After thinking for a moment, Horikita Suzune nodded in agreement.

Magical Girl Nanoha:"Well... I'm the only one who's curious, why haven't the guild members held a lottery this time?"

There was a hint of doubt in Nanoha's eyes.

Euclidean Wood:"……"

Ayumi Aikawa:"……"

Batman:"@道家真 张三峰. @ clark kent. Maybe it’s because no one has been around before."

Taoist real person Zhang Sanfeng:"……"

Clark Kent:"!!!!"

Fujiwara Sawei:"Isn't this too real? I was speechless for a moment."

Sakuragihua said:"Wait a minute, I am the president! Why did you forget about me, the president?"

Lu Lu Xiu:"Stop talking...Don't the sick old man and Ye Hei have human rights? Why is no one calling them?"

Le Lu Xiu looked very strange.

Batman:"I'm just a representative of Art. I don't mean to discriminate or target."

Batman said expressionlessly. After a brief pause, he continued.

Batman:"As for President Aite, I think it's more likely that the president will refuse directly."

Su Xiaoxiao:"!!!!"

A look of confusion appeared on Su Han's face. After thinking for a moment, he suddenly came up with an idea. After all, for him, the results are the same whether he smokes early or late. He is more casual and can smoke whenever he wants.……

"Ding! Guild president Su Xiaoxiao successfully drew the Six Paths of Reincarnation."

The guild fell into a brief silence, and then countless messages burst out.

Fujiwara Sawei:"????"

Sakuragi Hanamichi said:"Reincarnation... Six Paths? Which Reincarnation Six Paths?"

Sakuragi Hanamichi was a little confused.

Kirishima Touka:"Which other six paths of reincarnation could it be? It can only be the legendary one."

Kirishima Touka took a deep breath and then managed to calm down her mood, but there was still a little bit of worry in her eyes. Excited.

Kirishima Touka:"As expected of the president, he has incredible luck."

Sawada Tsunayoshi:"I always feel... what the president draws may be different from what we guessed."

After a brief reflection, Sawada Tsuna simply liked Su Han directly in the guild.

Sawada Tsunayoshi:"@苏小小. President, can you explain what you drew?"

Su Xiaoxiao:"……"

Su Han recalled the information in his mind and answered calmly in the union.

Su Xiaoxiao:"Actually, it's not a big deal... It's just that if I receive this thing, as long as I think... I can create six paths of reincarnation in our world. This will allow the soul to reincarnate and be reincarnated continuously!"

Su Xiaoxiao:"And I am the person in charge of this reincarnation organization."

Kinomoto Sakura:"!!!!"

Hijikata Jushiro:"Fuck!"


Jackie Chan didn't want to do archeology:"Control life and death...haven't you become the legendary Yama, the Son of Heaven? The ten palaces of Yama are all in one body."

A trace of envy appeared on Jackie Chan's face.

Fallen Angel Twelve Wings Black Cat:"But this thing is indeed meaningless to the Demon King."

Wu Geng Liuli curled his lips. If Su Han thought about it, he could do this kind of thing himself. After all, he is so versatile.

Ye Hei:"It would be great if I could get something that is meaningless to the president..."

Ye Hei smacked his lips and didn't say much.

"Ding! Ye Hei successfully obtained the Book of Life and Death of Yama"

"Ding! The sick old man successfully obtained the Supreme FaLun Reply Seal (quasi-immortal emperor method)"

"Ding! Taoist real person Zhang Sanfeng successfully obtained the Godhead of Taishan Prefecture Lord."

Tony is not the richest man:"……"



A series of lottery draws confused everyone in the guild.

Whitebeard's father:"The Book of Life and Death of Yama? What is this?"

Liu Peiqiang:"It's an artifact from the underworld of Yanhuang mythology, right? It's said to be able to control life and death."

Whitebeard's father:"Who is written in it and who dies?"

Whitebeard's expression Getting weird, he rubbed his chin.

Whitebeard dad:"Isn't this the Yanhuang version of Death Note?"

Kousaka Kyosuke:"!!!!"

Sakata Gintoki:"……"

Wall-facer Luo Ji:"No, no... Master, you've guessed wrong like this."

Luo Ji's face showed a mixture of laughter and tears.

Wall-facer Luo Ji:"The Death Note writes about who dies, but the life and death of Yama not only allows people to die, but also allows people to continue to live."

Tu Shan Honghong:"!!!!"

Natsume:"It's too strong... The power to control life and death is now in Ye Hei's hands."

Himura Kenshin:"Ye Hei looked in the direction of the Overlord Ancestral Star, revealing that everything was unspeakable. The smile."

Horikita Suzune:"When I woke up one day, all the ancestors of the Overlord died on the spot... The Overlord family was extremely shocked, so they traveled thousands of miles to find a famous detective boy named Edogawa Conan to investigate him. Solve the case."

Edogawa Conan:"????"

Kaitou Kidd:"Pfft, hahahaha, this is too much of a show! It makes my scalp numb."

Tony is not the richest man:"The image suddenly came out. (face covering.jpg)"

Ye Hei:"……It’s not that exaggerated. There are many prerequisites for using the Book of Life and Death."

When he drew it at first, Ye Hei still felt his heart throbbing, but after he finished processing the information from the guild in his mind, he smiled bitterly.

Ye Hei:"To use the simplest analogy, I am now in the process of knowing the name. Under such circumstances, a being at the first level of Immortal Stage can be killed."

Batman:"……The prerequisite is that you need to know your name?"

Batman nodded thoughtfully.

Ye Hei:"Not only must be something I can handle. For example, if I fight with this master of the first level of Sendai, I can kill him myself, so I can also erase him through the book of life and death."

Hei:"Of course...if I really fight with him, I might win and end up half-disabled. But using the Book of Life and Death will only drain the energy from my body."……"

Tsuchima Mi:"In other words, you can't kill enemies beyond the level?"

Ye Hei:"That's not the case... For example, if I kill a Tao-slayer king in his peak period, it won't be a problem. But the energy in my body It’s definitely not enough, so my life energy will undoubtedly be extracted next.……"

Fujiwara Sae:"!!!!"

Aqua:"It sounds amazing...but when you think about it

, it's just like that." Aqua curled her lips and didn't think this was a big deal.

Lihua played:"……"

Sakuragi Hanamichi:"!!!!"

Kuroko Tetsuya:"All I can say you deserve to be Aqua?"

Kuroko Tetsuya twitched the corner of his mouth several times, with a hint of helplessness on his face, and finally spoke in the guild.

Kuroko Tetsuya:"Let me use an analogy. If Ye Hei now achieves the Great Holy Body, he can hide somewhere... use the book of life and death to play dirty tricks. In the end, he will kill all the supreme beings in the forbidden area!"

Ah Kuya:"!!!!"

Aqua reacted belatedly, and her expression changed drastically.

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