Ichigo Kurosaki:"Do you want to laugh me to death and inherit the power of my Shinigami Quincy Hollow?"

I am a Marquis:"Humph...bastard."

Ichigo Kurosaki:"????"

Kurosaki Ichigo was stunned for a moment, and when he reacted, he became furious.

Kurosaki Ichigo:"Old Marquis...you've gone too far. I want to fight you to the death."

I am a Marquis:"Fight if you want, why are you talking so much nonsense?"

I am a Marquis:"Don't pick other times... …Just now, I’ll wait for you in the virtual battlefield."


Himura Kenshin:"????"

Kurosaki Ichigo:"……"

Edogawa Conan:"The old Marquis is in a bad mood now and wants to fight, so Kurosaki Ichigo just jumps out! This is exactly what the old Marquis wants."

Su Xiaoxiao:"Double Happiness.jpg"

Chenxiang:"Double...double happiness?!"

Chen Xiang was stunned.

Zhang Sanfeng, a real Taoist:"This is the first time I know...it turns out that this idiom can still be used in this way."

Zhang Sanfeng didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

Erlang Shen Yang Jian:"……"

Su Xiaoxiao:"Okay, don't think about it so much. Let's go to that world to participate in the mission first."

Aqua:"I'm waiting for you!"

Gudazi:"I have brought a few followers with me.! There are followers of gods and followers of ordinary heroes, whether that guy really has restraint on the gods or not. I have a way to deal with him!"


Xiao Zhizhizhu:"Do you think that because you have so many followers, you can do whatever you want?"

Shino Nobushi:"Yes, you guessed it right!"

Nakiri Erina:"It's so scary."

Kousaka Kyosuke:"Don't look at my appearance. I'm envious, actually... I'm really envious! (Manual funny.jpg)"

Erlang Shen Yang Jian:"I have no problem here either."

Seeing this, Su Han nodded slightly, then closed his eyes and clicked The task officially started. A brilliant light surrounded his body.

When the light dissipated, Su Han's figure also disappeared from where he was.


At the same time, in the integration world.

With joy on her face, Aqua spoke to Lista, Ryuguin Seiya and others beside her,"When the matter of world integration is resolved... I will take you to meet my friends. , I believe you will also like him very much"

"No... I don't want to see them, not at all."Lisidae spoke weakly. She thought of the group of sand sculpture protagonists who offered blessings to the beautiful world, and then thought about how she would have to get along with such a group of sand sculptures in the future... She felt like she was about to spit out a mouthful of old blood.

The Saint of the Dragon Palace Academy Although Zai is aloof, he is very reliable after all.

But the protagonist group of Wonderful World is a real cheat. After playing a whole season, they have not left the novice village. Can you believe this?

"Even if you are my best friend, you cannot say that."Aqua's cheeks suddenly bulged up.

A calm voice suddenly sounded from beside Aqua,"I think...as long as you don't cause more trouble for Listede, her attitude towards you will be better. Countless times"

"President?"Aqua jumped up from her position, very happy

"President, are you here?"Lisidai finally cheered up.

Seiya of the Ryugong Palace stared at Su Han closely, and then looked at Gu Dazi and Yang Jian behind Su Han. He sensed something, and his expression became solemn for a moment.

"Although the young man who could control the beasts from last time did not come...but the few people who came this time...were also not simple, extremely powerful people."

""Two goddesses," Gudazi said with a shy smile on his face,"Please give me your guidance for the next task."

"Yeah."Akuya came to Gudazi happily.

"She is indeed a mentally retarded goddess."Listeda looked at Aqua with regret. Who is that person? Chaos Evil. What's even more frightening is that she is also a God Killer now... Although guild members can't hurt each other, you don't care at all. , that’s enough

"Is this actually Aqua?"Su Han smiled hoarsely.

"That perfect adult appears again."Eluru's eyes were shining, staring at Su Han closely.

"I feel like the problem is big. Matthew took a deep breath and looked solemn,"Think about it first...when was the last time this adult showed up.""

Elulu's body paused, and then her expression changed drastically. She finally reacted... Will she encounter the same demonic trend as last time this time?

"By the way," Lisdadai heard the exchange between the two and reflected it. She stared at Su Han with a serious expression,"President, our enemy this time"

"That guy has already arrived in this world," Su Han opened the guild's live broadcast room with a smile. After thinking about it, he snapped his fingers again,"Let's do this... I'll just transfer that guy over."

With the next breath, there were waves in the void. Immediately, a huge figure suddenly broke away from the void and crashed to the ground.

The man was five meters tall, with his upper body naked, and his skin was engraved with dense patterns. Various runes. There is an extremely terrifying sense of oppression spreading around.

"Interesting... I ended up here out of nowhere! What is God’s special ability?"Li Siding narrowed his eyes.

While breathing, he locked eyes with Su Han and others,"There are three people who... have divine reactions on their bodies, which can be used as my food... Wait a minute! Li

Siding's expression finally changed,"Aqua, Lista, and Erlang Shen Yang Jian?" How can it be?!"

He recognized the identities of the three. But in his memory, these three gods all came from different worlds... No matter from which point of view, it is impossible to gather together.

"Are you the enemy?"Yang Jian grabbed his three-pointed knife with a serious expression.

"Forget it, don’t consider this issue anymore."Li Siding glanced at Gudazi again, obviously recognizing her true identity, but he forced all the doubts in his mind to disperse, raised his palm, and said in a low voice,"I'll deal with you first. , let’s talk about other things."

As his words fell, a sharp scream sounded, and several half-empty shadows suddenly sprang out from his hands.

The one at the front was a powerful god wrapped in terrifying thunder, tightly What followed was a terrifying existence like the sun

"It's... Zeus, the god-king of Greek mythology, and Ra, the sun god from Egypt."

As a god-slayer, Gudazi sensed something at the first moment, and his expression became extremely ugly,"He slaughtered the Western gods.

Without hesitation, Gudazi raised his wrist high,"In that case"

"So, come out, everyone... and deal with that enemy."

The brilliant light was rising, and many heroic spirits from Greece suddenly appeared.

Hercules, Achilles, Atalanta and others stood at the front with serious faces. The moment they arrived, they passed the command spell. Induction, I know what is going on at the scene.

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