tiga and Leo almost subconsciously joined forces and burst out a brilliant brilliance, bombarding Gacy's body. He also exploded with a bang.

The death of these two dark Ultramen was like triggering a domino effect, deciding the final outcome of the battle... The remaining two Ultramen died before they could last long... and they were still fighting. After the curtain came down, a clear voice sounded in the ears of all the guild members present.

"Ding! The guild mission has been completed! Guild president Su Xiaoxiao received 20,000 points! Mikasa received five thousand points. Levi received five thousand points. Kirishima Touka received 50,000 points. Xiaozhi received 50,000 points. Fengyuan received 60,000 points. Yuan Dagu received 60,000 points."

Su Han raised his eyebrows and appeared at the place where Gacy Otman died. The system prompt sounded in his ears again.

"The system has been detected. Do you want to recycle it?"

"yes!"Su Han nodded, and the system prompt sounded.

"Ding! Congratulations on successfully earning 250,000 points."

After thinking for a while, Su Han sent the points to everyone in the council according to the share of points allocated by the previous guild.

The next moment, the mirror world was shattered, and everyone returned to the original world.

Levi looked into the distance, his expression suddenly He was stunned, because there was no one in the farmland in the distance at this moment.

After a brief silence, he sighed quietly,"This is really...unexpected and reasonable."

"There is nothing that can be done about this," Su Han said softly,"After all, your world has dealt with giants just a while ago... and you have no way to prove to ordinary people that there are no more giants on this land. You have proven the existence of giants... Of course, even if you prove it, they probably ran away even more when they saw that situation just now."

Levi nodded seriously after being silent for a long time,"You're right!"

Su Han looked at Kirishima Touka and said softly,"Do you need me to send you back?"

"No need. Kirishima Touka shook her head and said calmly,"Don't say you threw me in an unknown corner of the earth... Even if you throw me on Mars or Saturn... I can come back if I want, At best, it's a little troublesome."

I have been a member of the guild for such a long time. If you don't have this ability, that would be a real shame."

"How about... I throw you to Mars to fulfill your dream?"Su Han stared at Kirishima Touka with a smile.

Kirishima Touka's expression froze, staring at Su Han's cheek, and said helplessly,"President... you are really as sinister as ever."

Su Han smiled hoarsely and said nothing more. After consulting the opinions of other people present and learning that they also wanted to return, he immediately closed his eyes and clicked on the official return button.

A brilliant halo lingered around everyone's bodies, and when they waited The light dispersed and everyone disappeared.

"Then next……"Levi looked at Kirishima Touka.

Kirishima Touka nodded seriously,"Just take me around your world first... Then we can sign a trade agreement and let the forces at my disposal help your country as quickly as possible. developed"

"This couldn't be better."Levi breathed a sigh of relief.

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